July 10, 2018 By Christian Murray
A man was gunned down in front of Duane Reade near the 61st Street subway station in Woodside in the early hours this morning, police said.
Police responded to a 911 call at 12:30 am that a man had been shot in front of 60-02 Roosevelt Avenue. When they arrived, they found a man in his 40s, unconscious and unresponsive with gunshot wounds to his body.
The victim, who has yet to be identified, was taken to Elmhurst General Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
There have been no arrests and the investigation remains ongoing.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Woodside has sucked for over 30 years. Day laborers hanging around getting drunk. Filth, illegals, drunks , druggies, the place is horrible. I think it’s too late to fix. All the people who cared have given up and left. Blame your local politicians
have to be honest I have never ever had any problems walking through there.
Just don’t be around past nine. But if you have to be, take your headphones off and pay extra attention around you. I’ve had drifters asking for change and buy them stuff from 7-11, even during the day on weekends.
You’re referring to John Downing Park. Since there’s a Socialist/Communist mayor in “power” you’ll need to call 311 or 212.new.york which is 212.639.9675 and say “parks”. Once you get a hold of someone tell them about the drunks and exactly what they’re doing. 311 will patch you through 911. Its times like these that the People stop relying on government and start to fend for themselves and each other.
This above comment was at “rgt sunnyside” post below
Hahaha there’s an obvious glitch in the voting up/down. Out of no where all these “dislikes”? ahhahaha obvious scam.
What is so amazing is most of you are assuming it’s one of the homeless people that drink in the park next to Duane Reade. Get your facts before you judge!
It’s not so amazing; it’s a reasonable assumption. There aren’t a lot of facts available.
I have been living in Woodside for over 35 years and there have always been drunks there and drug users this is not something new that has been happening — homeless yes more so. What needs to happen is people get on touch with the Parks Department since they are responsible for this area and then call Mr. JVB about this. Bottom line is maybe all those benches should come out if this needs to be cleaned up.
Nope, it’s really not that reasonable to blame any incident of violence on some homeless people that happen to be nearby. Most homeless people are not violent, just unfortunate. And they certainly do not tend to have guns – guns cost $. So no, it’s not a reasonable assumption, it’s a thoughtless, unhelpful, and kind of despicable leap to make.
I walk through this area probably 2-3 times a day, and have never felt even the slightest bit threatened. It’s smack in the middle of Woodside’s busiest commercial area. It’s frankly shocking that there was a murder here (even in the middle of the night) and we seem to have no facts about it, and everyone seems to be so distracted by the fact that there are sometimes homeless people sitting on the benches nearby to focus on the freaking shooting that occurred.
Actually, it is reasonable. The victim was seen sleeping on those park benches before according to witnesses interviewed by detectives.
Many homeless people suffer from drug addiction and mental issues. Violence usually proceeds that.
So the victim is to blame. Got it.
A day after you typed this a homeless man stabbed someone and killed him in Woodside. You should have invited the gentle homeless man over for tea and crackers and gave him some money to enroll in school. Lunatic.
So you jump to conclusions? Got it.
We have the facts now, what say you?
This is what happens if we as residents and citizens do nothing to help the unfortunate plight of the homeless and immigrant communities. More policing won’t help….what will is more affordable housing…better education….a complete social safety net. Our immigrant community can no longer be treated as a second class or faceless group….they need to feel vested and welcome.
Wtf are you talking about? This doesnt even have anything to do with the article…lmfao!!!
interesting to say it has nothing to do with the article but it surely does.. sorry but where the homeless drug addicted alcoholic congregate problems will occur.. shootings indeed.. and in the triangle on 52nd i’ve had to walk in the street to avoid the street scum that congregate there.. 62nd 52nd st in the end it’s all the same..
Well then you can start by taking them into your home and take care of them
Well you can start by welcoming them into your home
The triangle has become a nice park under the Deblasio.
Learn proper grammar !!
Under the DeBozo regime is what I meant my progressive waiting to be offended grammar Nazi.
I thought Trumpeters loved Nazis?
Yeah whatever freak.
I think “The Deblasio” has a funny ring to it–like “The Batman,” in the old comics.
Wow! the amazing number of thumbs down, one of DeBozos fools with the multiple accounts is active today.
that entire triangular park has been taken over by homeless who are always drinking out of open contianers, get drunk, fight each other and harass passerbys. not long ago thye harassed a feamle walking home from the train, got home upset and some combination of her boyfriend/brtoher/neighbor went down to confron these vagrants. maybe they messed with the wrong person and this time it was a gun not a talking to.
it should have been cleaned up months ago. if i were to sit out in the open with an open container i’d get a summons. yet they were allowed to steal alcohol from 7-11 then drink it out in the open for far too long
The park was cleaned out months ago, but when people are homeless and have absolutely no where to go they are going to keep coming back to the same place. As for the drunk annoying bystanders, they are intoxicated and cannot think properly. I’m pretty sure if the same drunks were offered free shelter services and alcohol anonymous services they wouldn’t be bothering anyone. Instead of being one the people that complain about stuff like this, be an advocate and try to help those people into getting the proper help they need. You shouldn’t speak low of others not knowing what got that person where they are today.
Have a wonderful day.
I have watched homeless services engage them numerous times last year ,sometimes there’s only so much you can do.
These are career street dwellers. It’s the same group of drug addicts and drunks that have been loitering around for years. The female in the wheelchair and her cronies. Plenty of services have been offered to them. At some point they need to assume responsibility and get their act together.
Melinda, I have lived here for 39 years and care deeply about my community. With that being said, I personally have made numerous calls to the 108, 311 911 and all the local politicians as well. Just to inform you, Breaking Ground has been down in the park countless times offering them help such as, food, shelter and health care. They Don’t Want It! I have spoken many times to the blond regarding this, she refuses. Unfortunately, they prefer this lifestyle. I have offered them food so many times and was asked for cash instead. I feel sorry for all of them however, It has gotten way out of hand. I have witnessed them, urinating, defecating and even having sexual contact. Enough is enough! Thanks for listening.
You are 100% correct. I even saw a lady taking a piss there, couldnt believe my eyes. They need mental health support to help them get off the streets. That area is a disaster!!
But hobo fights are entertaining
that small park and the small green triangle going towards the firehouse have a become a area for homeless and drunk people.. not saying it’s them but looks like ed koch is back as mayor. that area needs to be policed and cleaned up!!
@rgt sunnyside: You have to call 311 and mention parks. You’ll be then conferenced will 911. Tell them everything. The new process is that the People have to call it in.
Between the park and the train station it is a very dangerous and sketchy area…more police presence has been needed for months now! Even the park and train station by 52nd street has the same issues and nothing is being done!
two (2) “hypodermic needles” were found right in front of Ottomanelli’s Burger place two weeks ago.
there are plenty of cameras over there so there should be no problem at all.
yeah, but this is the 108…. so…. this will prob never get solved. good work, y’all!
Doesn’t mean TARU can get a good shot of his face for facial rec.
He could have been wearing a mask, a hoodie, or looking away from the cameras. No guarantee of getting anything useful.
No problem except for the dead guy.
The quality of life in this zip code is going down. But if you live on Jimmy Van Bramer’s street with the hipsters, nothing to see: let’s move on. The homeless problem in the parks is getting serious. The 108th Precinct? They have better things to do like give out parking tickets.