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NYPD: Man Beaten in the Head With a Baseball Bat on 46th Street and Greenpoint Avenue

Police near scene (Photo: QueensPost)

Nov. 21, By Tara Law

A 23-year-old man was seriously injured after he was hit in the head by a baseball bat on Monday evening in Sunnyside, police said.

The victim was walking near the corner of 46th Street and Greenpoint Avenue at around 8:25 p.m. when he was approached by two men dressed in black, police said.

One of them struck him in the head with a baseball bat, police said. The two suspects fled in an unknown direction.

A passerby who was walking his dog witnessed the attack, police said.  The witness said he saw two men in black looming over a third man, who was lying on the ground.

The police obtained video of the attack.

The victim was taken to Elmhurst Hospital with a laceration to his head. The police said he is in “serious condition,” but did not release his identity.

No arrests have been made. The investigation is ongoing.

Police near scene (QueensPost)

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I’m just seeing this and it’s frightening! I am out at that hour and coming home from work at that time too. This is inexcusable! Why do we never have any police patrolling our neighborhood on both sides at all hours? Oh yes when I used to sit at Starbucks on my day off they come in about 4PM for their coffee. I have never not felt safe living here, but this makes me very uncomfortable, especially as a single woman who lived in the city for 26yrs., and never worried ever, I went everywhere . This is one of the reasons I loved it here from day 1, such a community, the mix of cultures,the people are all so friendly. Now at 59 I have to scared walking home,


You guys do know Sunnyside was way worst than this 10 years ago. I grew up in sunnyside. There use to be more violence than this. I remember when there use to be a lot of gangs in the neighborhood and now theres barely any.


Daz- I have been here 55 years and many of my family longer than that and know your post is greatly exagerated. The only problems like the ones you describe were tied the old Metropolitan Apartments (Mets) slum. These dumps should be demolished but at least are now being cleaned out and are actually Woodside.


the classism in these comments is astounding. a woman names sanchez thinks poor people are to blame for crime. what a shame.


This is your fault for voting for diblasio !! IMPEACH DIBLASIO BOSTON PRICK !! And send these shelter people out of state !!


Woodsider- Did you see DiBlasio swing the bat? How is a violent encounter the responsibility of the mayor? This is the person who decided to act like a violent fools fault nobody else’s.


How the heck does this get 26 down votes? Shelter residents visiting this forum and downvoting these posts?


Ever since the ho-tel? It’s been like this on that side of the boulavard for 35 years. Amanda should be amandumb

michael stevenson

This is fudged reporting of the numbers.The crime rate is climbing .If you live here you know i am telling the truth .There is major problems in NY that will not just go away on its own.We have a Drug epidemic,a Mental illness crisis and a justice system that is and has been politicized. . We also so have an open door invite to all illegals and criminals which burdens all taxpayers and puts all New Yorkers in harm’s way .Oh yeah Homelessness is in all boroughs .But this is what you get when you have a socialist Mayor that hate this country.

Fan of Dough boy park

I guess you don’t get out much. Crime is skyrocketing, Woodside/Sunnyside never had crime like this. You get off the 7 train , people standing around , sizing you up to potentially rob you. You want to be an “ostrich” and bury you head in the sand because the city had ” figures” about crime? Is this the same city government that blatantly lied about the lead painting? And then when caught said ” so what?” Go get sheared sheep


Fan- I take the 7 train at least twice a day and many days more then that. I have never seen people sizing people up or “perping” by the subways. I use the 40th Street and 46th Street stations most. Which stop or stops are you talking about? In my 55 plus years of living in this neighborhood I have been involved with a number of collars, most involving criminal incidents on the subway. I am very adept in spotting criminal behavior and have not seen this type of posturing at these two stations and certainly not the near hysterical degree, that you describe. If you’re this fearful you should probably move.

David F.

True story. People are talking about how things in Sunnyside “are getting bad”. I remember 15-20 years ago when you couldn’t go out at night alone on certain blocks.


