41-19 Queens Boulevard (GMaps)
Sept. 2, 2016 Hannah Wulkan
The police released video footage this morning of a man who allegedly stole money from a commercial truck in Sunnyside on July 1.
The man allegedly entered the truck parked in front of 41-19 Queens Boulevard (99 Cent Treat) through the driver’s side window around 4:15 p.m. He then removed $3,866 from the truck.
The suspect was last seen wearing a dark track jacket with large V-type stripes.
Police have released a video of the suspect and anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).
Maymun Faraj? This souns Paki but he is clearly one of those Pedros. Have they found him, attached him to the Wall and painted his body with honey so we can have fun naked photos of him?
build. the. wall. NOW!
His name is maymun Faraj he moved out to Long Island after the incident
I hope he spends the $2000 wisely. He probably alread bought $200 sneakers, a new $90 hoodie for those chilly fall nights. Got himself some good weed for $3-$400. Ahhh, hes probably broke by now???
How has someone stealing money anything to do with being illegal! You idiots… Everyone that’s not white is illegal. Get a grip! Americans are the laziest bunch of people I have ever met, drinking during lunch breaks everyday, big shot union working who are in a bar at 12.30 lunch doing lines in the bathroom. Shut up and look at your own people before running yer mouths, it’s any wonder this country is so messed up
-Sunnyside Sal Nobody has union jobs anymore. Wake up you tool. Republicans have been passing Right to work legislation in every state they gain control of the Governors Offices and State Houses most recently Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. They are trying it currently in Missouri but the Democratic governor is blocking it.You sound like an uniformed Fox News watching imbecile.
Actually I work in a bar and every customer I get is a union worker… Hello… Don’t try to dignify the fact that yor country is the most racist on this planet. Ignorant people who forgot who build the country. U were built on immigrants now all of a sudden immigrants can’t come here and if they do there rapists, thieves, etc. wake you yourself u ignorant typical yank!
-Anonymous In 2013 there were 14.5 million members in the U.S., compared with 17.7 million in 1983. In 2013, the percentage of workers belonging to a union was 11.3%, compared to 20.1% in 1983. Nice try stupid. Is posting nonsense and misinformation the reason why you choose to anonymously?
on a separate topic completely unrelated, how come the banner ad on the right for the sunnyside film fest has something called “Adult Film Series”? Are they really showing porn?
good for him! found someone stupid enough to leave cash lying around. he probably already wired that money oit of the country
lesson of the day for those of you who dont know: In nyc you dont leave a large sum of money within easy reach of someone else
He bought two shares of Priceline with the oney
Haha, did you really expect to see a white person??
Cant speak for the first poster but I will ask again, why would the enforcement of our federal immagration laws be an outrage? Is there any other country in the wolrd that would allow foreigners illegally entering their country?
Why are we informed of this 2 months after the theft? The sooner the public sees a picture the faster we could catch him.
Oh and how do we know he is undocumented? Because he isn’t white?
I don’t think its right to generalize based on race, nationality or immigration status. Heck, he may be a u.s citizen for all we know. Please please… lets not allow trump to bring out the hate in us. İt will only make matters worse
And you can tell he’s an illegal alien how? By his Latino appearance?
For all you know he can be an American born citizen who just happens to be scum.
-Ivan because when asked for their social security numbers the ones provided are incorrect or they just don’t have one. Just ask the emergency room administrator. Plus the overwhelming majority are South American, Central American and Mexican, doesn’t take a degree to make this determination. Oh by the way American scum have Medicare and Medicaid and don’t use the emergency room like a health clinic.
