Update: Aug. 4, 2016 9:30 am
A five-alarm fire tore through a factory building on the border of Long Island City and Sunnyside last night leaving two firefighters seriously injured.
The fire broke out inside a one-story building located at 43-24 37th Street at around 7:30 p.m. and was brought under control by 11:22 p.m.
Nearly 200 firefighters arrived on the scene to put out the blaze, according to the FDNY.
The two firefighters that were seriously injured are in area hospitals and are in stable condition, according to the FDNY.
The factory building experienced a partial roof collapse.
So sad that the views represented above are from my neighbors. What a bunch of racist, bigot, angry sickos.
Complete omerta!! We know what it means.
Of course I have no idea about what happened. Which is why I am enquiring.
by the looks of the photo the car lot on the BLVD is up for sale too . I,m calling a spade a spade , Je%^sh lightning !!!! , Watch , the caterpilars and the pile drivers will be there in no time .Laquinta be shi%%ing themselves soon when another place opens across the street …. Hope all the gallaghers employees made it through ok .!!!!!!!! ” careful now “
-Tea Lady Gallagher’s has been a part of the LIC area well before the likes of an idiot like you. You don’t like strip joints then just don’t go in you small minded imbecile.
I am certain that the fine ladies at Gallaghers, their clients and the pimps who beat them up, do not confess too often to our angels, and thus it is the job of the police and the good citizens of the neighborhood to understand why this building burned and God-loving firefighters were injured. Until the people who know give us the names and motives of the culprits, no theory is off the table my friends. So far all those comments did not bring any light upon this disaster and it is very sad to see the people of this country mired in ignorance.
-tea lady and neither did your ignorant comment bring anything to light. Hahaha
>> I am certain that the fine ladies at Gallaghers, their clients and the pimps who beat them up,
So…you think every woman who dances in such a club is a prostitute? Think again.
>>God-loving firefighters
What the hell do their beliefs (or lack thereof) have to do with being courageous, able firefighters? From what you are trying to say, it seems that if they were atheists you wouldn’t give a shit in terms of their welfare.
Religious fanaticism is destroying the world as we know it. And your way of thinking is ground zero.
What kind of business was conducted in this place? Was it shady? So close to Gallagher’s 2000 one would not be surprised. The good citizens of Sunnyside must know moreabout the underground economy that has been thriving in their mysterious neighborhood. There are lots of questionable establishments in the area, and I worry about a larger plot threatening our closely-knit community. I would not be surprised if one of those unusual churches nearby ended up in the Post in the coming weeks. Remember my words.
So you think that Gallaghers and the “mysterious churches” are concocting a nefarious plot? That area is secretly thriving? And we’re supposed to remember this and give props later on? Gee whiz, this is complicated!
>> I would not be surprised if one of those unusual churches nearby ended up in the Post in the coming weeks.
By “unusual” churches, do you mean churches representing different beliefs than your own? Sure sound like it. This is racism.
yes its right next to a McD a Chinese take out and of course a liquor store…..they would have to add another eastbound q67 bus stop there….
i wonder how many will walk out into the dark street wearing black clothes and get hit by trucks while high or drunk….or rob the gas station yup great location
I hope the firefighters recover fully. Thanks for their service trying to stop this crazy fire from spreading to other buildings.
Won’t be for long. New shelter on QB
That’s in Maspeth.
Read the whole article. The Quality Inn on QB is now a shelter. He city snuck 37 families in and told no one. Not even JVB.
We do we do when New Yorkers become homeless? Remember, these are people, your neighbors, people you may have worked with or gone to school with. Not all homeless people are drug-taking prostitutes, you know. Some of them just need a little help.
Actually they are people from out of state and they were drug users. Supposedly recovered. I’m sure they are all very nice people.
The Sunnyside real estate market really is hot.
The site of the next new massive development. Sounds suspicious.
Yes, who wouldn’t want to live in a residential building sammiched between industrial warehouses and a car dealership. Good observation.
-Anonymous I guess you haven’t seen what has been going on in LIC the past two decades. The Arris apartments, The Power House, The Avalon River View, City Lights, The L Haus and the Fusion just to name a few of the earlier residential buildings that went up in LIC with absolutely no amenities, services or shopping near by,were all “sammiched” between industrial warehouses and much much more desolate then 37th street and Queens blvd. You’re the one who lacks the capacity for observation. Some may say you’re an unobservant idiot.
Sean is a dick!
Looks like Sean touched stupid Paddy’s nerve. How dare Sean post something containing truth or fact Paddy is the obvious dick!
Is this imbecile posting under anonymous for real? Where have been? All of LIC was factories and warehouses just a few years ago….Go back to fly over state you came from.
Mac continues to insult people in “fly over states” just for the pure joy of showing how superior he is.
Fly over state is a term used by tens of millions of people around the country and the world. Deal with it K you loser.
@k it loos like the person posting as “anonymous” started with the insults not Mac. You’re very selective on who attack for usin insults. I guess it’s ok if it’s from someone you like or someone who tells you what you want to hear.
Mac is a ninny
K, your posts sounds as if you feel people from fly over states are inferior. Go back and re-read your own post. Fool.
Hey Anonymous, Do you really believe they (developers or the property owner) are going to stick another block long single story warehouse on the site? You have got to be shroom in. Haha
As long as Gallaghers 2000 isn’t damaged!
I hope the ladies at gallaghers 2000 are ok. Maybe I should go check on them.
My cousin worked there
Filmed from rear of 36th Street building (Korean News). No rights reserved. https://youtu.be/gkDgtLMW018
Maybe it was caused by that crazy lady that wanted to blow up a factory