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LIC: A Strange Caricature of a Religious Muslim Draws Plenty of Hate


Jan. 21, 2015 By Christian Murray

A strange caricature of a religious Muslim accompanied by the words Je Ne suis Pas Charlie—has been placed on Jackson Avenue near the Court Square train station.

The slogan Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie (I am Not Charlie) is a term adopted by some people following the massacre of 12 people at the French publication Charlie Hebdo. These people viewed Charlie Hedbo as a distasteful publication in the way it portrayed Muslims and other groups.

The sign has several anti Muslim messages scribbled on it…such as “Islam stones women to death…” and “Muslims kill homo-sexuals.”

The messages are likely to have been written by a passerby who took exception to the poster.




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If They …” The Muslams ” Think They Are So Great , Have All Thew Answers ,
Knows What is best for everyone , …….Why Don`t they Stay in their country of origin And clean up their Own Affairs And Country ????? To Live By Example Is Better Than To Live By Directive !!!!


Islam is a radical religion which has sharia law making non Moslems third rate citizens face the facts and gays are routinely murdered yet the far left loves radical Islamists and hates Christians and jews !!! Wake up people

bow to the beard of the hipster, amigo!!

Tom Brady is right – we should be more concermed with muslim extremists than his deflated balls! His balls aren’t killing people.


To each their own opinion— however, Muslims as a whole, as a religion, are not to blame. Individuals act on their own. Religion isn’t pushing anybody towards anything. Please, don’t do something as hateful as grouping all Muslims as terrorists.

People from all over the world do bad things— it doesn’t automatically make everyone affiliated with them ‘bad’ in that sense. So why are we targeting Muslims?

I’m not going to go around telling people no here that they’re wrong, but if you believe your opinion might hurt someone, please try to keep it to yourself.


In order for the general public to not believe that all of Islam is radical, moderate Muslims have to step up to defend their religion. It may not be their responsibility directly but it is necessary for peace and stability between religions.

Craic Dealer

They do. It’s just not mainstream. You’ll have to dig into the bowels of the internet to find that moderate Muzzy’s speak out for peace and condemn violence.


Personally, I am much more concerned about Christian extremists in this country. They have much more potential to negatively affect our society than some fringe radicals claiming to represent Islam.

El loco

Your list is only a fraction. Too much bleeding heart liberal non-sense here. Stop hiding from the problem. Saying that it is a small fraction that commit the crimes is ridiculous. How could there be a billion terrorists. The religion is not violent but there is a significant amount of people corrupting it. Face the problem don’t hide from it.


I think that poster was put there for the precise purpose of eliciting nasty comments–which will inevitably appear–which then can be used to show how “hateful” LIC is. Prepare for the press conference!

Craic Dealer

It’s not really a crime if the FBI encourages and facilitate attacks then stops them at the last minute. Its the truth which for some is hard to understand. Sting operations are simply to stir fear in the public for political agendas. Human history says so.

mr wright

No, not all of them are Jihadists but it is tough to accept that “it is just a few out of a religion of over a billion”. I hear this from the Muslim community: “it is just a few extremists that cause the trouble” But when you consider: 9-11, the Madrid train bombing, Boston Marathon bombing, Sydney hostage crisis and now Paris, it seems like the problem is larger than their community is willing to admit. Don’t forget there have also been attacks that have been thwarted as well.


I hear this lame excuse for anti-Muslim sentiment all the time.

I have another list: Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting, Tennessee Unitarian church shooting, Army of God’s murder of Dr. Britton, ’96 Olympic bombing, Planned Parenthood bombing, Larry McQulliams’ attempt to burn the Mexican Consulate, Anders Brevik kills 77 in Oslo.

All Christian terrorist acts; committed by people specifically citing their religion as motivation.

Seems like that’s a much bigger problem in that community than people are willing to admit as well. And many more have been thwarted.

