Nov. 21, 2016 By Christian Murray
More than 1,000 people walked over the Queensboro Bridge to Trump Tower Saturday to voice their dismay about the racist rhetoric coming from Donald Trump in recent months.
Holding signs of “Melting Pot not Despot” and “Build Bridges not Walls,” the protesters gathered at Dutch Kills Green around 1 pm and began their walk after being fired up by speeches from Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and City Comptroller Scott Stringer.
Van Bramer said that President Elect Trump, who was raised in Queens, does not possess the values of the people who live in the borough today.
“Queens is about diversity; Queens is about love and equality; and Queens is proud to be the most diverse county in the United States,” Van Bramer said. “We are not going to stand by as immigrants are being used as scapegoats.”
Van Bramer went on to say that Queens rejects misogyny, Islamophobia, homophobia, Antisemitism, a culture that jokes about sexual assaults, as well as hatred directed toward immigrants—including the undocumented.
Van Bramer said that protests such as this—as well as those around the nation—are being held to dissuade the incoming Trump administration from introducing some of its “draconian policies.”
Mark-Viverito told the peaceful crowd, which included a large number of children, that she does not subscribe to the belief of “’let’s give him a chance.’”
“We have already seen what he is about and everything he has put out in his campaign is something he is looking to fulfill,” Mark-Viverito said.
She said that Trump’s appointments already indicate the direction he is going in. “You have an anti-immigrant and a racist attorney general,” Mark-Viverito said, referring to the recently appointed Jeff Sessions, and an incoming “Vice President [Mike Pence] who wants to take away a woman’s right to choose and take away the rights of our gay brothers and sisters. The writing is already on the wall.”
Stringer said that while residents across all five boroughs come from a variety of different backgrounds they all New Yorkers. “If they fight one group of people, then they are fighting all of us.”

since the election the stock market is on fire, wall st loves TRUMP!!!! A record 9,000 today!!!!!
all the liberals and the NY Times said it would all tank.
once again they were wrong.
Mrs. Constitution, That’s because people and companies know corporations will have free reign so make sure you get in on the spoils. No regulation, energy companies will write even more of our energy policies. Health Insurance companies will write all of our health care policies. Banks will write all banking policies. Companies will write our consumer protection laws. America is the only country that allows this. The American consumer is being relegated to second class citizen and you’re cheering it on you imbecile.
The left really doesnt insderstand the reality of a major threat to our country right now. All you can say is racism, bigotry etc etc. I read these posts by Roger and other individuals, and I see the negative attacks against them, as if this is a name calling contest. You people do know this is real right? Have you people ever traveled outside of the US? Its just mind boggling. You worry about stupid crap, and you want to help and nurture a civilization who will tear you apart. Really, are Americans this stupid? Ive been in this country for 2 years and its just ..unbeleivable…
That kind of blunt-headed thinking is exactly why conservatives and progressives don’t get along very well. No one is dead you dope! There is another election in four years and Trump will prove himself as lawless in the presidency as he was in his seventy years of life. His policies will prove so alienating and painful to people they will elect a ham sandwich before him or anyone associated with him. We will have so many terror attacks by Muslim extremists who want his presidency to fail even you won’t be happy. Rural America may have hope in him but the world despises him. America is in trouble.
Just moved to Sunnyside, and I hope what I see in this comments section is the unpopular opinion. A lot of closet bigots and imbeciles here.
I think there are a very loud minority of racists with very little to do but post hateful drivel on Sunnyside Post. That is why a lot of newspapers have done away with their comments sections. The Kremlin actually pays people to post hateful comments sowing disagreements in the U.S. Despite the electoral college, there still are more open minded people than closed minded bigots in the country and in Sunnyside.
Believe me, it’s a minority. A minority of old fat, poor, white guys who are unemployed, sitting around their computer relishing the fact that we have a racist P.O.S. pig who will run our country.
this is like when you cut a chickens head off and it runs around crazy for a few mins before it drops in the dirt. Democrats just watched their party lose the house, senate, presidency, govenorships now they’re about to hit the dirt. kinda feel bad for em.
Do you people protesting really understand why you are protesting? In the year 2030, Europe will become an Islamic nation. This is now a fact. Sharia law will then be set. Do you even know what that is? Everything you think you stand for, is in jeopardy should the islamic population take over in the US. That means homosexuality is punishible by death, women can be beaten at anytime by the husband, if he pleases. Human rights will mean absolutely nothing. This is not a joke, and it is 100% factual. Europe is completely f****d, and it will take 80-100 years to reverse this effect. This would have easily happened here if Clinton was elected. Its still a possibility as the musslim birthrate is many times greater than any others in America. The law of islam is no joke, and they do not want to mix…no matter how friendly you are,or how much you think you are helping. Liberals are really the most ignorant people i have ever seen. Protesting and complaining about something you dont even understand. Travel the world,read, educate yourselves. People dont think like you. Sharia law, learn.
First you vomit a inaccurate, fear filled rant, presenting your ignorance for all to see, and then you follow it with this?
Liberals are really the most ignorant people i have ever seen. Protesting and complaining about something you dont even understand. Travel the world,read, educate yourselves. People dont think like you. Sharia law
Frankly, I suggest you buy some guns, build a moat around your house, and settle in a corner with ammo box in hand waiting for the boogey man to arrive. Oh, and go look up what “factual
” means.
