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No. 7 train riders face a tough commute home

Photo: iStock

Feb. 2, 2015 Staff Report

Rush hour commuters, who live in Sunnyside, Woodside and Long Island City, are going to face a horrid time coming home from Manhattan tonight.

The No. 7 train– as of 4:45 pm– remains out of service for No.7 train commuters looking to leave Manhattan.

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Oh, Cathy wanted to be in “Two Men in a Room and a Little Lady” and Jimmy is ducking.

My First Post

The weekend disruptions are certainly obnoxious, however, real work is getting done. Check out the site the MTA has set up:

You can follow the progress of everything they’ve done during each shutdown. The modernization of the 7 line is due in large part to the (delayed) opening of the first new subway station, at Hudson Yards, in more than 60 years! They are also going to install those countdown timers, so we can all see when the next train is coming, just like the 1,2,3,4,5,6 lines.
Be patient, good things are coming!!

43rd & 43rd

They already have timing announcements. There’s no reason they couldn’t put that information on signs instead. Bogus.

Bob Bixley

What a mess. How come this doesn’t happen on the other elevated lines around the city? Where’s Jimmy Van Brammer and Cathy Nolan to investigate?


Weekend after weekend, month in and month out, year after year, the 7 work goes on and on, creating jobs for an army of workers, and headaches for the rest of us. The 7 work never gets done, and never seems to get done right. No one is accountable, there are no apologies, and no MTA executive loses her or his job over it. And the work will never get done. The point doesn’t seem to be to get the work done and done right, the point simply seems to be to keep churning the work.


There’s corruption and fraud involved. they probably pay the auditors under the table some hush money.

venow weatin

I waited 45 min but i finally i got on a severely packed Q60 at 2nd ave and took it to queens, every stop in queens, people tried to squeeze on. nearly caused a riot. feel bad for the people who couldnt get on.


I often wonder if shutting down the 7 train is not more of a cost-cutting thing than it is a repair-the-train thing.

I mean, the MTA COULD increase weekend Q60 or Q32 buses on the weekend to make up for the lack of subway service but they don’t.

citizen x

Took the LIRR to Woodside and walked. The MTA should comp in these cases. $8 for a ten minute ride is ridiculous and it’s their fault.


There was a period when the MTA website had a notice on the bottom of the weekened no-service saying that LIRR would honor metrocards on trains going to Woodside.

I went to the LIRR one night and got into a big argument with the people there because they would not let me on a train, even though I showed them the website page on my cellphone saying that it would honor metrocards.


im a mexican living in poverty with a broken leg, i had to took a train into the city earlier to work and cant pay for cab at queen boro paza. I always get push when i go to the bus shuttle. it hurts my to live in queens winter time anymore . butt i never going leave my 20 year home here with all my famillia , but maybe that mean i die sooner from street related?

39th St

I believe in our neighborhood and I believe in our train but this is inexcusable. This compounded by the abysmal weekend train situation… Who can I call to complain? How can we make this better? I’ve kept my mouth shut about this to grin and bare it for a long time now and I’m sick and tired of it. The MTA needs to do much, much, much better — city-wide but especially in Sunnyside.


How can we make this better? FIRE with negative recommendations every single manager and executive for incompetence, fraud, and mismanagement in the MTA. Then restructure. The MTA makes…lets see…6 million riders x $5 per day = at LEAST $30 million per day from the subway system alone. if you cant make the system better with $30 million per day, then there is FRAUD in the chain.


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