Oct. 7, 2016 Staff Report
Police have arrested and charged a man in connection to an attack on a 23-year-old woman last weekend in Woodside.
Moises Fernandez, a 42-year-old man from Woodside, was arrested today for attacking a woman near Woodside Avenue and Roosevelt Avenue at about 11:30 pm on Saturday Oct. 1.
According to the victim, Fernandez approached her from behind with a hatchet, dragged her to the ground, and stole her bag before fleeing the scene.
Police charged Fernandez with robbery, grand larceny, and menacing.
A world with out that wall
I’m sure if this was happening near Sunnyside Gardens the 108th Pct would have cops on every corner & a command center set up to protect Lil jvb’s area.
-never her Get off your lazy butt and put together a group of like minded people and hold a demonstration just like we did and continue to do at the Maspeth welfare holiday inn. You sound like a do nothing whiner.
Unlaborers is a perfect word. More than half of them hang around and drink all day. Then when the got their load on they bother woman who are coming home from work. This is bad,will it take someone to be raped or killed before immigration finally steps in and does something. For the laborers, the ones who do want to work and better their lives, why arent they put in a certain spot so they dont annoy pedestrians. LIKE RIGHT IN FRONT OF COMMUNITY BOARD 2, WATCH HOW FAST DEPORTATION IS STEPPED UP. real nice i get off the 7 train at 69st and if its raining,all these so called laborers hog up the bus shelter and working people have to stand on the 7 train steps or stand in the rain while these Unlaborers just hang and drink. Dont they know acqua cleans you
The community board, the mayors office, local political people need to put the pressure on and get rid of the day unlaborers. Its gone on long enough, nothing is done about it . Its just ignored .
This is getting to be normal for Woodside,especially 69 the street between Roosevelt and Woodside avenue,which is overrun with trans prostitution.
Diane- The tranny’s are gropping and assaulting these women?
Glad they caught the scumbag punk.
Moises Fernandez? His mother and father actually named him Moises
so, which country will we be deporting him to?
America ??
I hope they convict this menace and throw away the. Key and deport him back to his country
So you know he’s an immigrant?
Grande – Do you know he’s not? Back before politically correct whining the police released such information as perps address legal status and priors all right after their perp walk.
How hypocritical you sound my friend. I am not merely whining but asking a question. You on the other hand are ready to whine about how I am wrong. Just know if it was a white man who immigrated here undocumented you would sure believe he was a resident but him being Spanish would ultimately lead to the stereotypical mindset of him being an undocumented resident.
@chris And I asked you a question. The public record supports my position unlike your silly whine about stereo types. That’s why I have petitioned to have release of legal status, address reinstated as well as the reinstatement of the perp walk at the last Democratic sit down. It was a great way of learning who the bums were where they lived and what they looked like.
It wasn’t busy as it was 11:30 at night. And it was on a residential block between Woodside Ave and Roosevelt Ave.
see previous post
11:30 at night in a busy area what the hell is happening to the Woodside that I was born and raised in ? Murder on 54th Street and robberies and rapes. It seems to me that the population make up has changed for the worst. It is a shame and disgrace.
Mr Mc Coy, you would not believe what has become of your neighborhood. It is disgusting.
Need more police at night in the area!
this is up to Jimmy Van Bramer to start asking for this — this is his district –
While this is great news, we know that not every arrest lead to conviction, let’s hope this is really the guy and goes away for good. Did he have record?
Yes he is a sex offender too
This crime is just another one that hss been happening here lately. A Saturday night there should have been people out and about at that time. The 108 n eeds to patrol the area better.
@John what should these people do when an insane person is running around with a hatchet?
You’re right. Busy area.
Well, thank God. Although menacing doesn’t begin to describe what a person with a hatchet might do.
Good work NYPD. Thank you!!