Mike Gianaris and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
April 3, 2019 Staff Report
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and State Senator Michael Gianaris will be joining forces Saturday to meet constituents at the Woodside Library.
The event, dubbed “Mobile District Office Hours,” is an effort by the legislators to address the needs and concerns residents may have outside of their district offices.
“I am excited to launch this effort to reinvent the concept of mobile office hours and put the resources of my district office where the public can best access them,” Gianaris said in a press release.
Gianaris’ senate district and Ocasio-Cortez’ congressional district have some overlap–with both representing Sunnyside, Woodside and a portion of Astoria.
The pair were both outspoken critics of Amazon and the company’s shelved plan to establish a campus in Long Island City.
The event will take place on April 6 from 2:30-4:30 pm at the Woodside Library, located at 54-22 Skillman Ave.
What were you, the mop boy?
Gerryatric was this meant as a reply to someone? Maybe ask your grandson to help you use the computer.
The AOC & Gianaris Event went Really Well!
There were lots of Supporters, so many more than the Time Allotted. But they made sure to take Pictures with everyone before they left!!
There was just a very small incident; Where two Trumptards, had that Disgusting Red Mega Hat, yelling Trump 2020. Well, the Crowd had some “Choice” words for the two Retard Haters! Lol…
And whom ever wants to Fact Check AOC’s background, please do so! For those Geniuses who are “Not Familiar” with Wikipedia, you can start there!!
If some young person States they’re “Progessive” ie: “Democratic Socialist” with their Values, then they’re Negatively Labelled “Communist” ??
Fear Mongers… Haters will be Haters!!
Listen everyone, especially the Young People,
Organize, Campaign & Vote!
Let’s get these Corrupt, Greedy Old Dinosaurs out of D.C., our Communities & Finally our Lives!!!
Let’s Roll with the New!!!
I would suggest you look up the usage and history of the word “retard” as a noun , then stop using it.
How much did the socialist pay you to write this ? Insult trump voters and you will elect him again #trump2020
“people are being paid to make comments on the comments section of a local news site” lol k
Like a true progressive aka communist always crying when not everybody agrees with you.
How much do you receive as a promoter of anti-Americanism?
You don’t seriously believe this, do you?
If you do, please share some of your evidence for this plot against America.
All of these AOC and Gianaris supporting comments sound so parroted that I would make a bet that they are from the staff members from AOC or Gianaris. I noticed a lot of copy and paste in other places. Extremely sad and pathetic. I would gladly change my tune at the polls if either one of them can fix the MTA and investigate Debalsio’s corrupt homeless hotels but I doubt it.
All these anti van bramer 25000 jobs comments must be from the same 6 Trumptards
The Amazon deal was brokered by deBlasio & Cuomo. I am no fan of Trump but he had nothing to do with this deal either way. Please stop trying to change the narrative to paint those in favor of the Amazon deal as Trump supporters.
Long live the revolution. LOL.
AOC is a racist. She faked a southern accent infront of black people. How racist can you get? Sorry Puerto Ricans don’t get a free pass to insult African Americans. She is bought and paid for by George Soros. She works for the elite and their agenda, not yours.
The “George Soros paid for this,” is a well known anti-semitic trope. To use that in the same comment claiming someone is racist is very rich indeed.
Lol, I’m Jewish and what does the nationality or religion of George Soros have to do with Alexandria Ocasio cortéz being a racist?
These folks say it better than I do. Please have a look if you doubt it. Maybe the original poster is unaware of this but maybe not.
Conspiracy theories about Soros aren’t just false. They’re anti-Semitic …
‘Dripping with poison of antisemitism’: the demonization of George Soros
Viktor Orbán Is Exploiting Anti-Semitism
Hey John you hit the nail on the head.
Hey John,
It’s ok if you don’t like her. Not everyone can!
But do yourself a Favor and Comment Fairly & Factually!!
AOC has never met George Soros?? So, what payment are you talking about???
And AL Sharpton Recognizes Young Talent; he didn’t have a Problem with her Accent?
So, why do you?? AL Sharpton is Not a Person to hold back his Words, so if he thought she was being “Racist” towards African Americans, he Surly would have said something immediately &
Really LOUD!!
Disparaging comments about AOC Being “Racist”, is a Reflection of you!!
Fear Mongering & Hatred, only Separates our Country. And totally Furthers her Cause…
Organize, Campaign & Vote!!!
It’s funny a lot the people complaining about the Amazon deal are probably not millennials or gen Z. You do know that if Amazon did stay those jobs would not be going to you. Tech jobs tend to want younger talent with tech skills. Which in turn means many people coming from other states to move into Queens to work for Amazon. You think those jobs were for New Yorkers lol. Look at silicon valley most of those people did not grow up their they moved their. Sunnyside is already gentrifying Amazon would only speed that up and we would have more angry baby boomers complaining about avacado toast.
Right on Brother!
You Speak the Truth!!