Send these bums back already!!!! Stop renting to them!! Stop hiring them!! Boycott landlords and business who are forcing these perps down the throats of law abiding tax paying citizens, so their businesses can make a few extra bucks at our expense!! Our women can’t walk the streets without being constantly cat called by these creeps and even worse. Our kids can’t use the local parks and play grounds because of drunk day laborers. They’re draining local resources like hospitals and schools. Go to the emergency rooms of Mount Sinai Elmhurst and Astoria. Dozens of undocumented aliens and their children sitting around waiting to see a doctor for non-emergency and routine medical subsistence. First day of school hundreds will just appear out of the blue for enrollment. I may turn into a one issue voter like the anti abortion voters and vote for Trump if he could cut this cancer out of our society and preserve what took generations to build.
-MRLIC Thank you for telling it like it is. For once you’re right on the money.
The national media leans Democrat and they will not report what is a negative on the Obama Administration. Our country is full of sheep and sell-outs and our country is getting too soft.
-cakespie Republicans love illegal aliens. The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA),enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson–Mazzoli Act, signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986,Romney Explains Record of Hiring Illegal Immigrants as Lawn Keepers “So we went to the company and we said, look, you can’t have any illegals working on our property,” said Romney. “I’m running for office, for Pete’s sake, I can’t have illegals. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/10/romney-explains-record-of-hiring-illegal-immigrants-as-lawn-keepers/ Spare us the your Fox News propaganda you Fox News watching imbecile.
The generations of people that took to build what you claim is being destroyed were probably also undocumented aliens. Don’t blame these people for your deadbeat children getting drunk and high at the same parks the aliens go to
-RAF No, people who built and contributed financially to build an infrastructure with educational institutions, medical facilities to tend to the very people building, using and just living in the society that was created out this collaboration were builders and creators. These illegal aliens are overwhelming this once great system and in the process destroying it. Fact!! I have three children one a NY State Trooper, one a special education teacher for the city of New York and the oldest is an attorney. No drunks or deadbeats here you ignorant low wage low performing deadbeat supporting loser. You like third world losers so much go and move there.
I wish I was an undocumented immigrant so I can break into your house and steal your shit
I also feel bad for the blacks and Latinos our state trooper son stops, solely because of his racist, pig headed, father
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
This is what made America what it is. Also, the white patriarchal society that abused the poor and weak. African slaves, the Irish, Chinese, Slavs. Today it’s hispanics and the poor. It’s an american tradition. A tradition that trump supporters long for.
you sound like a complete racist prick. this country was built on the illegal aliens shoulders you speak of but not all are good. There are some who perform crimes and are always in trouble with the law and should be sent back to their countries. But most come here to look for better futures for their families like my father who was an illegal but chose to do the right things in life and he succeeded in raising two nypd police officers and one fdny firefighter.
This is why Colin kaepernick sits during the national anthem
@RAF No it’s not you Fox watching imbecile. hahaha
RAF is an ass !!! Happy Labor Day
Well said!
You don’t have an illegal immigrant problem. You have a neighbors-acting-like-jackasses problem.
Frankly, I don’t see how you could even know for certain what their legal status is. If you keep the focus on behavior, you will come across as a concerned citizen with a reasonable concern. But if you start ranting about how “the illegals are taking over,” you will come across as a crank.
Ok mr. lic. how long have you been living in sunnyside?? First off Sunnyside was home to a lot of undocumented residents before they were forced to leave their home due to expensive rent. And not only Hispanics but immigrants from Romania, Ireland came to sunnyside. No one complained about that years ago, Until the rich white folks came along that is. Whats sad about this community is the people who moved in complain so much. Sunnyside changed so much throughout the years. the hispanic residents has been declining and the average salary of a household increased dramatically. If you have something against Hispanics or immigrants, how bout moving to a different state? like Wisconsin or a hillbilly town so ya can feel safe..
For those who lived in sunnyside for years know that walking home late nights is alot safer than it was 15 years ago.
Keep Sunnyside Racist free. Race and ethnicity should not be judged.
