Sept. 12, 2016 Staff Report
The police are looking for a man who allegedly broke into a Queens Boulevard convenience store last month and took off with cigarettes, lottery tickets and cash.
The suspect allegedly smashed his way through the front glass door to gain entry into MDS Corp, located at 32-02 Queens Boulevard, at around 9 pm August 29, according to police. The suspect then went on to help himself to 52 cartons of cigarettes, 59 scratch-off lottery tickets and $200 cash, police said.
The individual is described as a male with a beard; last seen wearing a dark colored T-shirt, dark colored shorts, black socks, dark colored sneakers and he had on a black and red backpack.

MDS Store
Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)
Elderly pole danceress can you smell the alcohol off him from jis picture
What a ugly sneaky looking person. Lucifer!
Wait, you can tell hes homeless because of his back pack? Whats this weeks lotto numbers?
He is clearly a homeless, I can tell because of the backpack.
Has he been found? We never get the end of the story with the Post.
You all need a life. Instead of worrying about someone else’s post stick to the topic and move on.
Blame fox news is a moron. This is all he has in his little lonely life. Poor little B.F.N., HE HAS NO LIFE. What a
Go back to jersey ya bastid
Ya batid go back to jersey
That you Mason?
Blame Fox news ,your the stupid one. FDT is right. Go vote for hillary “the seizure” clinton you dumb know it all. Your a clown.
-Up up and away “Your a clown” ?? Do you mean you’re a clown?
your yôr,yo͝or/Submit
1.belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
“what is your name?”
2.belonging to or associated with any person in general.
“the sight is enough to break your heart”
You can’t even write at the the 3rd grade level..I’m suppose to take your opinion seriously? You’re a poorly educated imbecile. The less you know and the less educated you are the easier is to lie to you and deceive you. Fact! Get an education loser. Your lack of intelligence makes you prone to buzzword laced rants.
#blamefoxnews needs to get laid. Move out of your mother’s basement.
@Uuaa What exactly is FDT right about? His post is a proclamation..Where did you go to school? Are you really Rocky? Two people could not possibly be this stupid.
I guess up up and away is incapable of disputing or debating the content of Blames post. I think everyone posting here knows who the stupid one is.
I would vote for this guy before hillary
Fdt- You’re stupid enough to. Uninformed voters like you are the reason the country is in the shape its in. Donald Trump used and directly dealt with illegal Polish laborers for his Trump Tower project. They were paid $4.00-$5.00 an hour and on the job 24 hours 7 days a week court documents show. Trump also admitted to using the alias Mr. Barron to the judge. He even testified to the fact. He’s been in bankruptcy 3 times. In your eyes he’s a great businessman. hahaha
My bet is the fool cashed in a winning ticket or two at 7-11 not realizing when it was scanned by the clerk it registered the barcode of the tickets and time and place of the redemption then the lottery commission searched the list of stolen tickets against their redeemed tickets.
If you notice hes looking for the camera’s. Also it is 7-11. I feel melinda is right, this guys guilty of something
Looks like a 7-11. They probably got a better view from their cameras and used that.
How are those Queens Homeless Shelters working out ?
That footage is from the 7/11 on 42nd/43rd St & QB, not the MDS store.
Trump 2016!
This guys got spock ears!
He must be looking for “The One Ring”. Damn Hobbits !
The one dislike is the guy in the pic.
Probably a homeless guy. Statistics say that 93% of thieves have been homeless at one time or another.
-fool posting as Angela
1- 564,708 people in the U.S. are homeless. According to a recent report, over half a million people were living on the streets, in cars, in homeless shelters, or in subsidized transitional housing during a one-night national survey last January. Of that number, 206,286 were people in families, 358,422 were individuals, and a quarter of the entire group were children.
2- 83,170 individuals, or 15% of the homeless population, are considered “chronically homeless.” Chronic homelessness is defined as an individual who has a disability and has experienced homelessness for a year or longer, or and individual who has a disability and has experienced at least four episodes of homelessness in the last three years (must be a cumulative of 12 months). Families with at least one adult member who meets that description are also considered chronically homeless.