David I was hear and out about every night 20 years ago and that was never the case. Did you just arrive from snowflake land and just afraid of your own shadow back then?


Another downvote to hell by unknown forces.. How is this possible? Shelter owners or residents are mashing down votes? This neighborhood deserves better and I cannot believe nobody seems to care about the recent rise in crime. I hope they don’t try to silence Sunnyside Post.

Fresh N Save

This week only: Keyfood All Natural Turkey $49 per pound with club card and add’l $50 purchase


I just have to ask this to all the other ppl in the hood is this key food chain the absolute worst grocery or what? The management is totally incompetent the deli clerks have such a terrible attitude and screw up every order not knowing the difference between thin and steak cut? And Mike the owner has to be one of the biggest pigs I’ve ever come across.
He walks around the store eating and spitting food at his so called under bosses barking out orders like an animal.
Just wanted to see what others think.

Clean Up in Aisle 13

Agreed. They ought to fire Bruno the DBD from the deli department. Also his BFF Blue T-Shirt Bum is doing a poor job of cleaning up spills in aisle 13.

Greenpoint Ave resident

I must be getting old but there are too many new terms being used that I don’t know current definition of. Someone clue me into what DBD, Jacked Up and OJJ mean? Thank you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Sunnyside.


I don’t really like where the neighborhood is going. Have been living here for 17 years but I think it is time to change the scenery.


If you’re not involved with the people who are involved with these “incidents” and “disputes” you have nothing to worry about. I have been in the neighborhood since the 50’s and know these types of things are not a threat to me or my friends and family. May I recommend Little Neck right off the railroad for your scenery change? Great commute quiet, affordable and convenient to shopping on Northern Blvd.


This is pure ignorance. We should not have people who are involved with these incidents in our neighborhood to begin with. I hope JVB or 108 doesn’t think the same way you think. You must be a politician.


Anoymous – The councilman is way too busy to hold a press conference on every fight argument or dispute in the neighborhood. You need to learn the duties of JVB’s office before you chime in. You constantly waste the readers time with your one man feeble propaganda show.


i do not waste my time but he JVB needs to address this situation like he addresses walking across the bridge because he hates Trump or taking photo-ops when he was in P)uerto Rico

Joe at the Berkley

Hmm- Don’t worry as the rents climb and the old Mets apartments are cleaned out of garbage and replaced with middle class tax paying law abiding citizens these types of occurrences, already very rare, will be even much less in recurrence. These things happen in the Upper East Side, SOHO, Park Slope and Gramercy Park too, they’re almost never random. These fools know each other.


Yeah right JOE. Those people will never leave the rent controlled apartments The next 5 generations will be in the mets


Anon- MCI Major capital improvements pass along and the suspension of section 8 gets them out. I know it worked for me and the buildings I manage. Just look at the crowd getting off the subway at 46th Street Subway station heading south, it gets more and more homogeneous and less and less derelict each day. Ask Douglas Elliman who are now managing the old Mets now called the Cosmopolitans.


The rent stabilized apts will remain rent stabilized/ rent controlled and in the same families for decades. I know people who live in rent stabilized apts in the areas while they own 2-3 NYC properties.


Good thinking. I would also recommend going further east but if you want to remain in the NYC you can try Forest Hills, Rego Park and Middle Village which in my opinion are areas that are now what Sunnyside used to be 10-15 years ago. Calm, suburban, good commute to the city and great sense of Community. My cousin who is in her 30’s lives in Middle Village and commutes to Midtown. She loves it and she was able to buy a small house in the price of a two bedroom apt in Sunnyside.


Those neighborhoods have always been more “calm and suburban” compared to Sunnyside even in the 60’s when I was a kid. The “other side” of the boulevard now called “the south side of QB” always had problems but has actually gotten noticeably better. Even at its worst “the other side of the blvd.” was never as bad as Chelsea, Williamsburg, Astoria, Bushwick or the rest of the trendy NYC neighborhoods.


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