Location of Shooting (Photo: Google)
July 14, 2018 By Christian Murray
A homeless man has been arrested and charged with murder in connection with a fatal stabbing in front of Duane Reade on Roosevelt Avenue early Tuesday, police said.
The police arrested Antonio Cabrera, 45, on Friday for the fatal stabbing of Velibor Flores, also homeless, at 12:31 a.m. on July 10 by 60-02 Roosevelt Ave.
The police initially said Flores was shot. However, the NYPD now says that the victim was stabbed multiple times.
Cabrera has been charged with murder in the second degree and criminal possession of a weapon.
You didn’t even mention anything about the victims of these inmates -typical liberal.
Roberto- Typical Republican…The party of stupid as quoted by Republican Governor Bobby Jindal. You wear the title as a badge of honor.
So are you saying Deblasio is smart?
“We must insist on assimilation – immigration without assimilation is an invasion. We need to tell folks who want to come here, they need to come here legally. They need to learn English, adopt our values, roll up their sleeves and get to work.”
The actual quote is “we have to stop being the stupid party”” It is no secret we had a number of Republicans damage our brand this year with offensive, bizarre comments – enough of that. It’s not going to be the last time anyone says something stupid within our party, but it can’t be tolerated within our party.” So much for understanding nuance. But you already new your quote was bullshit.
Roberto- Try to keep up, my post is addressing the mental health issue as a public health matter. Why would I need to mention crime victims? We’re they mentally Ill ? We see you’re Fox informed.
Why not stick to the story, we don’t know yet if the accused had any mental issues.
Roberto- I am on topic. Try to focus, remember, I responded to your poorly worded and uniformed post regarding liberal democrats. With your limited attention span you have forgotten then you went and posted outside of the dedicated comment stream for that particular post so you figure you could cover for your incompetency by getting nasty and acting like a cyber bully. Acting like a bully doesn’t hide the fact that you are poorly informed and have terrible debate skills, we all see through you. Grow up.
This is a prime example of how the individual/community can only rely on themselves and not the government. Its physically impossible for the police (a government force) to be everywhere every time. You must call 311 and they’ll patch you through to 911. Whatever, down-tumb this comment. Truth is unpopular in a socialist/communist society. The Mayor should be tossed out immediately.
The police were in that park at 11pm that nite. I saw them as I passed going home from work. The homeless were there, why weren’t they chased out. This used to be a beautiful little park for ppl with children and elderly who live in apartments to sit outside. Now its a dump!
Thank your mayor
Gotta luv the homeless.
Homeless, once again JVB and Lisa Deller are responsible for the uptick of the homeless in our neighborhood. She the Chairperson of the planning commission on CB2, she knows which lots are being developed into hotels, which inturn are then coverted into homeless shelters and Jimmy has taken so much money from these developers and not-for-profits which operate these shelters that he can’t go against them. We already lost.
not one word from Mr. JVB.
The city never talks about crime committed by homeless people. Many have mental health problems, all are down on their luck and desperately poor and don’t care if they commit a crime.
I have great sympathy for homeless people on the street with mental problems. It is not their fault and they need to be helped. It obviously doesn’t excuse their crimes. I have sympathy for homeless families especially ones led by women. I do t have sympathy for drug addicts or alcoholics who are homeless.
Does Jimmy Van Bramer know ? He’s happy about the bike lanes !
No photo op!
This is due to the lack of police presence in the Woodside/Sunnyside area. I see them more on foot patrol in LIC by the waterfront. Why? NYPD would rather not pursue arrests or deal with possible crimes because it hurts their numbers. Higher crime numbers, less likely for promotion. This falls squarely on the Captain of the 108.
that is why they are rotating them every 2 years now because of what is going on —
Last night there was a police van parked right on the sidewalk of the triangle park.
Thanks liberals!!!!
Thank you conservatives! No social safety net. Ever!!
A liberal Democratic governer, a communist mayor and a socialist city council.By making that statement I think you’re the real El Loco.
Roberto- mental illness and Homelessness are national issues. An American Association of Prison wardens have petitioned Congress’s for more psychiatric care funding for their prisons stating that three quarters of inmates exhibit signs and traits of mental illness and are on antipsychotic and and antidepressant medication. America needs a true psychiatric medical program in place not the thirty day bandaid program currently in place. Please get informed and treat your political system as a forum for the sharing of ideas instead of a banner waving high school pep rally.
D-No, thank you conservatives! No social safety net, ever!!
The safety net argument is abject bullshit. The homeless encampment in this area have been reached out to on multiple occasions. They will not give up the lifestyle (for lack of a better term) that they have chosen unless and until they are forced to do so.
Anonymous – Your post is absurd.
The truth hurts.
Sorry but it is true. I’ve seen it. There has been a lot of help offered and refused. Very sad but they prefer being on the streets
Anonymous- Because the help that is offered isn’t real help. We need to look at how other nations manage their homeless issues. Psychiatric treatment is expensivene.
5 homeless people sleep in the park across the street from my house, in my over 40yrs in Queen homeless never set up camp in this park, numerous agencies show up, they refuse help, the NYPD does nothing as the homeless sit there defecating out in the open. There are kids playing in these parks, disgusting when their basket or soccer ball rolls by the corner walled area the homeless defecate on. DISGUSTING!
Anonymous- Very few people with mental illness believe they need help. If these people are dedicating in the park they should be charged with public health and unsanitary violations then sentenced to mental health facilities and treatment. The public and police need to step up their efforts. Video taping the transgressions and 311 and 911 complaints need to be set into play.
Bill DeBumsio is the real problem.
I heard you. I heard you
Those Homeless Are a Neusance. That One Blonde Old Lady Is a Crackhead. A Friend of Mine Called This Place Crackhead Square.
Yes it is! They love it over there! And the rats that flow the area is repugnant as well. Goes right along with the 52st park circle there. The homeless love Woodside.
So it’s plausible that this was an accident and not a murder right? Just asking, I’ve got this meeting next week and they’re gonna make a big deal outta this.
Accident. You cannot possibly be that stupid.
Hey if I can make every strong arm robbery into petty larceny I’ve got a shot. He could have fallen on the knife… repeatedly. Yeah that’s the ticket.
Shot, stabbed, oops way to go Keystone Kops.