Suspect (NYPD)
April 5, 2017 Staff Report
Police are searching for three men who allegedly stole more than $4,000 from a Sunnyside/Woodside home last month.
The three men reportedly forced open the door to a 60-year-old woman’s home near 47th Street and 50th Avenue around 9:30 a.m. on March 28, according to police. Once inside, they stole about $4,000 cash as well as jewelry and electronics before fleeing north on 47th Street.
One suspect is described as an Asian or Pacific Islander man with a beard who was last seen wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and a black jacket. The other two suspects are just described as male.
Police have released a photo of the first suspect and anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).
Sunnyside has gone downhill the past 2 years. Have been living here for 12 years.
Thanks to lack of proper foot patrol in the area. It has gone down in quality that’s for sure, but I wouldn’t call it downhill. It just needs better oversight and more people who care instead of just “passing by”.
and JVB to have more input in the neighborhood where he lives — but apparently he could care less –
It wasn’t burglars, twas el loco that stole the cash.
Middle Village is now how Sunnyside used to be 5 years ago. Clean, well priced, friendly. I hope it doesn’t become what Sunnyside is today;You are very close minded to think that moving 2 miles in, for better housing, cleanliness and more green is in the Middle of nowhere.
Hopey: Your post is dopey. Maybe people aren’t friendly to you now is because you showed them who you really are.
I’m no good at these computers I keep hitting buttons and I don’t know what’s going on anyways Sunnyside is behind me and my life
and by the way no one misses me because I smell like poo poo.
Why do I keep coming back to this blog by the way I don’t miss nunny side even though I read the blog
I keep coming back because I own properties in sunnyside that I rent so I want to see how my investement ,s going. Luckily and thanks to you is going great! Rents keep rising.
How old are you? 5?
your 5
Are you still here, again, you must be a realtor or someone who has places to sell in middle village. Go away, take your fake comments with you.
Why? Because I disagree with you? I can have my opinion and If you don’t like it, I guess one of us will have to leave and it is not going to be me. It also seem that you are a newcomer in the neiborhood and you know nothing about it. I lived here for over 30 years and I saw sunnyside come and go and I can guarantee you that where is headed you might not like.
That guy is a comanche west Guyanese indian/Trini who are you fooling. These serpents roam all over Brooklyn and especially in Queens especially Jamaica and Elmhurst. They don’t work all they do is grub off their parents and make believe they are a big deal by driving new leased cars and calling it a night back at their parents home with like 5 bodys per a room to sleep in. Crazy!
Moving to Middle Village was the best thing I did!
Sunnyside has been changing into an area that I don’t want to be a part of.
Middle Village= Middle of no where
How close minded are you to think that moving further in 2 miles for greener, cleaner, less expensive housing is in the middle of nowhere? Do we all need to be on top of each other? It takes me an extra 15 min to get to midtown. Ohhh noooooo the world in ending!!!! 15 whole minutes.
You are correct Sunnyside is very expensive especially the gardens and people do seek cheaper housing in the 2 fair zone areas. it’s sad though that the xpats keep reading the Sunnyside Post just to look for something negative to post about sunnyside..im sure there is a clinical name for such an illness
We are here to post opinions. I am not going to apologize for not having the same opinion that you do. If you think posting a negative opinion about sth is and an illness then you should go hang out with Trump. He has the same concept about things.
Middle Village is called Middle Village because it’s the half way point between Jamaica and Williamsburg.
Are you still here, again, you must be a realtor or someone who has places to sell in middle village. Go away, take your fake comments with you.
Funny. Every time certain ethical group from certain area of Asia commit a crime, the media will call them ‘Asian or Pacific Islanders’. For example, the terrorist attack in London was committed by ‘Asian’. However, every time certain ethical group claim they were treated unfairly, they call themselves are victims of ‘****phobia’ – anything except for ‘asianphobia’.
Asian? Pacific Islander? Are they trying to say “West Indies”?
obviously this mans wearing makup to make himself look completely different, must be south korean, those guys are crazy about makeup
Smh Snitching on my friend
He lives across the street from the giant sunnyside sign. Always seen near 47th Ave and 39th PL near the chinese food spot and laundromat. Hangs out at Thomas P. Noonan playground. His name is “Ock” and he has also been seen around Skillman Ave 49th st. Almost always comes out on rainy days of hard weather. Guaranteed to be spotted with proper survielance in the sunnyside area.
I smell a rat snitch
why don’t you tell the police instead of posting anonymously on a news blog
Because They Arent Gonna Do Their Jobs, I Seen Him Again Today Exactly By 39th PL And 47th. He Shaved His Face And Cut His Hair In Attempts To Mask His Identity.
Could off called the Cops quicker than it took you to post this comment, Might off solved a crime our prevented another.
… also, because I am racist 🙂
That’s his facebook.
That’s not him
Its some other herb that look the same
If he is illegal JVB will fight to keep him here…If he should happen to do any time in jail DeBlasio will get him a job upon his release…He then will be free to burglarize a home near you!!
Unrelated…but I want to mention that I am very lonely…and have I no friends.
Nice try snowflake!!!…You must have taken the JVB self defense classes and now feel like more of a man or woman or maybe you’re just confused
Uh-oh!!!… Time for my meds… I’m starting to talk to myself again
That doesn’t look like an Asian or Pacific Islander to me.
come on, cant you not see the wok in his left pocket?
Hey. This is why Trump won. Get these illegals out.
Amen 🙂
Around here, Trump lost pretty badly.
Says a lot more about here than him.
love this dusty, senile humor!
I’d be called a rascist or politically incorrect if I said it any other way 😉
Nope I was commenting about how bad the joke was! Like “Grandpa learns how to post on a message board” bad. No need to point out the racism, that part was obvious 😉
Do you realize that Asian can refer to other nationalities besides Korean, Japanese, and Chinese? People from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and many more are all in Asia and are “Asian”. This website’s comments are a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than Mos Eisley.