Van Bramer holiday card
Jan. 10, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan
A local Republican leader has condemned Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer for using “divisive” rhetoric since Donald Trump won the presidential election in November.
Marvin Jeffcoat, an army veteran who ran for State Senate against incumbent Michael Gianaris last year and garnered just 14 percent of the vote, released a letter to the community denouncing Van Bramer.
Jeffcoat specifically took issue with his holiday card, which featured Van Bramer’s staff holding cards with messages such as, “I am Muslim & Catholic,” and “I am a feminist.”
Van Bramer’s message said “I am ready to fight,” speaking to his feelings on the presidential election.
Jeffcoat included in the letter an imitation of Van Bramer’s card with other community members holding signs reading “I am a taxpayer” and “I support the NYPD,” among others.
Jeffcoat also included a “Divisive Rhetoric Timeline” with the letter, pointing to instances he believed to be offensive, including Van Bramer’s “Queens Values” march to Trump Tower and wording in several of Van Bramer’s public emails.
Specific wording Jeffcoat pointed out as offensive included the phrases “in a world of bullies,” “so in this time of uncertainty,” and “we were confronted by bigotry.”
“Our elected officials must be reminded they take an oath to represent all of us despite any party affiliation. We all deserve the respect and service of our government representatives,” Jeffcoat wrote. “As a community we must condemn and look past inflammatory rhetoric aimed at dividing us. We need to band together to address the serious issues impacting our neighborhoods.”

“Sadly, a local politician thought it was appropriate to use divisive and at times hurtful stereotypes to send a message to those who did not vote for the same presidential candidate as angry Jimmy Van Bramer,” Jeffcoat wrote.
Van Bramer hit back at Jeffcoat’s characterizations of his views and his holiday card.
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” Van Bramer responded in reference to the card. “I congratulate Marvin on his version of my holiday card. However, I think Marvin misunderstood the message of my card. It was hopeful and meant to be inspirational. It is a celebration of who we are as individuals, as a neighborhood, a city, and ultimately a nation. I’m proud of our work, which is first and foremost about serving every constituent, regardless of political affiliation or which presidential candidate they supported.”
“The truth is, I am only angry when people with disabilities are mocked, women are sexually assaulted, immigrants are scapegoated, and our Muslim neighbors attacked. Indeed, we should all be angry when those things occur, and we should fight for true equality for all,” Van Bramer added.

Jeffcoat’s card
Trump make Sunnyside great again !
Jimmy “the poor boy who grew up in Woodside” has forgotten who pays his salary. The taxpayer! Not the ILLEGALs of NYC. Woodside is becoming a terrible place to live. Crowded, dirty, unsafe. Single and two family homes are converted into firetraps with nothing being done. Our seniors and Vets are ignored while Jimmy MARCHES for the ILLEGALS. He should being doing the job we the TAXPAYERS voted/hired him to do. I wish I could tell my boss what I WANT to do! Would LOVE to see how that would fly!P
Jimmy, “the poor boy who grew up in Woodside” is more concerned about the ILLEGALS than the LEGAL immigrants, or the seniors or our Vets. He cares nothing about the taxpayers, who pays his salary. Woodside is becoming a terrible place to live. Dirty, noisy, crowded and with air pollution. Single and two family homes are being converted into overcrowded fire traps. Nothing is being done to make Woodside the pleasant place it once was. Instead of marching and reassuring the ILLEGALS, he should be doing his job. What we the TAXPAYERS are paying him for, not what he THINKS or WANTS to do! I wish I could do or what to do! He has FORGOTTEN the the TAXPAYERS are his BOSS!
Jimmie is such atypical philistene
Marvin for senate!!!!!!
Typical left bs..
Dear jimmy
Your side lost
Get over it
Grow up
JVB can’t get over it and he refuses to grow-up this is the type of person that he is
The biggest population group in the U.S. today is the “multi-everything” Millennials, whom I call the “whatever” generation. They are the most diverse population ever: multinational, multilingual, multireligious, multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-family-background. Many researchers find that Millennials do not commit to almost any big brand, organization, religion, political party or even any identity for very long.
