Dec. 15, 2016 Staff Report
The police are searching for a man who robbed an attendant at gunpoint at a Queens Boulevard gas station Sunday.
The suspect was a passenger in a vehicle that pulled into the Mobil gas station at 69-02 Queens Boulevard at around 7:40 am, according to police. The man then displayed a firearm and demanded that the 62-year-old male attendant hand him money.
The suspect fled in the vehicle, described as a silver Nissan Maxima (model year 2004-2008), westbound with $130. There were no injuries.
A photo of the suspect has been released.
Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)
Ken alot of it is guys your ages kids. A lot of guys your age never grew up, partying still, never taught the kids respect, and this is what happened. No disrespect to you, or me, because im probably your age, but alot of our friends didnt do right. Didnt make good parents and are still up to no good. And then you got the hiphop rap generation who glorifies these actions. Face it society is in the toilet and the bowls being flushed
I also grew up here, that station was always getting robbed. Its right off the bqe entrance, quick getaway. A couple of guys i knew growing up worked there over night when we were 16,17, and they got robbed. This was 40 yrs ago
I grew up in the 70s, last of people like you. Todays society is down the sewer. If you get up on a busto give a lady or disabled, or elderly your seat some little turd tries to grab it first or they look at you like your a sucker and laugh. But according to them we’re old stupid dinosaurs. Thats ok i rather be that. Imagine how bad its gonna be when these kids kids grow up. Thank god ill be taking a dirt nap by then
I grew up in Sunnyside back in the 50’s-60’s, and just like Woodside, both neighborhoods were great places to live. We left our windows open all night, we never locked our doors, parents never had to worry about where their kids were. We looked out for and took care of one another. We showed respect for our elders and especially to the policemen on the beat. I’m not sure what happened but I will go out on a limb and guess that drugs, lack of of respect for authority, parents who don’t discipline their kids and probably parents who should have never become parents have all played a part in contributing to the decline of our neighborhoods. It’s really sad when you have scumbags like this punk who robbed this gas station attendant.
Ha! Is that bald head dummy still up to no good?
When will chris the snake chill
It must be cris da kid
With the pakistani charging those prices, he basically got robbed after robbing customers of Queens for years!
It’s clown convention in thread comments today.
Why there is no license plate info, let me guess out of state plates? Most likely South Carolina?
It’s obviously a Russian hand holding the gun. My guess…it’s Putin.
Putin and the Russians were clearly behind this.
You’re an idiot. Trump appeals to the excessively stupid. Yes thump is going to help raise the average working mans salaries. Just ask his VP Pence who has passed RTW legislation turning indiana into a low wage right to work for less state and who is one of 21 Republican governors blocking passage of an employee right to overtime law. You people are the most gullible and ignorant people yet. Republicans just use your racist views to manipulate and rob you. Hahaha I love a good con. Thanks trump and your naive low wage minions. Hahaha
Pearl Cream, you should never speak of the Clinton Foundation in such a way.
-Lucky7 You mean the failure of a foundation that is or was the Trump Foundation. The one that was not authorized to receive contributions but took money anyway. The Clinton Foundation is a well run money making foundation unlike the failed Trump Foundation. Eat your heart out
@lucky7 What does bad labor policies have to with a foundation? You sound pretty stupid.
Thanks Rocky! Again, put a space before the 7.
Haha your calling someone stupid, but you cant put together a complete sentence!
-Fara You should talk. You have a comma right before a conjunction you’re missing an apostrophe and you never addressed your stupid post. You’re very lazy as well.
Low wage minions, hahahahaha,Hilarious, From the NO wage brigade.
@johnny Do you ever fact check? You’re such a know nothing blowhard. Pearl is correct the states with the lowest wages went with Trump while all the top earning states went Democrat. Johnny you have it all wrong as usual.