Amazon: The Giant Corpration getting billions in Tax Brakes!?
I love how this article triggered the Sunnyside faction of the Trumptard gang
AOC is Not a Communist, she’s a Democratic Socialist, what a shame you all don’t know the Difference; she wants to Change Policy, Similar to Bernie Sanders, who is one of the Few Democrats with Decency and Morals! She wants to Level the Playing Field for Average People. She’s Advocates for us, unlike those Greedy Old Dinosaurs in D.C. ; Who Lust for Power!!
And she was Born in the Bronx!
Get your Facts Straight, Anonymous Einstein!
And whom ever thinks they’re going to Throw Eggs & Tomatos; Think again, Three levels of Security will be Present, to get your Dumb Ass Arrested!
What a Shame there’s So Much Hate in Our Community & in this Country!!!
Democratic socialism and communism are one in the same. Top heavy governments with corruption and control all across every spectrum of society. Her policies are to tax the middle class and the rich at over 50% so that everyone is poor with no opportunities for advancement. Her policies are economy killers. Just look at China Russia Venezuela and Cuba as examples of what AOC plans to do to NYC, which is almost broke, and to America. 80% of the people in those countries live on a few dollars per day. That is what her policies will do here.
China is almost broke?
Nyc is almost broke. Read.
> Democratic socialism and communism are one in the same
That is false. Are most Trumptards as clueless as you?
I think you should read.
That far-right article from 20 years ago confirms that Democratic socialism and communism are one in the same.
Thanks for providing more evidence to prove yourself wrong
It’s common sense. History is a teacher. Every atrocity in modern history has been executed under a socialist government. That is a fact.
McCarthyism was the 50s, catch up
The formerly “Conservative” GOP is now run entirely by authoritarians with a literal con man at their head, and you’re talking about other forms of governments being top heavy and corrupt? Ok then.
There’s really no point explaining what this country was like back when we had an even higher marginal tax rate (with Republican Presidents) than what she’s asking for, is there?
If you want to be taxed at a minimum of 50% then by all means continue to vote socialist. Once they have full control america will have no middle class. They will tax the middle class into oblivion. Your children will have no opportunities to live the American dream and will have to survive on dollars per day just like the majority of the world does. Good luck with that. And your children can thank you for that.
You started with a lie and built all of your following claims based off of it, thus proving my point about it being pointless to talk about the actual, easily verifiable history of higher marginal tax rates.
However, even if it was true (again, it’s not) you can be against socialism without selling your soul to an authoritarian con man. Lots of other options to choose from. For example, the GOP before they gave up Conservatism for Authoritarianism.
She was raised in Westchester
Get your facts straight
She is privileged and a fraud who wants to tax you to death
That sanders is another phony
So all raised in Westchester are privileged AND frauds???
I like how Trumptards voted for the celebrity billionaire that lives in a golden tower with his name on it, AND pretend to not like the “privileged” lmao
and what would that make Donnie despot? King of the Phonies. You would have fit in well @ Jonestown, Tootie.
Do you remember what communist Soviet Union was called? Union of Soviet SOCIALISTS Republics
Do you remember what communist East Germany was called? The German DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.
Do you know what dictatorship North Korea is called? The DEMOCRATIC People’s REPUBLIC of Korea.
Do you know what the country that was neither holy, Roman, nor an empire was called? The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.
Shucks, I almost forgot:
Do you remember what communist Soviet Union was called? United Soviet Socialist REPUBLIC(ans)
Do you remember what Saddam Hussein’s personal troops were called? The REPUBLICAN guard.
I mean, that’s how we’re defining things here, right Mr. Suave?
I truly wonder how the conservative idiots on here balance their hatred for these “job killers” (lol) with their boners for AOC. There’s a thin line between love & hate, my friends!
Not you, you big tough internet warrior.
Oh the Poor Dumb White Working class is whining again. Boo Hoo! You are a dwindling lot in this neighborhood good riddance to you and your Racist BS.
You are the racist.
Sir Walter Raleigh, you accuse people that have long lived in this neighborhood of racism. Is it lost on you who “Sir Walter Raleigh “ historically was? The man was a degenerate lowlife, proudly guilty of what is now known as ethnic cleansing in both Ireland and colonial North America, yet you cast people as racist. Why not change your handle to Milosevic, or Himmler same difference, different victims.
? Race Card Alert ?
There is always one idiot that will drag race into every conversation.
When all else fails, pull out the race card Sir Walter Raleigh!!!
Love her. Going to try and make it!
Two job killers these two. The only jobs they created are the security they will need.
Shameless Inc.
Good one Gerryatric!
too cheap to find real rental space
I want to kick their butts.
Let’s go Mets.
The two geniuses at work! Vote for them and screw the ‘hood.
You want to get arrested.
Let’s go jail!
That ought to be some crowd ?. Their “supporters”….. the lowest common denominator and all of us who despise these jerks for denying NYC the economic properity and development Amazon would have brought us all.
