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NYPD: Notorious Sunnyside property manager arrested, charged with stalking and harassment

Outside the entrance of 47-55 39th Place

Sept. 3, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez

The property manager of the Sunnyside condo building, which gained citywide attention for its lobby that included an image of Hitler, and who is under city and state investigations for alleged tenant harassment, has been arrested, according to police.

Neal Milano, the 70-year-old property manager at 47-55 39th Place, was arrested Sunday afternoon and charged with stalking and harassment in relation to a July 2017 stalking complaint filed against him, police say.

The arrest is not related to recent news coverage nor the images in the building lobby, according to police.

The stalking complaint was made on July 13 by a 43-year-old woman, who alleges she was grabbed by Milano multiple times, which caused her alarm and annoyance, according to police sources.

Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer said Milano, who was out of the country as news broke of the building, was arrested as soon as he got off the plane at the airport.

“I am really glad that the NYPD is taking the matter as seriously as I believe they should,” Van Bramer said, adding that the arrest at the airport sends a “strong message” to some people of the Sunnyside condo who allege that Milano has harassed them.

Milano is also under investigation by the Commission on Human Rights after allegations of tenant harassment and discrimination. The New York State Attorney General has also opened an investigation into the complaints of harassment made by the building’s residents, according to a spokesperson at the AG’s office.

A lawsuit was also filed against Milano and members of the building’s condo board in April by Lynn Calvacca, an attorney who owns two condos at the site. The suit lists several allegations of arbitrary fines and of harassing behavior against them, and points to Milano as the main “instigator” behind them.

The Sunnyside Post has reached out to Milano’s attorney for comment, but has yet to receive a response.

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Sick and tired of being sick and tired

He told this woman that she’s in “hitler’s concentration camp” and PUT HIS HANDS ON HER!!! Multiple people have shared almost identical harassment and vandalism reports on social media and with the media and police department and there are still fools defending him. There are still people who think this is a joke wasting space under this article with rubbish comments.

Ignore the rubbish and pay attention to the substance.

Neeeeeeeal's private parking LLC

Sick and tired if you still want the private spot out front please bring Barbara a Six Pack of Schaefer and two bags of terriaki beef jerky by midnight or I give it to Fed Up who offered me a bottle of Persecco and box of Crumpets for it. Fed Up will you bring me twinkies when you visit me?

New Parking Spot King

There not a jail Big Neal can’t break out of! Fed Up and Preet are going to sneak him in files


Innocent until Proven Guilty? As an ethicist I question whether we, as a society, really abide by that principle. I think we should work harder at it.

Preet 3B and Barbara 6G

Neal, I know you are reading this, you have court on September 8th, no hats are allowed in court so you will have to show your bald head with the comb over, gonna snap some nice images so I can line my toilet, PEACE

Fed Up1

EL Loco and Maria from the Laundromat just got on a flight to parts unknown. Maria is it true Neal likes starch in his collars. When your a jet your a jet…..

Preet 3B and Barbara 6G

Neal the loser and his unemployed baby mama daughter Barbara are back in Sunnyside and stalking the message boards. Don;t worry Neal, your every move is being watched, let me see you post any of them trump stickies, any breath you take, i’ll be watching you, great song by the Police, BWAHAHA!!!.

Barbara for Mayor

If you want to park next to that spot you better be nice to Barbara. Maybe bring her some of your famous Guacamole Harvey.


Problem with Condos…owners of apartments generally do not need board approval to rent out their units. Lawyer owns two units, but does not live in building! She is playing real estate investor, not neighbor and owner. Unit owners can be on the board and not be even living there. Boa.rd must be scared stiff.

Neal is a pickle kisser

the condo owners (& renters, with their owners permission) should all have a meeting, get together collectively with scrapers as a group & go on a mission together at a certain time/ date to tear down all those bullshit posters, scrape off the bumper stickers etc. wtf is Neal gonna do about it??? call the cops? hahahaha!!! THEY are owners, NOT him & there’s not a damn thing he can do about it either. he especially won’t try to intimidate an entire group of people. he’s to much of a coward to try that.

Biggie Smalls

I heard Fed Up and Neil go to the midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at The Center Theater together. They share a medium popcorn with extra butter.

Mike O_ 40st and 39pl

Really who cares, the neighborhood sucks, I bought a coop on queens blvd +39pl. Wish I didn’t ,big mistake. The block is drug dealer Paradise. Its horrible. I also bought a coop in the same building on the 40st side. Its terrible. I never should have listened to Linda. Merit r.e. big mistake I made. I’m an idiot

Mike from Sunnyside

hi Neil!

