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Man Put in Chokehold and Robbed in Woodside, Police Trying to Locate Suspects

Suspects (NYPD)

Suspects (NYPD)

Jan. 7, 2016 Staff Report

The police are trying to locate two individuals wanted in connection with a robbery that took place in Woodside on January 1.

The suspects, one male and the other female, were walking down a residential street at 2:30 am with the victim before the male suspect placed the victim in a chokehold in front of 37-40 65th Street.

The female suspect then grabbed the victim’s Galaxy cellphone and an unknown amount of cash before they fled.

The male suspect has been described as having dreadlocks.

Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call Crime stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).

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Who cares where they are from they could be from a well to do neighborhood who knows. Look at all of our politicians they’re a bunch of crooks. Hopefully someone recognizes them and speaks up instead of this nonsense back and forth about Pan Am Shelter and Woodside Houses.

Bruce Wayne

This is in Woodside across Roosevelt, down the block from Gleason paints. How fucking hard would that have been to look up since you’re on the internet already and they give the address. It’s no where near the Pan Am hotel.

John John

@Irish Lassy You really need to start fact checking yourself. The scene of the crime 37-40 65th Street Woodside NY is no where near the Pan American Hotel. Google the address. You don’t even know the address numbering scheme of the borough you live in. 37 in this address means its off of 37th avenue on 65th street. I noticed misinformation is common concerning your posts. Get your act together.


The location of a crime doesn’t tell you where the criminals live. People from every borough go to Manhattan to commit crime, and people from other neighborhoods could commit crime in this part of Queens as well. A perpetrator could commit a crime 30 blocks away from their residence or they could be stupid enough to commit a crime across the street.

Bruce Wayne

This is in Woodside across Roosevelt, down the block from Gleason paints. How fucking hard would that have been to look up since you’re on the internet already. It’s no where near the Pan Am hotel.


Boy you people have NO sense of direction. The crime occured on 65th St near 37th Avenue (Use Gleason’s Paint as a point of reference.) The Pan Am hotel is on 51st Avenue and Queens Blvd. (Closer to the Queens Center Mall). Either way, it’s really sucky that our once nice neighborhood is becoming less safe.


Irish Lassy You Fox watching fool just repeating something that is not true will not automatically make it true. No matter what Fox News tells you. Is there any way we could blame your stupidity on our city councilman?


And Mac is bleating about Fox News yet again. One would have hoped he had a new tune for 2016.

Rocky Balboa

No, because Mac is hopelessly brainwashed. He suffers from Fox News envy. He is one of the two viewers of MSLSD. He can dish it out, but he can’t take it!


luvu2 and N’Cheese I never comment on this stream but I have noticed these 2 (luvu2 and N’cheese) seem to target anyone who speaks out about the Fox News network and love to smear MSNBC as their strategy. As a faithful reader of this blog and lifetime resident of Sunnyside (72 years) I had to say something.
These two posting handles are one and the same person. He is deploying tactics as outlined in Gabriel Sherman’s biography of Roger Ailes.”The Loudest Voice in the Room”. Use of multiple Yahoo ID’s, Google and other media outlets using public discussion forums, to shout down opposing views using specific “talking points”. Ailes calls it “popular conservatism”. Make people believe your opinion is the popular opinion (you know like Romney winning by 90%) then any with opposing opinions or on the fence will “just follow the crowd.”
What happens when Republicans gain control of both houses and the Executive Branch? They’ll turn the whole country into “Right to Work for less States” like they just did to Michigan and Indiana…Advancing their low wage agenda…Repeal the Affordable Care Act…..Throwing 17.6 million people back into the status of the uninsured…Outlawing Abortion and birth control adding 1.1 Million people annually to the ranks of the low and no income brackets…All this while they continue their tax cut agenda for the top earners….This sounds like a disaster for any country with a consumer driven market economy that uses a progressive system of taxation to run and defend the country….


How old are you lady ? Are you senator pantsuit? Love Rachel maddows lovely legs


@barbara Don’t waste your time people like luvu2 and N’cheese don’t vote on issues it’s all vailed racism. What is this guys creepy obsession with Rachel Maddow? It’s actually beyond creepy?


And Mac knows a thing or two about creepy obsessions. Just ask him about Fox News. Or Irish Lassy. It seems like he had issues with intelligent or confident women, though.

Rocky Balboa

Nice to have an old commie/socialist on this thread repeating main stream media lefty nonsense. I see a Bernie Sanders supporter here! He will pay for to grow pot in Sunnyside Gardens. Yes, Barbara: raise my taxes and watch those of us WHO WORK TO SUPPORT people like YOU leave the state. Now go back to your weed and love beads.