Ummm…The vast majority of illegal aliens are Latino. That said, I’m half Latina so I don’t go around assuming that anyone who looks Latino just has to be an illegal alien. If you knew anything about this illegal alien invasion, you would know the following: 1) The vast majority are from Mexico, Central and South America. 2) Of that group, the vast majority is functionally illiterate. With that in mind, I think that even you can put 2 and 2 together—When a community gets a huge influx of such people who then create flophouses, refuse to learn English, have children that they can’t support, then send said children to school not knowing a word of English plus the Spanish they do know is atrocious—let’s just say this — odds are excellent that we’re talking about illegal aliens.
The US does have many problems. Who are you to trivialize the problem of illegal immigration? Illegal aliens are parasites that take far, far more than they give.
-So much racism—The complaint isn’t about people or ethnicity but for some reason you and like minded people try to swing the argument in that direction. Go back and re-read my post you racist imbecile. It’s about how the “new” immigrants live and what they do and don’t do. You seem to ignore these facts pointed out in my post. The Irish and Romanian did not over burden public services. As a matter of fact the Irish were known for sending their children to Catholic school. We never had hundreds of people appear on the first day of school. How are budgets to be made for the student body with this kind of irresponsible behavior? My mother recently passed away and every time she was brought into the emergency room in the old Astoria General it was packed with families of undocumented immigrants there for everything from cuts and scrapes to colds. These people were not Greek, Irish, Romanian, Indian or Chinese they all and I mean all spoke only Spanish and were from South America, Central America and Mexico. The administrators confirm this at the hospital. ER administrators throughout the entire nation confirm this is the case and a problem nation wide. As a retired software developer, my work has taken me all over the US, Wisconsin and the derogatory “hillbilly” (yes, “hillbilly” is a derogatory racist term) towns of Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina and this destructive and irresponsible behavior is a problem in these places as well. I have lived in Sunnyside since 1958 the year of my birth. As for your remark about my safety and moving to a place where I would feel safe. That is the height of arrogance, most feel somebody supporting this position and the rights of thugs over the rights of law abiding tax paying citizens, is the one who should move. More than likely when you and your family arrived in Sunnyside it was because you left a place that was less safe for a safer a place but yet you tell people to flee instead of making themselves safer in their own homes. This is truly a “ghetto” mentality you’re exhibiting. This is exactly how dangerous dilapidated slums were created. I was here 15 years ago I never felt unsafe then,now or even 50 years ago. I find your sentence about the average salary increasing “dramatically” to be erroneous according to census quick facts, city data and from what I have seen personally just in my extensive network of friends neighbors and relatives who live in the area. Illegal alliens are not included in these census or analysis’ because they are here illegally..Thank you for responding to my post with your fact free racist rant. Yes, racist terms like “hillbilly and rich white folks”. Without hesitation I am calling you an ignorant racist. Remember this issue is about destructive behavior nothing more and nothing less. Spare the rest of us your stupidity and indefensible nonsense.
I moved here over 25 years ago. The level of immigration and illegal immigrants clogging up hospitals and social services was about the same. Undocumented immigrant influx has remained relatively steady at about 3.5% since 2000. The increase occurred during GWB’s administration, jumping almost 2 percentage points in the 8 years he was president. Your rant is all about political ideology and intolerance/racism. Your focus today is on illegal immigrants abusing your happy home/ upsetting your status quo, when corporate welfare has been dominating society exponentially since the 1980’s, skipping on paying taxes, abusing the environment, and a financial industry bankrupting middle class America, yet that abuse is overlooked. Focus on inequality and a contrived class system that celebrates poverty as a motivator. Spare us your idiotic, hypocritical, narrow minded, intolerant, racist, ideologically driven vomit.
I’ve found that those who choose to ignore the illegal immigration problems are clueless when it comes to the damage illegal aliens do to neighborhoods and themselves. They call those of us who have seen this destruction up close and personal, “racists”. Yet, if the house next door to them became a flophouse filled with illegal aliens, they would be screaming from the rafters about their schools and neighborhood plus their property values. So much for their bumper stickers that say “co-exist”.
I feel that many illegal alien fans WOULD lose it if their lawbreaking “friends” moved in next door. NIMBY would def stand up and want to be counted.