If that block is drug dealing central they’re all hiding when I’m walking through. It’s all schools, quiet in the daytime, super quiet at night, this little baby just wants to bring the property value down out of spite because people got sick of his crap. By the way, Neil learn to dress yourself, talk about white trash straight out of central casting. And such a De Niro wannabe. what a poser, what a wimp

El loco

I’m a big fan of kinte, excellent role model. Don Trump too. I love the arrangement that Neal milano has provided out of the goodness of his heart

Sunnyside Up

Word on the street is that Fed Up was just seen at PJ Horgans having a Guinness with Neal. Fed Up is a double agent like Maxwell Smart.

Karma's gonna get you Neal Milano

So this man just arrives from Thailand, is a Florida resident, conceals his whereabouts (name not listed in the building directory) harasses, threatens and stalks women and yet his bail was set at only $2500?????????????????? His bail should have been 1 million dollars. He is a clearly a flight risk and is also a danger to society, he has guns in his apartment and he is clearly mentally unstable (he posts Kunta Kinte Trump Stickers all over the building). I hope the cops and judge read this, this man belongs in jail, not in Sunnyside, Queens or in any society.


They should evict all rental tenants from the condo, reform the condo board and start from scratch.


so that’s your answer anonymous? let’s just evict people??? good tenants who have lived there for years & have done nothing wrong? huge fail

Sunnysider since day one

Yes let them all go back to their mommy and daddy’s in Ohio, NH, Vermont and eat Ben and Jerrys. They don’t have what it takes to be a Sunnysider!

Baba Booey Y'all

Yes. Good idea. Send them packing to their little towns in Vermont where they belong. Enjoy your Ben and Jerrys !

Out with little big ears

No wonder he put all this stuff up. Did you see the surrounding neighborhood? He needed to scare the riff raff that hangs around here off. Its pretty bad, I’m not kidding. All guys with brown paper bags. All riff raff. Its like a little slum area . its a bad block.


I lived there for years. Right across the street. My best friend and former roommie still lives right there. There’s not anymore “riff raff” than any other single block in NYC and quite possibly far less.

Southside sux

Are you on drugs or are you drunk? This block is a mess. One of the worst in sunnyside. South side sux!


Enough already with this story. Its irrelevant. Move on. Its already received way too much attention.

El loco

How about a shuttle bus from the Vernon Jackson subway station to the ferry to Brooklyn-Manhattan. Wouldn’t that make sense. Too much attention to this jerk Milano. I’ve read enough about him. Boring. Find something else to write about! Hi Al from SUNNYSIDE.

OJJ Super Fan

How about a shuttle to Wallyworld. I heard they are featuring the new Oran Juice Jones Ferris wheel.

Maria from the Laundromat

I hope they use that chinese made fence that surrounds 47-55 39th Place to make his jail cell. I say we chip in and send him a Kunta Kinte for Trump T Shirt so he can wear it while he rests upstate, if you’ve been to the building you know what I am talking about.

Mike from Sunnyside

Maria i took a picture of that very sticker, the Kunta Kinte one. I know the fence you speak of…..and I had to laugh that you mention it’s chinese-made, that’s great irony. He is literally an online troll….made flesh!


They should deport him with that Nazi they found living under another her name in Jackson Heights getting social security. He was a guard at at a concentration camp. Or lock them in the same cell, that shouldn’t b tolerated !!


Case closed !

Next up people in the shelter system are moving into woodside and sunnyside with sec 8 vouchers due to corrupted landlords selling themselves and supporting di blasio and his agenda


If anyone believes this horrible person was arrested for harassment, let me show you a bridge I want to sell. When I reported three instances of harassment by a neighbor the police told me they couldn’t do anything because I did not stay at the scene of a crime and call 911, as if anyone in their right mind would hang out in a dark place with a person of ill intent. This building manager was arrested for his outrageous political beliefs in the wake of right wing assaults across the nation, not because he harassed a woman. That alone does not qualify, at least that’s what the 108th told me. If what they claim were true, he would have been arrested long ago.


I was harassed and stalked several years ago and the 108 th said not sufficient for an arrest
I hired an attorney to pursue it as s civil case
Stalking has a legal definition
This arrest is politically motivated


@tooties Typical Fox News nonsense and stupidity. Just shroud yourself in right wing ignorance and absolve yourself of any responsibility or wrong doing and just claim political persecution. I hope your wife or mother is the next woman this imbecile Neal decides to push around. You’ll be singing a different tune then, you phony.