Queen of Angels 1978

Great post Barbara!!! Your point about one user using multiple ID’s is right on the money. I saw Christian at the Cove (Jonathans new bar) and wanted to mention that very issue to him but was too wrapped up and missed the opportunity. Many media outlets have done away with the comments section for that reason and the shear nastiness, disrespect and utter stupidity that is posted. The poster who posted “old commie/socialist on this thread repeating main stream media lefty nonsense.” is just ridiculous and totally disrespectful. I honestly believe “casual nexus”, “chain of circumstances” is no longer taught. I have read there were proposals to outlaw the teaching of critical thought in some school districts. The person who posted the above remark seems to be a victim of this policy before it was even implemented ..Yes this fool thinks taxes will go down with 1.1 million new additions to the ranks of the no wage class per year. In 18 years that is nearly 20 million more to the poorest segment of our society. Countries like China and India didn’t make any economic and social progress until they got their population under control. So this guy thinks its a good idea to repeat that mistake again.Where will this dolt cut taxes education, housing or incarceration? Reverse the ACA and insurance, bankruptcies and taxes will go back to unreasonable pre- ACA amounts. Even industry analysts and experts concede the ACA has worked in all these areas. This dolt can’t discuss the facts of your post, he needs to hit you with old outdated terms from Archie Bunker. This dolt honestly believes he contributed something to the conversation.

irish lassy

I am not a Fox Watching Fool I am a very smart woman – “Mac” — you leave alot to be desired for sure

Rocky Balboa

As does Barbara. The ACA has led to people being forced to take part time jobs. And the New York Exchange is BANKRUPT. Way to go, Barbara! The premiums go up and the deductibles go up. The ACA should be changed to “Unaffordable Care Act”.


@Rocky Smear Tactics engaged by Fox News and supporters can be found in any basic college handbook of debate tactics and techniques. I’m sure you’re aware of this since you once posted you have a Masters degree. Hahaha
– Character Assassination/Ad Hominem. Fox does not like to waste time debating the idea. Instead, they prefer a quicker route to dispensing with their opponents: go after the person’s credibility, motives, intelligence, character, or, if necessary, sanity. No category of character assassination is off the table and no offense is beneath them. Fox and like-minded media figures also use ad hominem attacks not just against individuals, but entire categories of people in an effort to discredit the ideas of every person who is seen to fall into that category, e.g. “liberals,” “commie”, “hippies,” “socialist”, “progressives” etc. This form of argument – if it can be called that – leaves no room for genuine debate over ideas, so by definition, it is undemocratic. Not to mention just plain crass. Does this sound familiar?

Queen of Angels 1978

Mac You are giving RB way too much credit, he is not deploying any debate tactics, he’s obviously just incapable. This quote proves it ” The ACA has led to people being forced to take part time jobs.” He has absolutely no knowledge or understanding of the issue of Healthcare Coverage in America. Before the ACA working part time and getting healthcare coverage was unheard of if you weren’t wealthy and most insurance didn’t provided private retail policies anyway. You had no choice but to access the Employer based healthcare system which wasn’t suppose to be permanent when it was expanded after WWII anyway. If you had a preexisting condition you could be denied access to your employers plan or had restricted coverage to the plan especially in a small company. This individual is so uniformed he thinks the millions of people who are now able to buy health coverage in free market forum or at least something closer to a free market system then what was there before the ACA. and work part time so someone else may (more then likely a recent graduate) could take a full time job is a bad thing. RB says he’s a free market Republican only not in this case..You are right about one thing Mac this person is just one big waste of time, you’ve convinced me.


Yes, Mac, it sounds very familiar. It is like responding “Fox News watching sheep” to any comment someone disagrees with. Or belittling the intelligence or academic history of people. Does that sound familiar? If no, then the use of a mirror is suggested.


All theses people are from the Pan Am hotel for sure lately i have been seen new unwanted faces in sunnyside you can tell they desperate and up to no good sunnyside be vigilant and careful.

Grim Reaper

Umm… Can’t the 108pct figure out that these are the people that our Mayor put in the Pan Am hotel ?!

Ya see, It starts out with the little “quality of life” crimes not being enforced, then Wham!!! You, your wife & children are all prey for these vultures. I’ll keep you all in my thoughts…

Robin Banks

@grim reaper Wouldn’t a check of the Woodside Houses right next to the crime scene be a more logical place to start the investigation? Do you even know the neighborhood? The Pan American Hotel is no where near the scene of the crime.. Believe me I’m no fan of the hotel but you still need to be a little realistic.

Joe at the Berkley

-Irish Lassy Pan American Hotel is at 79-00 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst NY 11373. Woodside Houses run from 31st avenue and 48th street to 51st Street and Broadway and Northern Blvd. The crime took place at 37-40 65th street. Robin is right Woodside Houses are 5 minutes from the crime scene the Pan American Welfare Hotel is on Queens Blvd in Elmhurst..Not even Woodside..Do us a favor and look at a map you imbecile.

irish lassy

50-51 Broadway
Woodside, NY 11377
(718) 278-5510 Fax (718) 721-4301
Street Boundaries
31st Avenue/49th Street


-Lassy. All you do is repeat the addresses that have been posted by somebody else of the location of the Woodside Houses and of the crime scene. 37-40 65th street is 1.8 mies from the Pan American according to Google map. You are way off.


the Pan Am hotel is a temporary shelter full of delinquent and drug addicts I agree with grim reaper I’m from the neighborhood


The pan am hotel is standing in front of a housing residence that stretches too the Motel. It goes unnoticed people but for those of us who walk the back blocks we been aware. The woodside projects are not that dangerous and they get shot at once a month by the Astoria projects. Queens BLVD separates us from those building that go unnoticed and northern Blvd separates the woodside projects from the residential areas where I live. This isn’t about race but it’s no secret that African Americans are uncommon in these residential areas. There is no neighborhood watch here, there’s just a neighborhood watching out for uncommon faces (blacks). You will be chased off these residential streets. Believe me crime will only rise


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