Woodside’s Spring Cleaning Crew (Photo: Office of Jimmy Van Bramer)
May 3, 2011 By Christian Murray
Sunnyside and Woodside are in the midst of their big spring clean up.
On Saturday, nearly 70 people joined forces to clean up Roosevelt Ave., Woodside Ave. and 61stStreet (between Woodside Ave. and 39th Ave.). A similar number of volunteers are expected to turn out to paint over graffiti on the northern side of Queens Blvd on May 14; and a graffiti cleanup group is likely to tackle the same problem on the southern side of Queens Blvd in June.
On Saturday, volunteers for the Woodside cleanup met up on 61st Street and Roosevelt Avenue and were divided into teams to sweep streets, paint over graffiti, and beautify the neighborhood. The event was a joint effort conducted by Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, Assemblyman Michael DenDekker, Woodside on the Move, NYC Community Cleanup and the Wood-Heights Democratic Club.
“Every person in the community benefits from clean streets,” Van Bramer said. “I want to thank all who joined in the cleanup and look forward to the next one.”
Meanwhile, on May 14, the Sunnyside United Neighborhood Network is holding its spring clean up and will be meeting up at 10am at 49thStreet and Skillman Ave. Similar to the Woodside clean up, volunteers will be assigned a certain district (this time within the northern section of Sunnyside) and will be provided with paint to cover the graffiti.
On the southern side of Queens Blvd, Don McCallian, president of the United 40s Civic Association, said plans are in the works to get a group together for a June cleanup. He said he is still working out the details.
Wow.That is a crazy response.
What is going on here. Now Sunnyside is going to be divided into parts for clean up? We need to unite as one. United forties is wasting money and not team spirited for a United Sunnyside. There is the SUNN organization, already funded, to do this. Councilman Van Bramer is funded. Find something not funded to clean up. While you are at it, be more team spirited to other community groups. Keep your activities in the CB2 area where it counts. Are you a renegade group?