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Man Enters Woodside Store, Fires Weapon and Takes Off With Cash, Police Say



May 14, 2015 By Christian Murray

A man entered a Woodside auto parts store, displayed his gun and took off with cash Monday, according to police.

The police said that the man entered World Pac Auto Parts, located at 55-55 58th Street, with a black revolver and order three store employees to open the safe at about 5:30 pm Monday.

When the employees did not immediately open the safe, the suspect fired one round into the ground, the police said. The employees then opened the safe and the suspect stole an undisclosed amount of cash.

The suspect also demanded the employees to hand over their cell phones and wallets, and they complied.

The suspect then ordered the employees to lay face down on the floor and count to 120, and then fled, according to police.

The suspect is described as a male Hispanic, approximately 6′ 0″ tall, 200 pounds, with a dark complexion and hazel eyes. He was wearing a black hat, a gray shirt, black jeans and black sneakers.

 Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.

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mr obvious states the obvious and nothing else

does anyone think at the precinct to tell the artist to not to draw the pirate bandana, or have a side sketch showing just hair?

Pretty obvious the guys not going to be walking around w it.

funny, I AM actually a robot

the artists signature looks like an earring, he was thinking pirate also


yeah cant go after illegal guns..can we???? because black people never go to gun shows, so why the focus there?

5 years no bail no early release for each illegal gun, double if you have priors

what about full body scanner at all public housing projects we paid for it……dont want to be scanned for drugs or guns….ok, move and pay your own full rent.


well who is the biggest user of illegal guns? not Greeks, Lithuanians, not Vietnamese, not Jews, not some African tribe…nope American black males….and we should start there first..that’s all.

Craic Dealer

The reason to have a gun is not to shoot deer, clay or bodega owners. It’s to shoot a tyrannical government that comes for your life, liberties and property. Defense.

open your eyes bot

i think new york state laws gives a minimum 3.5 years for possession of an illegal firearm.. not 5..


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