Diversity in America is highly complicated and messy. It is understandable that political and media professionals want to simplify their messages and audiences. But by concentrating on the mini-tribes within our population, or by trying to pit them against each other, they are ruining the greatest thing about Americans — our ability as diverse individuals to identify and act as a dynamic whole. Emphasizing narrow identity group affiliations also impedes our ability to understand “the other.”
The more we identify with singular groups, the less empathy we have towards others.
Is this a spin doctor for JVB? Even if the girl wants to “identify” as multi-religious (whatever that means), you can’t truly be. He shouldn’t have put that on the card Catholicism & Islam are not “narrow identity group affiliations”. If JVB doesn’t understand religion, he should not use it in his political props.
If you hadn’t insisted on continuously demeaning, ridiculing, insulting, castigating and marginalizing half of the country Trump never would have been able to pull off the upset of the century. Look no further than your own mirrors for the reason Hillary tanked.
The reason Hillary tanked is because america is inherently racist and xenophobic. And half the country was NOT demeaned, ridiculed, insulted, castigated and marginalized. That is the conservative right’s way of saying : Anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you. The conservative right/ alt right is who demeaned, ridiculed, insulted, castigated and marginalized minorities and immigrants. Not the other way around. The fact of the matter is the white, christian, patriarchal society just go a bit fed up with having to accommodate people different than them.
“Dear White Guys”, well there120 million of us I think in this country . I didn’t know we all thought/acted/voted the same. That’s racist for you to say . All white men are the same? Obama would never have been president if ” inherently racists ” wouldn’t vote for a black man. You lost, your candidate was a lying unlikeable, entitled arrogant egotistical phony. Get over it
He can’t get over it
On the count of three
Racist sexist xenophobic
Blah. Blah blah
You blame others for pointing out the truth, suggesting it simply doesn’t exist, yet you preach the big three. Racism, sexism, and xenophobia. You deny #BlackLivesMatter has a point of being targeted while black when it is fact. You deny inequality between men and women, and the culture that exists to keep sexism alive and well when it is fact. And then you deny xenophobia when immigrants are not taking your jobs or only sending rapists and murderers. A lie.
The conservative right is built on double standards.
Having met both Councilmember Van Bramer and Marvin Jeffcoat, my keen observation is that both are absolutely sincere both in their person and in their beliefs, and by extension, the current climate bears out that distinction . This particular issue over the cards does not rise to hitting the panic button in my view.
Put it another way, the only certainty is that the youth in Woodside continue to add value to the entire community, and therein lies a certain reality that I leave to others to interpret its meaning and significance.
I think Jeffcoat is a very nice, good man and I agree with Council Member Jimmy that this holiday card business was a misinterpretation. Indeed most division is caused through misunderstandings in our communications. Jimmy Van Bramer definitely works for everyone and works HARD and tirelessly to support all his constituents concerns and needs but he wants to fight injustice in the community which is particularly honorable and commendable as a politician. Jeffcoat would make a fine addition to the politicians here as well and he represents the non-racists and sexists who voted for Donald Trump, of which there are many. However, Donald Trump himself HAS made openly racial and sexist comments which have generated a lot of hate crimes in the community and this country which has created division and hurt. In all fairness,every person, even Donald Trump has good in them. I certainly hope Trump will do some good as President but I am not in support of the negativity he puts out there. Jimmy has been working toward the love and justice of those being treated with hate. Jeffcoat is also promoting love and peace. It is really Trump causing divisiveness but even he must be given our respect. Though we cannot tolerate injustice, we also must give credit where credit is due. Trump is working against the outsourcing of our American businesses. For that he should be given praise. I think it’s best to focus on the positive, as Jiimmy does but also stand up against the negative and not ignore the people who desperately need a voice for their suffering. Like the homeless. Both good men just slightly different takes on this issue.
What hate crimes in the community? I am pretty sure there have been none or else JVB would have held a press conference. He may want you to think there have been to make stunts like the self-defense class seem valid. I believe that is what Mr. Jeffcoat means as divisive.