As the National Alliance to End Homelessness explains, “While people experiencing chronic homelessness make up a small number of the overall homeless population, they are among the most vulnerable. They tend to have high rates of behavioral health problems, including severe mental illness and substance use disorders; conditions that may be exacerbated by physical illness, injury, or trauma.”
3- 47,725, or about 8% of the homeless population, are veterans. This represents a 35% decrease since 2009. Homeless veterans have served in several different conflicts from WWII to the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Washington, D.C., has the highest rate of veteran homelessness in the nation (145.8 homeless veterans per 10,000). 45% of homeless veterans are black or Hispanic. While less than 10% of homeless veterans are women, that number is rising.
1.4 million veterans are at risk of homelessness. This may be due to poverty, overcrowding in government housing, and lack of support networks. Research indicates that those who served in the late Vietnam and post-Vietnam era are at greatest risk of homelessness. War-related disabilities or disorders often contribute to veteran homelessness, including physical disabilities, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury, depression and anxiety, and addiction.
4- 550,000 unaccompanied, single youth and young adults under the age of 24 experience a homelessness episode of longer than one week. Approximately 380,000 of that total are under the age of 18. Accurately counting homeless children and youth is particularly difficult. The National Alliance to End Homelessness explains, “Homeless youth are less likely to spend time in the same places as homeless people who are in an older age range. They are often less willing to disclose that they’re experiencing homelessness or may not even identify as homeless. They also may work harder to try to blend in with peers who aren’t homeless.”
5- 110,000 LGBTQ youth in the U.S. are homeless. This is one of the most vulnerable homeless populations. A substantial number of young people who identify as LGBTQ say that they live in a community that is not accepting of LGBTQ people. In fact, LGBTQ youths make up 20% of runaway kids across the country. Family rejection, abuse, and neglect are major reasons LGBTQ youth end up on the streets. Additionally, homeless LGBTQ youth are substantially more likely than heterosexual homeless youth to be victims of sexual assault and abuse. LGBTQ homeless youth are twice as likely to commit suicide compared to heterosexual homeless youth.
Fifty percent of the homeless population is over the age of 50. These individuals often face additional health and safety risks associated with age. They are more prone to injuries from falls, and may suffer from cognitive impairment, vision or hearing loss, major depression, and chronic conditions like diabetes and arthritis.
830,120 year-round beds are available in a range of housing projects. About half of those beds are dedicated to people currently experiencing homelessness. This includes
Emergency Shelters that provide temporary or nightly shelter beds to people experiencing homelessness.
Transitional Housing that provides homeless people with up to 24 months of housing and supportive services.
Safe Havens that provide temporary shelter and services to hard-to-serve individuals.
The other half of these beds are targeted at recently homeless populations. Rapid Rehousing provides short-term and medium-term rental assistance, housing relocation, and stabilization services to formerly homeless people experiencing homelessness. Permanent Supportive Housing provides long-term housing with supportive services for formerly homeless people with disabilities. Other Permanent Housing provides housing with or without services, but does not require people to have a disability.
As shocking as these statistics are, there are so many great organizations working tirelessly to end homelessness in the U.S. and around the world. Get inspired by their work and success, continue reading some of the Social Solutions case studies that feature clients who work with the homeless population!
i will speak for all people under 40, this post is too long.
idiot posting as mac. apparently has no life so he can write long posts. get a girlfriend.
Mac usually insults for no other reason other than to read his own drivel. It makes him feel good to demean others with no basis whatsoever. It’s his reality.
-Mac A couple of thumbs down for posting facts provided by the Veterans Administration and National Aliance to end homelessness. You’re right, there are some true imbeciles out there. You sure are right about the band of idiots unleashed on us by Fox News and Rush Linbabaugh. Everything is now a popularity contest run by the loudest voice in the room.
You’re a philistene
To everyone asking for more footage: No. They’re not going to show you how to rob a store.