“the economic properity and development Amazon would have brought us all.” Please tell us what exactly you think Amazon would have brought YOU or the people who live in Sunnyside, other than being priced out? Of course Amazon would have brought in more development… and that new development wouldn’t include you.
Who will be there throwing rotten tomatoes and eggs at O-C?
I think she’s great and know she’ll be around for a long time. Pay attention to her; she consistently says things that are smart and well thought out. I’m glad she’s our representative. Too bad I have to work on Saturday!
Wake Up
#cowfarts and work is ending in 12 years – you are right – she is brilliant!!! Ha
I’ll be there to express my disappointment at what they did about the Amazon deal.
No you won’t. Homeless fault.
You should join them tard and make it a triple loss.
Good name-calling Large Jim
Not a big space so leave your staffers at home and reserve seats for the elderly.
Nothing more than a PR stunt by these two,theyve seen what happened Invisible Joe.
Hopefully, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez will address the status of the $6.5 million dollar “massive redesign” of the Woodside Library Jimmy Van Bramer announced with Joe Crowley one week before last June’s Democratic Party primary election for her Congressional seat.
this library is full of asbestos that was never never cleaned properly it was done so very fast – the “DEP” was suppose to do this properly but they did not – a disgrace and where is JVB on this matter.
No kids will be on best behavior or get evicted .. People should come with real questions and expect real answers from these people we elected, and who are supposed to be representing us and not just have their own political ageanda
Pretty stupid. I want to come with fake questions and get fake answers!
Mike Gianaris the Job Killer! He’s toast!
Burnt toast.
French toast
What a jerk you are Gianaris. You will pay at the ballot box next election cycle for killing the AMAZON deal. The progressive front together. At least AOC is real, a Puerto Rican from the BX and woman who can relate to the what is really going on. You went to then projects to collect signatures against Amazon, now you have NYCHA housing residents in LIC, Queensboro houses pissed at you, you do not speak for them they wanted Amazon to come to LIC. Gianaris is as slimy as it gets, a money grubber. What happened to Jimmay Van Bamer not invited? JVB being shunned, he’s like a bad omen, a rotten egg, no one wants to be associated with him, no one wants to get near him, with his his rotten teeth and bad breath.
sorry to bust your bubble but she is NOT and I mean NOT from the Bronx so get your facts straight she is just as slimy as the others – she is a thief also – look it up what she just did.
“look it up what she just did” Yea sure, let’s listen to the person who can barely string a proper sentence in English together.
I can string many sentences together – why don’t you read up on AOC and see how much trouble she is in where is all the money her and her boyfriend too, etc.
She’s real because she’s a Puerto Rican from the Bronx. What a stupid bigoted statement! Are Puerto Ricans from the Bronx more real than anyone else? Nonsense. Puerto Rican’s aren’t more real or cool than anyone else.
Let’s all sing la Borinquena, Viva Puerto Rico Libre! And she’s the darling of the Democratic party. P.S. her mom left Yorktown Heights in Westchester sold the house got good money for it and moved to central Florida where her new property taxes are less then $1000 a year .
Jobkillers reunited and it feels so good!!
Great to see the dynamic duo from hell back together again, can’t wait to see what they try to destroy next! Hope JVB makes a surprise appearance so all 3 of them can answer to why they ran 25,000 – 40,000 jobs out.
JVB made a commitment to be at Sunnyside Library April 4 no cajones never showed.
Job killers? Please tell me what job YOU specifically were hoping to land. I would love to hear all about it.
Christ, I hope they bring security because some of the raving nuts that comment on here can’t wait to sink their teeth into them.
The only raving nuts are the two idiot guests of honor.
Hmm. Take a look at the next commenter on who proposes tarring and feathering as a “more civil” way of conducting ourselves and you may want to revise your opinion.
How dare they suffer the angry wrath of their betrayed constituents! In a more civil era, they’d be tarred and feathered and run out of town.
Aaaand you just made my point.
Mob violence appears to be your answer for political disagreements.
Take a look, it’s in a book, a Reading Rainbow!
Dude, I looooove your handle!
Great two communist losers coming to explain why they shouldn’t raise taxes, give themselves raises for doing nothing except finding a way to kill 40,000 jobs + billions in revenues ?
She’s a democratic socialist, not a communist. Like most Trumptards you’re probably too stupid to know the difference.
The trendy thing now is to attack socialists, not communists, that was McCarthyism in the 50s, get with the times.
He he he. Great. Kids will be running amok banging up and down the stairs relentlessly! Deal with the library first!
I would suggest that anyone with an IT background that is unemployed show up with their resume and tell these two morons where to shove said resumes.
Someone with IT background would not probably be unemployed. Amazontards maybe.
And that has to do with my comment regarding the LOUDNESS of the library how???
Don’t know, I didn’t try to post as a reply but as a new comment. My bad or a glitch, not intended as a reply to you Princess. Mea culpa.
No worries.