“rich white folks”…this is not about race! This is about income and bettering the community. When rents, home taxes, food and other economic standards of living go up in an area most who live their look beyond their home and look at the community and its facilities to better them. The measure of the quality of anyone, is not however, the depth of their pockets, but their consideration, humility, and manor of behavior.
It’s just inevitable.
It is conquest running it’s course.
It is how this nation was founded.
Romanians and irish worked and did not mooch off the system.
Dont even get me started on Elmhurst hospital ER. i went there two weeks ago. my BP was over 200, and had a massive fever and a crazy migraine. my hands were tingling and trembling, and i felt very dizzy and light headed. i waited 2 hours for the drunk illegals on welfare to be let in first because they didnt speak english, so the hospital staff had to spend extra time translating. when i eventually got admitted, there were 8 beds, 7 of which had illegals that didnt speak any english…the nurses kept asking them what was wrong. most were drunk and/or beat up. 7 hours later, the staff did nothing to help me, and let me leave. worthless! i ended up going to a doctor in sunnyside the same day for proper treatment. i will not be paying that hospital bill if there ever is one, and i will be voting for trump to clean up this country. Interestingly enough, there must have been 20 NYPD corrections officers going through back and forth. I was hoping that I would see ICE/INS officers instead.
You should of told them ICE was making rounds and waited to see how many beds suddenly became vacant.
ICE = Immigration and Customs Enforcement
-ABundy if they’re illegal they’re not on welfare you tool. Hahaha
-A.Bundy Elmhurst is the hospital used by Rikers Island. Policies endorsed by Trump created this problem. The sign of a master con artist is to get the pigeon he conned to cheer him on. Trump supports out sourcing, publicly praised the huge work visa program (the jobs that can’t be sent abroad can be filled with foreign labor brought in), still has said nothing about enforcing labor laws and bringing charges against companies who hire illegals. If he does produce a comprehensive mass deportation policy that can get through the Republican house he will get this life long Democrats vote. I will be a one issue voter in this presidential election just like the antiabortion fools.
I used to think like you and then asked what brings them here in the first place? It’s the sell-out American businesses/employers that employ them. It’s the American home-owner that goes to the Home Depots looking for day laborers to tear out old sheetrock or whatever tasks need to be performed. It’s our government that wants them here so hopefully for the government one day if they do become legal they remember which party gave them an opportunity and they can ‘pay it forward’ with a vote. It’s ALL of the government employees that make a living in the field of immigration. These folks make a good living and they vote. It’s the U.S. Chamber of Commerce which lobbies that laws are not created that will result in illegals being deported so the Chambers’ members can have a cheap labor pool which equals big PROFITS on cheap labor.
Yes. Trump supporters who chant “make america white again” simply don’t like to acknowledge that their own party and economic ideology brought immigrants to this country to abuse its social support systems. If illegal immigrants were to be shut out, the agriculture and restaurant industry would come to a screeching halt. Most of those Illegal immigrants who people complain about do the jobs that red blooded white americans refuse to do for minimum wage or less, like indentured servants. The very same people that want the minimum wage to be a little as possible, because they think they can incentivize people to get a better job by keeping them in poverty. It’s a mess they’ve created, and now complain that it is being taken advantage of. Sure, there are people who abuse the system, just like corporate tax evaders and companies that ship jobs overseas to to abuse foreign labor. Companies that avoid regulation or lobby against it because it affects the bottom line. People like Trump. People who talk out of both sides of their mouth and complain the reality they live in by their own doing isn’t the reality they want. People who are afraid, and have the mentality of a bullying, whiney, impulsive, 12 year old racist hypocrite. This is NYC. In America. Don’t like it? Move to other more white, intolerant and racist areas of the US.