“And one day when Van Bramer met this fellow, he knew that it was much more than a hunch…”
Lol hilarious, I was thinking this card looked like a familiar 70s show!
whatever happened to JVB re-election kickoff party it seems he never posted much about it the monies he was asking was out of this world — how dare he
I am sick of many things Trump has done as well as GW Bush, Obama, Bill Clinton I want my local councilman to focus on cleaning up graffiti, revitalizing neighborhood corridors (ie Greenpoint Ave), helping local youth & seniors, etc. All in all I would say JVB has not been too bad. However, Trump is a polarizing figure. JVB’s strategy for re-election is to keep that polarization alive & well in the neighborhood until Election Day 2017 I wish that unlike Trump,he would take the high road. it is going to be a nauseating year around here.
On what issue? JVB is perpetuating horrible moments from the presidential campaign that everyone is tired of just so he can create a platform for himself to run on. Total opportunist He should listen to Obama & get out of his bubble Everyone is sick of this crap.
Nope, he’s organizing on behalf of his constituents. He’s an opportunist, it’s true. But the vast majority of woodside voted against and/or does not support Trump. By opposing him, he’s representing us, i.e. doing his job.
If you’re sick of those horrible moments maybe you should instead blame the person who caused them.
Of Course woodside voted against trump, majority are immigrants. Jeffcoat simply lost because NYC has been taken over by liberal hippies and millenials whos hopes and dreams consist of transgender bathrooms, gluten free muffins, gay rights, butthurt feelings and vegan diets.
And your side wants bigotry and xenophobic isolationism based on childish fears. You also promote the mechanism of social darwinism, yet you decry liberal “social engineering.” You want government out of private life, but condone government invading women’s reproductive organs. You want to keep women as inferior, and yet talk about level playing fields and everybody can live the american dream – as long as you are a white, male, christian. You shut down government like an 8 year old going home with his ball because he can’t cheat and get his way. Hypocritical whining babies to the core. Wake up. You are more interested in insulting and segregating those that disagree with you than moving forward with human progress. That’s because most of you want to keep the world living in the 1950’s with sexism and racism at the core of your values. Basically an uneducated 12 year old living in a 60 year old body.
Why is the Post publishing the comments of this nobody? He ran a vanity, Alan-Keyes style campaign one time and got slaughtered. That means nothing, and he’s certainly not a “leader.” Why not do an article on what any Joe Schmo thinks? How does such a whiner rise so high in the military anyway?
On this issue, JVB is very clearly representing the opinions of his constituency, and I applaud him
Because he served and faught for this country. Unlike you and JVB. Your probably just a yuppie nyc trsnsplant…JVB has your back.
Fought not faught.
Oops …fought
Phil, we see how you disrespect the military. You would not last one day in boot camp. Your mommy would have to come and get yu.
I didn’t disrespect the military. My point is what is such a whiny bitch like this guy doing there. Do you want someone who defeats 14% of the enemy?
“I’m a nasty woman”????? I’m an intelligent woman who finds this foolish insulting and a waste of my tax $$. This self proclaimed nasty woman should not be paid with my taxes. That statement explains the design and message of this card. It is an honor to be employed by the people to serve them. A nasty woman has no place working in an office meant to serve constituents at tax payers cost. She and card design team should apologize or be dismissed.
“Nasty woman” is now a term of feminist pride. It’s important to be aware of contemporary socio-political happenings. Note to eyelids: Open up!
From ‘nasty woman’ to ‘failing pile of garbage’: When an insult becomes a badge of honor!
#angryjimmy really knows how to embellish and exploit people for his own political expediency. he is using the article to raise money for his feeble attempt to be speak of the insane asylum aka City Council..read below. he believes he was attacked!
Dear Friends,
I’ve been attacked! Why you ask? For standing up for our Queens values and calling out bigotry and racism. See for yourself here:
Together we will show our resolve to those who want to stifle, divide, and ultimately diminish. So I need your help today!
Could you give $25, $50, $100 or more today?
I have an important financial deadline that ends tonight at midnight. Your contribution is critical to showing the support I have, but also to tell my detractors that if they want a fight, it’s an uphill battle.
Help me with my goal by giving today!
I could not do the work I do without your support!
Jimmy Van Bramer
P.S. Your support means the world to me. Please support my campaign with a contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today.
that is one sickening plea for money Why did he put up the link to LIC post instead of Sunnyside Post? I guess they don’t know him as well there so less criticism in the comment section.
