Dollar Tree (formerly Deals)
Jan. 18, 2017 Staff Report
The police are looking for a man who allegedly exposed his genitals to a 7-year-old girl inside the Dollar Tree store in Sunnyside on Monday.
The police said that the incident took place at 12:25pm inside the 39-09 Queens Boulevard store and have footage of the suspect.
The man is described as black, wearing a black hat, white shirt and gray pants.
Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).

Suspect (NYPD)
Oh look what a surprised. One of Obama’s pardoned friends.
Sunnyside is ruined, all the irish that are here illegal will be gone soon along with the mexicans. Build a wall around the whole country.
Wow. I came on here looking for information on this guy because I got a kid and all I see is a bunch of blithering idiots arguing about politics and playing detective (very poorly I might add). Don’t you have lives to live?
I did not know that Sunnyside was infested with knuckle dragging RACISTS. Geez you people are truly the scum of the earth.
This surprises you? Take a walk around town and in the park one day and get a look at the actual population in Sunnyside. It’s become a neighborhood of rich white racists who have built a little wall around themselves and think because they’re within city limits they’re diverse. What a crock.
@hater Is that a alternative fact ?
See. This is the reason that ALL the PJs need to be shutdown now. They are infested with these criminal elements. It’s bad enough we have trouble with all the homeless Mexicans around the area so
You have your head so far up your ass you can actually watch your self speak from the inside. Then you are caught in an infinity loop of stupid and cognitive dissonance. Now stfu.
Oh come on Common sense do you really expect the idiot to know what cognitive dissonance to mean?
He wont be happy when I kick his sorry ass down queens blvd
You wouldn’t do anything. You’re a pu**y.
There’s a NYSC around the corner, he could have been buying a bottle of water to go into the gym? Just throwing that out there. The authorities should ask the Gym for a run of their surveillance of that day.
The fact that grown as people can joke about the fact that a child was exposed to such behavior is deplorable. We have failed as society. I don’t know who the fuck raised some of the animals (I apologize to all the species on the planet) commenting like this is a laughing matter.
Kids wondered off to grab candy, he could have simply lowered his sweats and flashed her in a heart beat. Why is her parent to blame?
The child could have told the parent after the guy left in fear of confrontation. I know my son would think twice to shout it on the spot, because he knows I will go to hell and back to protect him and he’d probably be afraid I would call the cops right there. Kids don’t rationalize like adults, but I’m sure you all already knew that.
Hope this guy gets caught. Parasite.
Finally an intelligent post. It really is unbelievable reading the degenerate comments on this website. I agree with this post. This guy does look familiar and he could have come from the gym. It is entirely possible that I may have seen him at the gym (NYSC on 39th) and I was at the gym that morning. I would suggest that the police not only run the surveillance camera at the gym but check to see who swiped in that day. He looks like he is dressed for the gym as well. Hope this pervert gets caught. Dispicable act.
what are those people doing in our nabe? and they wonder why they are watched and searched so closely.
actually this class was jimmys knee jerk reaction to the election, he needed to show everyone that he believes that trump supporters will run around beating people up. So he offered this class to stir the pot and deepen the divide, which is not something a responsible leader does.
But it turned out it was the hillary supporters who torched cars around us cities and beat up trump supporters.
Yes, Little Jimmy loves to stir the pot instead of doing the job of a city councilman. I’ll bet he’s blocking traffic even as I type.
Jimmy’s self defense class has done wonders!
Instructional class I attended was informative and reassuring. I’m glad to see another woman posting here feels the same way. Thank you for the support pearl.
Ok Kelly T…He was just out for a leisurely stroll without a jacket or coat in the middle of winter..He decides to get off the subway or bus and goes shopping at the Dollar Tree..Then just goes off ” blowing in the wind like criminals do”…You really think it’s me who’s clueless?
When i arrive at a store i parked my car and run in without putting my winter jacket on.
Cant believe its not a Hispanic again, they had some streak going. If im not mistaken they were approaching the joe d streak of 56 straight acts of perversion before old kobe over here really sunk to a new low
No cameras- he’s black so he’s automatically from a shelter. The store is on one of the busiest thoroughfares in the borough Einstein. He could work in the area, he could be using one of the many service provided I the area, medical,social, educational etc. etc. You’re obviously no detective.
Well Monday was a holiday so I guess you may be right that he might have been taking advantage of one of the many social or educational services in the area…I suppose you believe he was on his way to an art gallery or museum?…Just took a little break from “Work” to expose himself?..Yes I am no detective but you are definitely clueless!!!!
No Camera- he could have come from the Y. Just blowing in the wind like criminals do. He could have just gotten off a subway or a bus. You’re the one who sounds clueless.
Oh sure just out for a leisurely stroll on a winters day with no coat or jacket…making a purchase at the store and back on the bus or subway…you’re calling me clueless?
He could arrived at the scene in car as well. Brought a car into the many car washes in area. You really are clueless.
He’s not wearing a coat or a jacket!!!…Don’t need Lt. Columbo to figure out he’s a local,…Thank JVB and your colleagues on the city council for the new shelters in the neighborhood!!!!
whats this aspiring rapper doing in sunnyside!!? Wrong Borough
Yeh def Crooklyn style or da Bwonx
So let me get this straight. He exposes himself to a little girl and then calmly goes to the register to pay for his items while the parent just chills? So when was this reported? Before or after he paid for his item? Is it on tape? The article says allegedly, there’s not much story here. Just a bunch of speculation on an article about speculation. Why include a tape of him paying for his stuff…Maybe he did do it but this article nor the tape show no evidence of that.
You Tree hugging liberals are all the same. If the girls says it happened. Then it happened. Now stfu.
VoiceofReason the snowflake.
Now tell me where was this 7 year old child mom or in who’s care was she. this is what happens when you let childing run around the stores and. Aren’t by your side. I hope they get this mother fucker.
Don’t children have fathers too?
Only about 39 per cent have father these days due to the divide more rate and more women choosing to have babies by the themselves.
When you have a baby they give you all kinds of goodies and this is the dunocrats fault. The dema have created that social problem
If only they could hire a security guard for a dollar an hour
Disgusting i hope they catch him! When i was younger around this age, i was sexually assualted in a 99 cent store in jackson heights
Slow morning for the comment community. It took until 9:38am for someone to link this crime to Obama? Tisk Tisk, Sunnyside Post commenters- you’re sleeping on the job! You only have a few days left of injecting HRC and Obama into all these stories- I expected earlier results and with a bit more gusto. Shave those neck beards and meet the moment. Once more with feeling!
Hahahahaha, Is that you or a relative in the picture?
That guy still has stupid Johnny beat.
politician blame it on the Russians
I heard you i heard you
Blame it on the Russians
Another common criminal for Odumba to pardon.
The Russians did it
-Johnny Get a hobby you weak minded one subject imbicile. You’re an absolute bore.
Kelly, A little to close to home ?
“Too” close, stupid. Stupid Johnny..
Wrong use of “too” genius.
Johnny: A little too close to home?!? Obama and Democrats are all you talk about. You’re obsessed. Do you really think a one topic ‘imbecile’ like you could ever touch too close to home. Dude you can’t even spell it. “Stupid Johnny” is the right name for you.
A little upset are we? Its not my fault your a ” Sunnysider ” hahahaha.
It’s “you’re” a Sunnysider. Get some selfrespect and get an education. You’re an imbicile.
Kelly how about learning to spell imbecile before telling someone to get an education block head.
i’d say you’re a one trick pony, but i believe a horse has more sense and versatility than you
Hey, let’s try to catch this creep instead of a lot of name calling between each other.