Terrorism is a not a religion thing. It’s a sick human thing.


right, but when a religion backs that terrorism, then you wonder if it’s a religion at all. even satanists arn’t this evil! lol


The Reverend Gary Cass suggests that Muslims who do not convert or leave the US be killed – that was in September. In 2012, a megachurch pastor in NC suggested we round up gay people, put them in camps and leave them to die. Another in Phoenix had the same sentiment this year, but promoted outright murder, in the hopes for an ‘AIDS-free Christmas.’ This is five years after another Phoenix minister asked his congregation to pray for the president to die, specifically “I’m going to pray that he dies and goes to Hell.” A Baptist church in India has been murdering and forcibly converting Hindus for decades, continuing to this day.

Oh, and they all do these things based on bizarre misinterpretations and mistranslations of the Bible. Sound familiar?

So, please, tell me more about how there is only one religion promoting the massacre of innocents.

mr wright

Funny how you jump to the conclusion that I and the others posting here are Christians. I don’t belong to any faith and part of it is because of all the fanatical and hypocritical behavior that surrounds all of them. No one is saying that Islam is the only religion promoting hatred & violence in the world there are others. But Islam does get involved in violence in a scale that seems to stand head and shoulders above the others. In 9-11, there were 2,996 dead & $10 billion in property damage, in the Madrid train bombings, there were 191 dead and 1,800 wounded. From your list, can you find any modern day attack from another faith that comes even close to these numbers? There are actually IslamicTerrorist training camps (plural) in the world. Since you are hung up on Christians, can you even find one Christian Terrorist training camp set out to do world wide destruction? Worldwide meaning from the USA to Europe to Australia. There is a reason so many world leaders came to Paris after the latest act of terror. It is because of the realization that we have a global problem right now. The cause of the problem is obvious- Allah Maak

el loco

Another Islamic apologist. Stop hiding your head in the sand and look at the fanaticism that goes on in the Muslim world that envelopes entire countries like Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and the king of them all Saudi Arabia. Name the Christian countries that are full of religious fanaticism like these. Christianity was ruled by fanaticism in the middle ages and in the 16th century Spain. Yes every country has a few but don’t ever compare Christianity of today to Islam.


i went to public school my entire life and i grew up alongside muslims, not all of them are murderous jihadists. all this sign displays is a close-minded and ignorant mentality that does not speak for all of us.

Craic Dealer

There are a few of extremists sects of religions out there. Not sure why that Jihadists are taking the spotlight from Zionists. Both have killed scores of innocent people to carry out their religious beliefs. The word “zealot” actually comes from ancient Zionists.

El loco

You are a fool and a bigot. Comparing the Usraelis defending themselves to these murderous bigots is idiotic.

Craic Dealer

@El loco: Isn’t that the same as people getting mad when a drone accidentally blows up a school that was really a school instead of the bomb manufacturer one block away? Suicide bombers exponentially increased once USA’s Military-Industrial Complex invaded Iraq.

Wouldn’t you be mad if China or Russia sent tanks to protect shale reserves in NY like how USA MIC troops protected oil reserves?

el loco

9/11 the greatest suicide bombing came before Iraq invasion. We’re out of Iraq and suicide bombings keep going. Stop being an apologist for these people. They murdered Jews in France who had nothing to do with Israel. They have the same anti-Semitic hatred as the Nazis did. It is just politically incorrect to say that.

cup o joe

“not all of them are murderous jihadists” – yeah thats right, but some of them are. All it takes is a few cowards to wreak havoc on innocent people.


“not all of them are murderous jihadist” is the dumbest thing to say about this problem. Did you know that to the ones NOT murdering and jihading they’re considered to be “doing it wrong” ? It’s true… The religion at its CORE is violent…it preaches peace..yeah…AFTER you cut the enemies head. That peace isn’t for the’s for its OWN people.

It’s an intolerant religion ..those non murdering muslims need to change their religion.

El loco

Of course not all Muslims are killers. That’s outrageous but Islam has a major problem with religious and if you don’t believe that you’re s fool.


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