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Lights Go Out on Local Tanning Salon

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Photo: QueensPost

Jan.3, 2015 By Christian Murray

The glow has worn off a local tanning business.

In-Bloom Tanning, known for its bronzing lamps and spray-on tans, has closed.

The owners of the 43-50 42nd Street establishment had prided themselves on offering “unparalleled rates for quality UV and Airbrush Tanning.”

The store also offered spray tanning for wedding parties and special events.

There is currently a ‘for rent’ notice in the window. There is no word on what will replace it.

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mens with tans in winter are clearly _ _ _

owners name is Lou Lossumonet – you might want to contact his lawyers, Douse & Burnam — I know because I am good friends with his Russian cab driver Picup Andropov


Anybody know the names, contacts or any info on the owners? Husband and wife con artist team? They sold me a 3 month unlimited membership, right before they closed. The wife told me they’re renovating and would open after new years. Thanks!


I paid over $100 and didn’t even use half of it because of their frequent early closing. This is ridiculous. They have a lawsuit coming from me.


grade aaa chicks in black lace thongs on tanning bedz!?? why didnt they advertise on this on the sign outside, i def woulda stopped in!!!!!!


I have a gift certificate I guess I am out of the services and refund. What scumbags glad they are gone.


this was the most over priced tanning salon I’ve ever seen. Maybe someone will open and make it worth their money!


That last picture was completely necessary to illustrate this story, right? I mean if there weren’t a 90% naked woman inadequately covering her breasts with her hands no one would have understood the nature of the business and the fact that it is closing down, right?

Poor editorial choice. Very poor.

Kramden's Delicious Marshall

That picture was the best reason for clicking on this article.

I somehow doubt that she looks like the typical client of that establishment.


THEY RIPPED ME OFF! I once bought a packaged deal (something like 15 sessions for around $175 bucks). After a about a year, I walked in there knowing I had 7 sessions left and they said “ALL OF YOUR REMAINING SEASIONS HAVE EXPIRED”. I recall without a doubt asking them when I bought the package if the sessions would ever expire, and they said NO. Crooks!

I remember saying to the owner that I would never return and this kind of treatment will put him out of business. Hope he learned his lesson.


Go tell the rest of the world and waste more of their time and yours, complaining after the fact is irrelevant.


The changed their policy on me once and said ALL of my remaining packaged tan sessions had expired (think I had 5 out of 15 remainjng). When signing up for the package, I specifically remember asking them if there was an expiration. They said NO. So I complained to the owner who would not say whether it was a new policy or not, or how long the policy had been in effect. The owner simply stood in defiance and said, “this has been or policy”. I called it a “bullshit policy” and said would never return and would file a complaint with BBB and consumer affairs.

Maybe he will apply this great business model to a yogurt store.


The lady always tried to overcharge me all the time. I actually wanted to go last week but i then remember how they tried to rip me off.


as a member I am upset that I wasn’t notified, nor did I get an answer to the msg I sent! This is why people don’t support the local shops in the neighborhood. How crappy


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