Why would I believe this appeal? If it’s you Jimmy do your own work. Why is Joe sending your messages? In this era of rip offs, con artists, etc. this sounds like a Nigerian scam.
Take away NYC, take away Cali, and you got America…
Thats deep
JVB card illustrates the ignorance and indifference of the councilman and his staffers. They need to be reminded they are merely employees of the very people they criticize.
The designers are either intentionally disrespectful of religion or embarrassingly ignorant. Can we have elected a councilman who does not understand the definition of religion versus the definition of ehnicity? We get the government we deserve.
He needs to be doing his job that he is over paid to do. Not wasting our tax payer dollars on this shite. Good for you Mr.Jeffcoat and I hope you run against this joke in the next election because you have my vote.
Jimmy you should be out supporting the small business’s in the neighborhood instead of walking around with Mathew Wallace your little puppet.
Or cleaning up what’s called a historical district. And installing trash cans on all of the other corners of skillman besides the ones on your block.
There’s a lot you should be doing thats your job and what you get paid for not worrying about what Trump said six months ago.
Grow up and get to work already your pathetic.
The self defense class really did much to quell people’s feelings-yes that’s stirring the pot! And so dramatic at that
wow, thats JVBs card, what a disgrace for a politician to keeping stirring the pot like that
and he is still stirring the pot –
When did these dang politicians get so political?
Van Bramer should have the amount of money he has taken from developers on his card.
and boy oh boy has he taken alot
“I am ready to fight”.
So Jimmy, are you planning to enlist in the military?
And who do you plan on fighting? You seem rather violent for a guy who says he’s against violence.
Also, how can one be muslim and catholic at the same time?
An intelligent person would realize that you can fight with intelligence, will, political action, kindness, support, and many other things beyond physical fists and guns. This occurs often, just look around. Words often have multiple meanings – it’s amazing!
The library or internet are great places to start your research, if you want historical or fictional examples of people fighting without violence. Hint: There’s a great one on the corner of 43rd and Greenpoint.
A Snowflake
I feel sorry for the guy holding the “I am a taxpayer” sign. He needs to set higher goals in life.
We love you Jimmy. Pay no attention to the haters.
Johnny is stupid.,
Mac, What you gonna be when you grow up?
he is going to be a wanabe –
I voted for Clinton but agree with Jeffcoat here. Clearly JVB has been stirring the proverbial pot Is he up for re-election this year? It was a divisive election but can we please move on? I understand JVB does not want us to forget about some of the lowest points in the presidential campaign. However, please sir, don’t make all of that nonsense the focus of your re-election. Did JVB or anyone in his staff put some real thought into this card? “Muslim & Catholic” are not ethnicities. They are religions with fundamental theological differences. You can not be both. I believe this is a young woman who is proud of a European & Middle Eastern ancestry. Perhaps she is Irish & Iranian or something similar. Instead, she is holding card that says Muslim & Catholic. Poor judgement on JVB’s part but he is just stirring the pot.
JVB is always stirring the pot — it is either his way or the highway — he can’t accept that the Democrats lost — time for him and his staff to move on — but honestly when Obama was in office he was doing a happy dance – JVB has no class at all he never should have done this card — he is the only counsel person that did this — he should be ashamed of himself –
You can see that the figure of Jesus alone — even leaving out all the other differences — is actually enough to render Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all ultimately doctrinally incompatible. At least as far as belonging actively to, practicing or believing in more than one of them at the same time.
To Muslims: Jesus was an important revered prophet (although in Islam he was fully human/not God’s actual son/non-divine), he was of miraculous birth, he was the Messiah the Jews had awaited, he never died/was never crucified, but instead was taken to heaven by God from which he will return near the end of time.
To Jews: Jesus was really, religiously, the figure of Jesus is nothing.
To Christians: Jesus was or is the son of God (literally) plus also God Himself incarnate, he is usually prayed to directly as both God Himself (and/or God’s son), he was the Messiah (to the whole world not just to the Jews), he was miraculously born of a virgin (who is herself heavily venerated if not prayed to in some types of Christianity), he was crucified, died, was buried, rose after 3 days. And anyone who believes in this, whether gentile or Jew, will have the possibility of being eternally saved, per Christian dogma.