Yeah because people watch videos and movies and say “ah it’s so easy”.
Seriously, SSP, is this why you won’t tell us how they gained access to those apartments in break-ins? Because people might learn and duplicate those? What kind of nonsense is that.
He may will a million with one of those lotto tickets, but he might also die of lung cancer at the same time. What a waste!
It’s not very clear, how do they know it was this guy who broke in? Where is the footage from the break-in? There is someone in the store at this time and it looks like regular work hours. There is something fishy going on here, even though if these guys were %100 sure it was this person who broke in, there doesn’t seem to be any proof.
PS: I started seeing more and more questionable characters on and around queens blvd recently, did they already start filling up that hotel with homeless families or is there a section-8 housing somewhere here that we’re not aware of?
“La Quinta” hotel is now a homeless shelter – located at 37-18 queens boulevard –
no wonder you want to stay anonymous, anonymous you idiot
That’s at least the third time I’ve seen someone post that here. Does anybody have any proof? Google turns up nothing.
La Quinta is a regular hotel. There are no welfare tenants. Stop spreading rumors.
Real slimey looking character. Hes guilty just by looking at him
I hope you are never selected on a jury duty, ever.
Who cares
He’s gonna be spending lots of time scratching off those lotto cards
and where did he put this all and how come it is not on the video, and there was someone else in the store that was blocked out…seems strange to me
Scratch-off lotto tickets are barcoded and tracked. If he redeems any winnings, they can easily catch him. Or if his luck is like mine the he probably scratched off all 59 tickets and didn’t win a darn thing.
52 cartons of cigarettes ??
Build that wall!!!
Lol If you build a 20 foot wall, all people need is a 21 foot ladder. Walls aren’t necessary a way to keep people out. Its really a way to keep people in. Besides, people fly in and stay so a wall is just nonsense pandering.
What attracts people to the USA is the free stuff they get from the gov’t for doing absolutely nothing and having anchor babies. Those people are a drain because the water/food is turned on for them. There are plenty of people who come here illegally and do the jobs some natural-born don’t want to do.
There’s really nothing you can do to prevent someone from coming over. Kind of like how a pigeon flys near you. The only thing keeping unproductive illegals is how they’re given free things. If you stop giving them free things then they’ll either get off their arse and become a productive part in society or leave. Don’t feed the pigeons.
-liberty One way to prevent illegals is to prosecute the people employing them. It works in Canada, Australia , Germany etc. etc. in order to get “free things” from the Govt you must have a social security number. Illegals don’t get WIC foodstamps welfare Medicare, that is a myth.
Once the anchor babies are born, SS# are automatically generated. Why punish people who want to work and be a productive member of society?
-Salisbury steak it has less to do with punishing people who want to be productive and more to do with allowing employers to exploit people and violate the law so they don’t have to pay a market or living wage to legitimate prospective employees. Spare is the BS fear mongering that certain business sectors will collapse that’s a bunch of hog wash.
@Mac unless you’re willing to pay a lot more at restaurants and for food at the grocery store for mr. and mrs. darcy’s son ryan to deliver you food and work on a farm the system is as is.
Moreover unless illegal immigrants are forced to work in horrible conditions whats keeping them their? Unless they have a gun to their head why do they stay?
-SSS The same fear mongering rally cry was heard about passage of the ACA. A number of Chamber of Commerce even apologized for buying into it it. The ACA costs under 2% a meal that comes out less than $1.00 an individual meal or as Papa John said $0.11 cents a pie. The same results will happen when the practice of the use of illegal slave labor is abolished here. When I eat at a nice restaurant during my frequent trips to Canada and less frequent trips to Australia the cost is very much in line with restaurants here. Just a fact. A small increase in some costs is well worth it if my wife and daughters can leave our home without being cat called by the day laborers at the park up on Broadway and 65th street by the subway station. I bet my friends who own homes up that way would welcome the day those poor illegals stop using their back yards and park as a toilet, oh and its not just pee.