Oct. 28, 2015 By Christian Murray
Crime continues to plummet in the 108 Police Precinct, with the number of reported incidents down 18 percent year-to-date.
The precinct, which covers Sunnyside, Woodside and Long Island City, reported the second largest drop in crime of the 76 police precincts citywide year-to-date. Earlier this month, the 108 precinct held the title of having the largest percentage decline.
The double-digit decline comes at a time when crime across New York is reportedly down 3 percent for the year.
Captain John Travaglia, who spoke at the monthly precinct meeting in Sunnyside yesterday, said “we live work and breath in a very safe area” and attributed the precinct’s success to its partnership with the community.
Travaglia said that the number of reported robberies declined 29 percent for the year through Oct. 25, compared to the same period in 2014. Felony assaults and burglaries were down 8 percent and 18 percent respectively. There has been one murder year-to-date, down from two at this time last year.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer said that the 108 deserves praise for the decline. “The police get criticized occasionally,” he said, “but when they are shown to be reducing crime in a significant way we should pause and say we are thankful.”
I was attacked earlier this year. I couldnt give a description because i was wearing a hoodie and was attacked from behind. I threw my wallet at them and they grabbed it and fled. Police told me without a description there was nothing they could do. Similar things have happened to others.
Crime is definitely up in woodside, are we not part of the 108th?
Numbers crunch, thats all. Its a smoke screen. But, the cops deserve more respect than people give them. Everytime some smartass kid challenges a cops authority and the cop does his job and starts to apprehend the perpetrator, they pull out the phones and start with the videos. If these cops have to defend themselves, and use force to control a situation, their subjecting themselves to a frivolous lawsuit.. Its an injustice, and interferes with justice being servered
Not true. These stats are bogus.
Is graffiti no longer a crime now?
On behalf of Sunnysiders, I extend deep gratitude to all criminals.
Crimes are under-reported or not reported in the 108. I’ve heard neighbors discuss crimes that have directly happened to them in the sunnyside/woodside area that never made it into the stats. It is a great and largely safe area, but not because of the 108. I respect cops, it’s not their fault, but we are under served by them. We need our own precinct – or at least one closer
That’s awesome. Can we crack down on speeding cars now?
Never liked crime. Never have, never will.