50. Mississippi – Median household income: $39,680 Poverty rate: 21.5%
49. West Virginia – Median household income: $41,059 Poverty rate: 18.3%
48. Arkansas – Median household income: $41,262 Poverty rate: 18.9%
47. Alabama – Median household income: $42,830 Poverty rate: 19.3%
46. Kentucky – Median household income: $42,958 Poverty rate: 19.1%
45. Tennessee – Median household income: $44,361 Poverty rate: 18.3%
44. Louisiana – Median household income: $44,555 Poverty rate: 19.8%
43. New Mexico – Median household income: $44,803 Poverty rate: 21.3%
42. South Carolina – Median household income: $45,238 Poverty rate: 18.0%
41. Montana – Median household income: $46,328 Poverty rate: 15.4%
40. North Carolina – Median household income: $46,556 Poverty rate: 17.2%
39. Florida – Median household income: $47,463 Poverty rate: 16.5%
38. Oklahoma – Median household income: $47,529 Poverty rate: 16.6%
37. Idaho – Median household income: $47,861 Poverty rate: 14.8%
36. Missouri – Median household income: $48,363 Poverty rate: 15.5%
35. Ohio – Median household income: $49,308 Poverty rate: 15.8%
34. Georgia – Median household income: $49,321 Poverty rate: 18.3%
33. Indiana – Median household income: $49,446 Poverty rate: 15.2%
32. Maine – Median household income: $49,462 Poverty rate: 14.1%
31. Michigan – Median household income: $49,847 Poverty rate: 16.2%
30. Arizona – Median household income: $50,068 Poverty rate: 18.2%
29. South Dakota – Median household income: $50,979 Poverty rate: 14.2%
28. Oregon – Median household income: $51,075 Poverty rate: 16.6%
27. Nevada – Median household income: $51,450 Poverty rate: 15.2%
26. Kansas – Median household income: $52,504 Poverty rate: 13.6%
25. Wisconsin – Median household income: $52,622 Poverty rate: 13.2%
24. Nebraska – Median household income: $52,686 Poverty rate: 12.4%
23. Texas – Median household income: $53,035 Poverty rate: 17.2%
22. Pennsylvania – Median household income: $53,234 Poverty rate: 13.6%
21. Iowa – Median household income: $53,712 Poverty rate: 12.2%
20. Vermont – Median household income: $54,166 Poverty rate: 12.2%
19. Rhode Island – Median household income: $54,891 Poverty rate: 14.3%
18. Wyoming – Median household income: $57,055 Poverty rate: 11.2%
17. Illinois – Median household income: $57,444 Poverty rate: 14.4%
16. New York – Median household income: $58,878 Poverty rate: 15.9%
15. North Dakota – Median household income: $59,029 Poverty rate: 11.5%
14. Delaware – Median household income: $59,716 Poverty rate: 12.5%
13. Utah – Median household income: $60,922 Poverty rate: 11.7%
12. Colorado – Median household income: $61,303 Poverty rate: 12.0%
11. Washington – Median household income: $61,366 Poverty rate: 13.2%
10. Minnesota – Median household income: $61,481 Poverty rate: 11.5%
9. California – Median household income: $61,933 Poverty rate: 16.4%
8. Virginia – Median household income: $64,902 Poverty rate: 11.8%
7. New Hampshire – Median household income: $66,532 Poverty rate: 9.2%
6. Massachusetts – Median household income: $69,160 Poverty rate: 11.6%
5. Hawaii – Median household income: $69,592 Poverty rate: 11.4%
4. Connecticut – Median household income: $70,048 Poverty rate: 10.8%
3. Alaska – Median household income: $71,583 Poverty rate: 11.2%
2. New Jersey – Median household income: $71,919 Poverty rate: 11.1%
1. Maryland- Median household income: $73,971 Poverty rate: 10.1%
How the mighty elite have fallen, Would make a stone cry.
-Johnny So, I guess your answer to the question about fact checking is no.
Right where the bus driver got stabbed. Used to be a nice neighborhood now its terrible
These Trump supporters are out of control! Where was JVB classmates from the self-defense class to ” sweep the leg” to defend themselves from rampaging republican attacks? Oh wait! It’s all a lie! Keep up the false narrative to make yourselves feel better.
Why do people have to bring up Trump in every single damn news and comments?
i think you meant a photo of the suspects right hand has been released.