-Roger What are you saying? You don’t believe in myths, fairy tales and invisible gods? What type of Republican are you?
Roger- let’s have some facts (jut one will do!) to back up your fever dream rants. You sir, sound sick in the head.
Europe’s not a nation.
Trump might be from Queens but JVB and the rest of you are nothing but Queens get over it already stop your crying and go change your diapers. You are all pathetic. Find a job and a hobby.
You want us to just sit back and watch White Supremacist take over?
Lol, what else do you expect? Its a predominantly white country, how dare they!
What a waste of time this walk was.
From what I remember it’s more like an organic humidor, know what I mean.
Indeed. These same protestors probably weren’t too upset when Bill Clinton used the Oval Office as his own whorehouse and getting BJs from Monica.
Ok, you all had your 15 minutes of fame. Please move on with your lives. The 2016 election is over and done with. The electoral college will never be reversed. You can dissent all you want. We need to Make America Great Again!
Actually the electoral college can reverse this decision come Dec. 19th especially due to the fact that Hillary won by over 1.5 million votes.
Re: December 19th and the Electoral College: Not Likely. I will come back here to retract my statement on December 20th, if I am wrong. 🙂
youre a dope, the electors are party loyalists who cant wait to vote for him on Dec19. She lost by approx 70 electoral votes, not even close!!!
QUEEN’S Value’s, Hilarious.
ALL people are created equal. You can disagree with their views, but they are your equal. Treat them as you would like to be treated.
All people are NOT created equal, but you should treat everyone with respect. Thats where this country keeps f**** up.
All people are not? created equal? That is antithetical to a belief in God and the US constitution. However, if you do believe that some people are not equal to others then perhaps it would make sense to treat them like second class citizens – If you can establish that certain people are NOT equal. And how would you determine that they were not YOUR equal? or do you mean your demographic?
Albert, you are very intelligent. Everyone is equal. Equal equal equal. Lol
“Equal” in the eyes of the law. Nothing more nothing less.
Unfortunately Jimmy does not respect the voters who disagree with him
-anon “Equa” is not about physical, mental or financial ability, “Equal” means in regards to the law.
the reason trump won is because ohbama trashed MLK legacy for the last 8 years content of character only applied to white people and police officers……so you do have something to fear…EQUALITY content of character will now be applied to black people too.
The people who talk loudest about “equality” only want it when it’s convenient for them, never when it comes with added responsibility or effort.
Rikki – you just get dumber and dumber. The three states WI, MI and PA combined went to Trump by about 100K votes. All 3 states have recently enacted voter suppression voter registration laws. Republicans are passing these for a reason, they work. Remember Hillary is up in the popular vote by 2 million votes you imbecile. Your post makes no sense.
hey, maybe you havent heard, its the electoral votes that count. Its TRUMP 306 and the old corrupt lady with a mere 236.
-hey miss constitution Mrs. Corrupt lady has never had to payout $25 million to her victims. Hahaha
The husband of the corrupt old lady had to give up his law license for several years for lying under oath.
Mr. Constitution Go back and re-read Rikkis and Jays posts. Your post is the answer to the question nobody asked. LOL After you do that you may want to take a remedial reading class, fool.
Maybe you haven’t heard: It’s “It’s,” not its.
And Trump? Corruption? Nahhh…
Thats becsuse shes President elect now…oh wait…
You lost
Get over it Melissa viverito is a radical who for years would not stand for the pledge of allegiance
She’d stand for the pledge of allegiance if somebody put up an old Soviet or ISIS flag.
Trump is NOT against immigration, he is against ILLEGAL immigration. Big difference. The intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance on the part of liberals is disgusting.
Families fear being torn apart. Women fear being attacked. Some people on both sides of the aisle are guilty of intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance. Both sides also have plenty of intellectual honesty and desire for knowledge. Broad brush vitriol is always wrong.
Women and small boys in Europe where Syrian migrants have a large presence have been raped, molested and beaten en masse in recent months. Perhaps Donald Trump doesn’t want that happening here. If you want to live under Shari’a law where women have no rights, are habitually abused and homosexuals are executed, move to the middle east and take your women with you. Don’t bring that garbage here.
Here is evidence that Trump is against immigrants from certain parts of the world. Which is anti-immigration. Most liberals understand we need to vet the people trying to get into this country, but Trump and his team want to completely shut out people based on their religion and/or on where they are coming from. That does not hold up to our American values.
Considering the cabinet he’s assembling, I think it’s safe to say him and his followers want to keep america white, or WASP, so limiting immigration seems to be high on their list. Illegal immigration is just a dog whistle for xenophobes.
Frankly, it’s his ignorant followers who simply believe what he says, as opposed to what he really means. Which has been developed over the course of his lifetime for all to see.
He ran his campaign on illegal immigration, slamming leftist values, but Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any other president. Willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty on the part of the conservative right is disgusting.
Jimmy van Bramer fans the flames and does not accept the result of a lawful election. He is a demagogue and fascist.
That is silly. Just silly. If he takes the oath of office he will be the president. Right now is a great time to show him exactly how much pressure he will be under for four years if he tramples on the constitution.