Souk El-Shater (Queens Post)
Dec. 5, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez
A man stole a glass tip jar from Souk El-Shater, the Middle Eastern eatery, on Queens Boulevard over the weekend.
The incident happened at around 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 2, when the suspect entered the locale on 43-03 Queens Blvd. and picked up the tip jar on the counter before walking back out with it, police said.
Mohamad Osman, a 25-year-old employee at his family-owned site, ran around the counter after noticing the jar by the door was missing, seconds after it was stolen, and tried to track the thief down. But the suspect was nowhere to be seen.
In surveillance video, the thief is seen waiting by the door, periodically looking over the counter before gingerly lifting the tip jar to his chest and pacing out of the store. About six customers were inside the eatery at the the time.
The money inside the jar, about $30, would be split between some of the employees at the front and back of the site. Police classified it as a petty larceny.
“It wasn’t a lot of money, but it was for my worker,” Osman said. “And by reporting it, it’s so others can be alert.”
The suspect is unknown, and is seen wearing all dark clothing and a dark blue cap in the video.
The guy that stole from the tip jar is from the neighborhood. He’s in the vicinity of 39th/39th Place between 47th Avenue and 50th Avenues — should stake out the Homeless shelter on 39th Street (Best Western).
I love these guys and will give them $30 before the holidays.
Rotten… a nice place, good well priced food & a nice guy making the gyros, lousy start for his holidays.
The schwama sandwiches there is really delicious
Uptick in quality of life crimes already in the neighborhood. These are the same people that would crawl in your window to burglarize your home. We need to be vigilant and look out for each other in the neighborhood, if you see something suspicious, someone who looks out of place call them out.
The crime rate in New York is at or near record lows.
Some people are desperate for this sort of thing to happen so they can scare others into living a life filled with fear of “them” coming here and ruining our utopia. Pointing out how low our crime rates have fallen doesn’t work; they want our cops to be stormtroopers and anyone who “looks suspicious” to be locked up!
Are there any lead? I am outraged. Here is what they deserve:
This is disgusting. It’s amazing how low people will fall.
Great place.