Fed up

He grabbed the woman by the neck and pushed her head into a wall. Read the latest article in gothamist about it. Also, many of the harassment complaints against him have consistency. Also, the media and the political heat is now being placed on the police so they can no longer be their typical lazy Drumpf loving selves. He’s being arrested for harassment. If they need additional witness testimonies in court to prove a pattern of illegal and threatening behavior including vandalism and stalking, ill provide my own account in the witness stand because I have a harassment charge on him as well. The signage and his political beliefs are the least of his worries right now. He’s losing his guns and his freedom. Finally!


I don’t say the man shouldn’t be arrested. He is sick. But to say his arrest is not related to all the media about him? I just don’t buy it. A man in my building spent two weeks harassing and stalking me, along with two other men, and the police said I had to wait at the scene of the crime for 911 to come. Forget that! I went to my brother’s house on Long Island for a few nights to get away from him and carried my cell phone for months with it set to video tape any encounter.

Fed up

I agree. I called the cops on him the morning after I discovered what he did. The cops were helpful with information, but could do nothing. And don’t waste your time calling the precinct. The lazy hen who answers the phone is a Dump lover no doubt and laughed at my story. That’s why she’s a desk loser and not promoted to something useful. I had to go to the 108th precinct community council meeting and talk to
Community affairs cops who actually know how to talk to human beings respectfully, who were kind and who do real work. That seemed to get the ball rolling. I also wrote emails to van bramer’s office. He’s effective. Criticize him all you want. He gets sh*t done. Be loud when you want something done.


I called jvb
I called the cops!
And you admit this ,you bitchass

Mousey cheeseater

Because it’s in your blood to be a rat. It’s instilled at birth. Your either brought up to keep your mouth shut, or your brought up to rat. Someone who calls the cops, takes photos, can’t deal with issues themselves and calls the cops , is a rat. Plain and simple. You, are a rat!?????????

Fed up

A rat because we don’t want to be stalked, harassed and have our homes vandalized? Ok, sure, but at least I’m a free rat.

You’re going to jail Neal. Good bye and good riddance. Now shut your ugly mouth and go away.

King of Roosevelt Avenue Snowflakes

Fed Up has been seen hanging on the block listening to Oran Juice Jones on a boom box. Also Fed Up was last seen wearing Lil Abner boots purchased from the Woodside Army Navy Store with Neals credit card.

Fed Upp Douche

I think the fact that you have been dating Neil would make your testimony a conflict of interest.

Fed up

LOL. Who’s afraid? I once called the cops in front of Neal’s face after he told me to “go ahead” and he turned around and ran away like a little rat when he saw that I actually did. I also heard that he tried to step to the wrong dude one day and got clocked in his mouth. Out of shape, sorry ass geriatric can’t fight to save his life. Nobody is “afraid” of saggy balls. It’s just not worth stooping to his level. This karma happening before our eyes is waaaaayyy more entertaining booboo.

Here’s a tip – if you don’t want to be publicly shamed and “ratted” on, you can always try not breaking the law and leaving people alone.


Fed up– your are without a doubt the epitome of a rat baby. Call the cops whaaaaaa, whaaaaaaaa, whaaaaaaaa. A friggin baby. Go f yourself rat!

Mike from Sunnyside

He physically assaulted the woman, grabbing her by the neck and shoving her face into the wall. Also, not mentioned in the story is that he PLASTERED the neighborhood with racist stickers for over a year (a 10 block radius) on mailboxes and street signs and lampposts and while that’s not cause in itself for arrest, I do believe that’s illegal. They were all stickers like “Ragheads for Trump” “Kunta Kinte for Trump”, etc

You would think Trump supporters would cringe with being associated with someone like that but no…..and so, that there ladies and gentlemen, is the Trump voter personified. Neil Milano. The squealing, colicky infants that is the right wing think we give a crap about THEIR perspective on this. Sit down and be quiet and clean up your sleazy, slimy, slithery party. You only win elections because of scum like Neil Milano, it sure ain’t your ideas which people puke at as soon as they hear ’em (let’s privatize social security!) You won the election, now govern, something Republicans always fail at, always. You’re not America. You’re a PART of America. And, to be honest, it’s the worst part. The most embarrassing part. The cousins you don’t want invited to the wedding.

Screw Neil Milano and if he screws with ME (i live in the neighborhood) he will wind up in a world of hurt. everyone in this neighborhood is sick to death of his infernal horses**t. Everyone. There’s at least three schools in the area and he plasters those racist stickers all over the mailboxes. They rip them down, he puts ’em back up. He is a scumbag, that nobody likes. What’s to like?


Looks like Neal is going to be using his big mouth now for some favors in the cell. Now if you people were at all smart you would take all his bullshit down in the.building before the dick gets out on bail.


her name and her cases are all over the internets. unless there are many Lynn Calvaccas that are also lawyers in nyc.


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