TurtleCaps completing a mural outside the Project Life Center in Woodside (photo via Instagram)
Oct. 20, 2017 by Nathaly Pesantez
A street art group show is heading to Woodside on Saturday in an event that will feature works from 50 names in the street art world.
InsideOut, the name of the event presented by Project for Living Artists, a local arts organization, will take place at the Project Life Center’s gallery space at 38-02 61st St. from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Oct. 21. The large space will also feature 19 painted murals through the length of the corner building, to be completed Friday night.
Vice’s new line of signature beer will be provided for free to attendees at the event, donated by the media company itself.
Zsusi Tass, co-founder of the Project Life Center—the communal artist space that opened in April and focuses on women—said the event came about after TurtleCaps, a professional artist from Queens, walked by and peered into the venue about a month ago, and inquired about bringing an art show to the space.

The interior walls of Project Life Gallery’s space before Saturday’s show (via Instagram)
“I thought it had unpacked potential to do something cool,” TurtleCaps said. “I was literally surprised to see a place like that here.”
Tass and co-founder Sarah Rabenou welcomed the idea, and let TurtleCaps quickly organize and curate the massive event in hopes of drawing more attention to their center and opening the door for Woodside to be recognized as a creative space.
“We want to bring in art to a part of Queens that is often overlooked,” Tass said.
TurtleCaps, who has been writing graffiti illegally for 20 years and working as a professional artist for five years, says Saturday’s event is unique in that there is work inside and outside of the building to be seen, a rarity when it comes to art shows.
The free event is the first of its kind for the venue, founded by the two Jackson Heights-based entrepreneurs, which predominantly aims to offer classes to women in the community ranging from yoga and wellness, art, writing, and career development.
The full line-up of artists can be seen in the event’s flyer below.

InsideOut event flyer
Yeah this is so stupid. For years we spent money trying to stop graffiti now they want to make the place look like a ghetto because why? Is it because it’s trendy to be like a 70s ghetto ? Spent all that time and money to stop/clean up graffiti and now it’s being promoted ? It’s obscene. Foolish. It sends a bad message to today’s youth.
As much as I like all these graffiti fonts; youj1m’re so right and on point. Everyone is an artist ( or graffiti writer ) these days.
Jason the Crappy Painter probably has a warrant for graffiti on the # 7 train. The rest of the artists should be arrested and charged with Grand Larceny for robbing their parents all these years and not working. They need to get some skin in the game and stop whining. I heard Sonia is painting a life size picture of Jake Tapper and Dom Lemon for the Snowflake Museum.
Why are our responses not posted timely.?
The owner of the site has a life aside from moderating comments.
Good place for the Warrant Squad (sorry FED) to look around.
Sorry Mac your comment was not up yet when I posted.
Yes I must agree, let us thank God for giving us the reasoned ability to choose what we absorb into our existence. I personally have anxiety over all the sleek advertising-mind control propaganda I am subjected to daily. Free yourself.
Try Xanax, sounds like you need it.
Bring the warrant squad there..no doubt those low life “street artist” have outstanding warrants!!!
Thank You for coming to Queens , very excited for tonight , see you there
It’s sad the social media has given a voice to the voiceless….if we have nothing nice to say then let’s keep quiet…..I give it to the place for trying to bring joy and happiness and bringing beautiful art work to WOODSIDE
Of course, what is considered “art” is all very subjective. I’ve seen street art that is impressive but there is a lot of it that is just weird. Just because an image is rendered with artistic talent doesn’t mean I want to see it on display in my neighborhood when I’m walking to the store.
Who cares?
I wonder if Jason The Crappy painter (the one who made The Pawn Shop look like The Ghetto Shop) will be on hand to do so more crappy painting. There will be plenty of Snowflake artists (living on grant money and their mommy and daddy money) to display their Crap Art. Hope someone paints a photo of Rachel Maddow so I can buy it for the Pinball Wizard Bar to display. It’s going to be a fun event.
Ewwww keep your negativity to yourself!!! The art I witnessed in the space is cutting edge and bringing the community some much needed culture!!!!
We’re doing fine without it.
Agreed. Too much government grant money being given to self proclaimed artists. Grape Soda Barbara and Neil from 39 Place just applied for a Grant to open their own gallery. Oran Juice Jones has an extensive Andy Warhol collection on the wall of his Maspeth Mansion.