Jesus is an important point of disagreement. Can one be a practicing, believing Christian and a practicing believing Muslim at the same time? The answer would have to be…Religiously no.
Come on Jeffcoat! relax it was your first race you will be back to lose more.
Sounds like this Jeffcoat guy is the angry one. Dude got creamed by an absentee state senator. Pathetic.
Creamed is something I know about
Jeffcoat needs to get a life. Surely he has better things to do.
I don’t usually use millennial terminology, but the youngsters have a term called “butt-hurt,” and I do believe it’s applicable here. I believe proper usage is: “This Jeffcoat should grow up and stop acting so butt-hurt over JVB’s card.” Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe this is appropriate usage.
Shouldn’t others get over the hurt of the election. We lost. Time to move on by bringing people together.
You normalize a womanizing sexist, xenophobic, racist, two faced, con man. You can spew all the garbage you want about unity and “america,” but this bullying buffoon ran his campaign on hate, violence, isolationism, bigotry, and divisiveness. And now we all have to take him seriously as a unifier? Bullocks.
He is not qualified, and doesn’t have a clue about geopolitics. He wants more nukes not less. He thinks he can talk to the world like he talks to the uneducated electorate that propelled him into celebrity. The bar has been lowered so far that a grasshopper can piss on trumps head. And you want to move on? This is unprecedented, and should definitely NOT be normalized.
We should remind everybody everyday that this guy more than likely will create more conflict and misery than anybody has in US history. Well except GWB. I’ve never hoped for disaster but it is the only way the willfully ignorant public that elected him will listen.
I thought Hillary was gonna smoke him easily. But I , like a lot of people ,was wrong. She has now lost to a “community organizer” and now basically a ” game show emcee”. It’s a reflection on her. She lies, constantly. Benghazi was not about a video, she did no duck sniper fire on that runway. She’s a strong woman? Her husband shags every thing with a pulse , in front of her, sometimes in her own bed( the ” energizer-bunny). She did nothing for us as a Senator. But she lost, to the tallest oompa-loompa. But everyone blames sexism,racism,everything-ism. She’s not a like able person, not matter how much SNL tried,among others. It’s a reflection how pathetic the Republican Party is that he can hi-jack and and worse about the democrats that he beat them. And btw, under Obama, we have more troops in more countries then any other president ever. Look it up. And it’s scary, trumps on Twitter like a 12 y.o. Girl. God help us all.
Well said!
Little jimmy is unbalanced
He will be playing the racist sexist victim card for ever
Tell him to clean up his own neighborhood
And the Trump troll homophobia begins! Or did it never end? #EndHate
Agree. Typical PC policing by this losing wanna-be politician. You lost Jeffcoat. Don’t be a crybaby over a card. Move on and stop trying to create division over holiday cards.
Ok. Next time we’ll elect the well known and successful Ted Nugent. Or maybe Jenna Bush. She’s successful, right? Besides, she has government experience while in the white house. . . See how you feel about that. Trump is no different.
Ted Nugent is a ” kill’em all let god sort’em out” tough guy personality until you realize he’s a draft dodger. Bragged about it in a Rolling Stone article (1977?). Another phony.
I’m sure van Bramer self defense classes are fan
He should admit that is is trump supporters who have been assaulted
Time for jimmy to take care of woodside which he ignores in favor of his own fan street
AGREED! Typical PC policing by this losing…politician. You lost….. Don’t be a crybaby…. Move on and stop trying to create division…. Are you Hillary supporters paying attention?.
If the Democrats had stayed focused and either reformed or did away with the Electoral College when Gore lost to Bush we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But instead they were too lazy to do anything practical to change the system. So they instead resort to these self-congratulatory, ultimately meaningless, gestures to make them feel good about themselves.
Still to this day. It won’t register until they lose the next one too. Do something dems!
The card is divisive? Give me a break. Whether you like JVB or not, it’s a card with a message. I would rather live in a world where politicians (on both sides) have spines and voice their values than one that seemingly ignores the issues that we face as a country, a state, a city, and a neighborhood.
Flat anti-party X and anti-party Y criticisms await below, scroll down for more details.
“I am ready to fight’. Little Jimmy could not fight his way out of a baloon.