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New York State Has Conducted More Coronovirus Tests Than Anywhere in the Nation: Cuomo

Gov. Andrew Cuomo at press conference March 21

March 21, 2020 By Christian Murray

New York State has conducted more coronavirus tests than any other state, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced this morning.

He said the state has performed 45,000 tests to date, much higher than the states of California and Washington–each having performed 23,000 tests. He said on a per capita basis the number is higher than South Korea and China.

The number of positive cases in the state was 10,356, with 6,211 in New York City, he announced this morning. He noted that 15 percent of cases resulted in hospitalization.

He said the rise was in part due to increased testing and that they were just identifying people who had already contracted the virus.

He said that he will be sending 1 million N95 masks to New York City. Additionally more than 6,000 ventilators will be coming to the state in upcoming weeks from around the world.

Cuomo said that he is working on setting up four field hospitals, which would be used to test and possibly treat cases of COVID-19 infections.

Cuomo said he hopes to bring a field hospital to the Javits Center that would have four 250-bed units with a total capacity of 1,000.

He has three other locations in mind in the region—including SUNY Stony Brook and SUNY Westbury as well as the Westchester Convention Center. Each would have 250 beds.

Most people will be infected—projected to be between 40 percent and 80 percent of the state’s population—and he said his goal is to manage the rate of infection so the hospital system is not overwhelming.

Cuomo warned people to be weary of false rumors.

“There will be no roadblocks saying you can’t leave an area,” he said. Society, he added, will continue to function, with pharmacies open and food available.

“I haven’t hidden anything from you,” Cuomo said. “I haven’t tilted the facts.”

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Jimmy has been quiet for a long time, I was hoping he might off marched us all over the bridge for a little exercise.

Gardens Watcher

William The Mayor is acting like a weak daddy who doesn’t want to parent his kids. Germany is now limiting outside groups to two people. NYC must do the same or we are doomed.


LIC Neighbor – The scenario DeBlasio mentioned is playing out in municipalities around the world. That is where the Federal Government is suppose to step up, some crisis are just too big for a city government or even a state government to handle, that’s the very reason why we have a federal government. We know Trump was dancing with the US Flag and calling the virus a hoax up until a couple of weeks ago, there are videos of his fiddling. Put some blame on the clown you voted into the highest office in the land. At least Blasio and Cuomo are acting in the public interest.


Yellow- You’re a broken boring record. The president briefs us daily, the governor briefs us daily and the mayor briefs us daily. How many more briefings in a day do you need? Turn off the TV and put down the electronic device, go for a walk snowflake and stop looking for somebody to hold your hand.

LIC Neighbor

Mayor DiBlasio IS a freaking idiot, making proclamations and that we are totally broke instead of giving people hope that we will get through this and where’s Jimmy Van Bramer in hiding in the Key Lime Capital of the US, Key West? Sensationalist who overspent our city’s reserves and now the rainy day arrived, millions spent on his wife’s pet project. God help us not only against the COVID19, the collapsing economy, loss of jobs, people that are suffering, people with the COVID19. The useless politicians.

Trump owns the second largest mansion in Florida

He takes private jets there to golf.

But you’re “upset” JVB is in Key West lmao. Have some integrity.


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