Sept. 10, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge
The first day of public school yesterday marked the opening of a new elementary school in Woodside.
P.S. 361, or the Woodside Community School, is located at 39-07 57th St. About 100 Kindergarten and pre-K students started class yesterday, according to the Community Education Council for the school district.
The school will grow each year to eventually serve about 500 students in grades pre-K through five.
The school building is also currently hosting fifth and sixth graders from nearby P.S. 11, while that school undergoes construction for an addition that will address its severe overcrowding.
Read more about the new school at its website by clicking here.
@kramden St. Sabastian’s, St. Francis Prep and St. John’s..And you?
Mac is a commie
Mac did St. Francis Prep and St. John’s rely on grades and entrance exams or were they open enrollment?
The public schools wish they performed as well as the charters. Socialists certainly hate competition.
Disappointed to see that a person who has good taste in television is a moron who believes everything the NY Post prints.
Morons are the ones who think personal insults are intelligent discourse.
Your initial remark is really misguided and very wrong to say. I work in a public school that shares a building with a charter school. They get rid of students who have low grades, so their scores are higher. In public school, we are happy to take anyone, and even if your scores are low, we will still work with you and not ask you to leave.
@kramden If I opened a school and was allowed to throw out the bottom performing students my school would show better numbers too. Are you for real? You gullible fool. Haha So the charter school educate the kids who were already being educated in the public school and nobody educates the low performing and troubled students. So pretty much they sold you something you already had and convince a gullible jerk like you, you did great putting your trust in them. What ever happened to the kids who the charter school didn’t take? In 5 years we’ll be paying for them to have a cot and 3 squares. Hahaha it’s hilarious to see the conned cheer on their own con artists. The hallmark of a master con. Keep up the good work Kramden. Hahaha
More mudslinging and ad hominem attacks pretending to be an intelligent and civil discussion. I can understand why you are sensitive on the subject of education. You’ve been cheated out of a decent one.
I don’t think it can be declared a hominem attack if it’s backed up fact. Mac is absolutely correct in his observation when the factors creating the bottom or lower numbers in a data set are removed then the new equation creates an averaging much closer to the top of the data set. It’s elementary math. I think and this is just an opinion, you need to learn to “suck it up”. When you lose an argument and can’t refute with facts then move on. You obviously believe “socialist” is a bad word and resorted to a “hominem” attack. Mac was rude in his rebuttal. A “sore winner”.
A new school is nice, too bad people had to lose their homes for it to be built.
No one lost their homes. It was a row of one story commercial space. Most empty.
Glad to see a new public school. Death to the charters!!!!
Children are our future.
thank you noid.
…teach them well; and, let them lead the way…
i don’t know if it’s the rain or labor day hangovers or what, but i see i’m only the second comment here. now if this was a story about a new residential building going up we’d have 85 comments by now wouldn’t we? anyway i’m very happy to see a new school opening, we all know it’s sorely needed. glad to see that someone is helping us with at least one of our infrastructure issues around here.
That building is new?
yeah, although it does look like it’s from the 70s