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MTA Throws No. 7 Train Riders a Bone, Extra Trains Between 8pm and 10pm on Weeknights

Photo: iStock

April 24, 2015 By Christian Murray

The MTA plans to increase service on the No.7 line in December for a limited number of off-peak hours.

The MTA said that it has added service in response to the growth of ridership during these off-peak periods.

Service will be added to 7 line between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. on weeknights. The MTA will be adding two additional new round trips during that period, reducing the average time between trains to 4 ½ minutes.

The MTA will be adding to its off-peak service not just to the 7 line but also the 2, L and M lines.

“New York is a dynamic city and it continues to grow as new or better housing options become available and more people come here for jobs or school,” said NYC Transit President Carmen Bianco.

“We face the challenge of serving that growing ridership at a time when real estate developers outpace the growth of the city’s infrastructure. By making these schedule changes, New York City Transit is making the most of its resources to deliver service that accurately reflects ridership in growing areas.”

In Queens, the No. 7 line is a major transportation option for residents in rapidly growing neighborhoods such as Long Island City, Woodside, Sunnyside and Flushing. Overall ridership on the 7 line grew by 1.9 percent in 2014.

The Flushing-Main St 7 Subway Line terminal, which serves a rapidly growing residential and business district, moved more than 60,000 customers on an average weekday, the MTA said.

That is more than the combined transit hub for Chambers St (A and C lines), World Trade Center (E line) and Park Place 2 Subway Line (3 Subway line) that serve major tourist destinations and the Financial District.

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So there will be two more trains that won’t go between Queensborough plaza and times square on the weekends.


They should offer flamenco classes on the 7 train tracks. There are so few trains there is plenty of time for dancing.


blah blah blah so many of you have such good ideas, not. perhaps channel your typing into real action and get out there to make a difference.


Hey! Hi ! Remember when I told you how this neighborhood was gonna go down thanks to everyone moving in and pushing for changes?

El loco

No Flammenco! I didn’t know about that. As a young Hispanic man who longs for his native land I am outraged. That was the best thing in Sunnyside! What is Senior Van Bramner’s phone number. I will call him.


One of the selling points of Woodside/Sunyside was the number 7 train – no longer as it stinnks – day and night – and we have fewer things to do in these neighborhoods. I have noticed that when there is something good here, somebody ruins it.

Southside Johnny

There’s a bus on my corner takes me right to Court House Square. It’s not like there aren’t a handful of other options.


Seven is a joke and this hood is being ruined . Movie theater gone and claret cannot have flamenco dancing because of licensing . So mta makes us prisoners on the weekend with limited options .

Fr Ted

the 7 should be running express in both directions all day , city bound from 5am-12pm and flushing bound from 3pm- 12am .. the service now cant handle the amount of people .

El loco

You forgot one. Using their excessive benefits like every other union in the city. How about a little discussion about the excessive benefits that all city employees get.


El loco if you want their job take the test. It is not the fault of the union that they will not join the race to the bottom. The idiocy and kickbacks of the MTA should not be visited on the rank and file.

El loco

It is the fault of the city for giving into these unions and hurting the rest of us. Your logic is idiotic. I don’t want to work for the transit authority. Now why don’t you tell me to leave the city if I don’t like it.


The average MTA workers I have interacted with over the past 20 years are about as helpful as toenail fungus. The only time I got one to move with any sense of urgency was when I tried to take a picture of a particularly unhelpful one. Of course, she only moved to duck out of the shot.

Please, don’t even try to pretend we get value for the amount of loot their union has blackmailed the City into giving them. They can’t even plug the tracks back in after each weekend’s “work” without causing something to screw up during the week. Now, if there was this thing called a performance review in place, and people got fired for being lazy turds, then I might reassess my opinion of the average MTA worker’s value. Demanding competence and value for money isn’t a race to the bottom – it is meritocracy.


In the last strike the MTA was also shown to be in violation of the Taylor Law for not negotiating in good faith,and they did it first. The difference was in the punishment. The MTA whose legal violation could reasonably be argued to be the cause of the strike was fined $100,000. The union $1,000,000 dollars a day. Every state and city agency uses the Taylor law as a club. That is the reason the NYPD, FDNY, DSNY often go years without a contract.


Frankly, anything that undermines a public sector union is a good thing. As a tax payer, I want to keep salaries at the MTA as low as possible while maintaining service and have at will employment to keep labor on its toes.


It takes into account the speed at which the average MTA employee does anything other than cashing a paycheck, asking for a raise, or pretending to work. I mean, there must be 5 whole tasks to accomplish!

El loco

Has to be a misprint. Must have meant 8am to 10am. No one can be that stupid. Maybe the transit authority can.


I thought the same thing but then it also says “weeknights” right after it. Unfortunately, doesn’t seem like a misprint.


Trains are by far the worst around Midnight – 1AM, but I guess if they put on enough trains then they would have to pay overtime to a few more people.


More trains are needed as rush hour to ease some of the overcrowding! The MTA is filled with morons.


no more people need to find jobs so you dont have to work 9-5 m-f and avoid the commute…..

seriously i had a reverse commute to kew garden on the E and once i was the only person in the last car at 930 am on a tuesday


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