Oh so high school students will not do minimum wage jobs in the summer ? It’s called building a resume and stop telling me that Americans will not pick strawberries or work as baby sitters
All my kids worked minimum wage jobs at some point
You sound racist and classist
Perfect. Yell Whaaa!!!! NaNaNa!! while covering your ears, tell people to stop saying what you don’t want to hear, make up some “facts,” and then revert to insults. Spot on. Trump supporter, right?
-Typical LR Your quote ” If illegal immigrants were to be shut out, the agriculture and restaurant industry would come to a screeching halt.” was the very same rallying cry when the ACA was passed. Restaurants are still doing fine and opening up everyday. The only people making money off illegal alien labor are the already wealthy owners of the businesses that hire them. So we pay pennies more for a bag of lettuce or a meal at a restaurant and the owners pay a little more in operating costs. This criminal penny pinching is harming our education system, social security system, criminal justice system, emergency healthcare systems etc. etc. Grow up and stop turning everything into an issue of race. I just listed just some of the social harm by this illegal practice you racist cry babies are ignoring all these problems all because these people look like you. Laws are in place for a reason.
@Mac : “Grow up and stop turning everything into an issue of race.” Is this the new tactic? Make a racial stereotype and then accuse those that call you on it a racist? I didn’t bring up race, genius. Racial stereotypes are flying left and right in this thread. It’s just the issue du jour since Trump blames everybody but the real culprits of why this country has issues. The easy scapegoat is undocumented immigration. Also – “The only people making money off illegal alien labor are the already wealthy owners of the businesses that hire them.” You are naive about the agriculture and restaurant industries. Corporations rely on seasonal workers to maximize their profits. You won’t be paying a few cents more. It’ll be more like a few dollars more. Go read something.
-Typical LR Your quote ” Corporations rely on seasonal workers to maximize their profits.” Corporations could maximize their profits even more if we just brought back slavery. You truly are an imbecile. If it costs a few dollars more so be it (which history and studies show this “not” to be the case.). You sound like Papa John with his war on blocking the passage of the ACA over 0.11 cents a pie. “This criminal penny pinching is harming our education system, social security system, criminal justice system, emergency healthcare systems etc. etc. Grow up and stop turning everything into an issue of race. I just listed just some of the social harm by this illegal practice you racist cry babies are ignoring all these problems all because these people look like you. Laws are in place for a reason.” If Trump puts a plan in place prosecuting businesses for the use of undocumented aliens and uses the proceeds from fines and auctioning off of the assets from these prosecutions to finance his wall he will have won this life long Democrats vote along with about 50 other life long Democrats I know from this area alone.
-Everywhere2 I agree with much of your post. You named the Democrats as benefactor of future votes. You neglected to name the Republicans as benefactors in the name of their low wage policies (you know with their constant passage of right to work legislation in Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Missouri). Strange how you missed that one.
I agree..Illegal aliens don’t have to take those jobs though and they know they are breaking the law by accepting jobs here without authorization. Therefore they are accomplices in stealing American jobs. Isn’t the guy driving the get-away car just as guilty as the bank robber? I would say so.
-Jamal-Yeah but the law goes after both the guy committing the crime and the guy driving the get away car. That is not the case with the crime of hiring illegal aliens. There are companies throughout this country caught using hundreds of undocumented aliens, just to list a few ; hormel meats, Tyson chicken and Corning glass. All were told to clean up their record keeping. You almost got it half right you Fox News Watching imbecile.
Something tells me you really are an a hole in real life. You also have anger management issues.
-therapist Terry Is it really that hard to identify the post you are responding to? You sound like you’re an a hole only a cowardly one.
If you think illegal immigrants are the only ones abusing the system then you are woefully naive. Intentionally naive, or just stupid. Angry and scared people like you and Trump look for reasons to legitimize their intolerance and racism, whether it’s there or not.
To fix the illegal immigration problem it has to start with the EMPLOYERS and ONLY the EMPLOYERS. No jobs for the undocumented= no opportunities= illegals go home and would-be illegals stay put and tough it out at home= corporate America not happy.