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Italian Restaurant to Open on Queens Blvd


Aug. 13, 2015 By Christian Murray

A new Italian restaurant is opening on Queens Blvd.

Zio Luigie, a restaurant that will focus primarily on offering fresh pastas, is scheduled to open at 42-15 Queens Blvd in October, according to owner Louis Bermjo.

Bermjo said the restaurant will serve “new world Italian” cuisine, although he said it was too early to get into menu specifics.

The restaurant will be Bermjo’s first. He has worked at several Italian restaurants in Manhattan for the past 14 years.

He said that he decided to open in Sunnyside after reading about the growth and development of the neighborhood on the Sunnysidepost. He started reading the publication a few months ago shortly after he moved from New Jersey to Woodside.

“I noticed the area is growing…getting more like the City,” he said.

The restaurant, which was previously occupied by the Mexican eatery El Norteno, is located next door to PJ Horgan’s, which remains closed following a kitchen fire in April.

PJ Horgan’s is located in a building owned by John Ciafone, who plans to develop it.

Bermjo’s has a different landlord and has a 15-year lease.

Bermjo said that the restaurant will be able to seat between 18 and 20 people. He said that once he is up and running he will apply for a liquor license.

“First I want to get the food right,” he said.

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king henrik

6 months, out of biz, depending on rent. Too small. If you can fit 20 people. He better hope big take out&delivery,catering.


I’d like to see a Vietnamese restaurant open in the area. Nobody serves Pho in Sunnyside. Gotta go all the way to Elmhurst for Pho.

Larry B.

I’m sorry to see PJ Horgan’s closed. During the 18 years my wife and I lived in Sunnyside, we ate there on the nights when liver w/onions and bacon was one of the specials. I usually don’t care for liver, but theirs was good! Yum!


Yeah I wonder what’s going on there. PJ Horgans is my go-to for cold, winter nights. It’s an adorable spot.

Community Robot Property Owner

“this area is getting more… like the city…”

Queens actually is part of New York City, someone shoudl tell the guy this.


Hey how about an Irish bar for the Irish politicians who have a stranglehold on Sunnyside yet they are a minority there and exclude everyone.

El loco

Shut up you anti-Semitic buffoon. Go back to where you came from you bitter failure. You are a loser and can’t stand it. Looser.

Avoid the Noid

I agree. Suggesting my post should be deleted simply for advocating Jewish cuisine is indeed anti-Semitic.


Big Night is a wonderful movie, unfortunately it points out how Americans want the cuisine Felix offers in the movie. slathered in tomato sauce and cheese. Either way I wish him luck in his enterprise it will be difficult to stay in business with construction 2 feet away.


That’s a lot of Italian for a small area but I wish them the best!!

If I had my choice, I’d want a sit down Chinese place. Like, high quality Chinese. we also need a GOOD Indian place around here. Curry Point isn’t bad but it could be better.


Good luck! I’m glad this person wants to get the food right. I’m hoping he gets all the other stuff right too (take credit cards, don’t set the prices too high, create some unique dishes, be on seamless, monitor the yelp reviews)


“New World Italian”?..What exactly is that supposed to mean? Are “New World Italian’s” the ones that are working in the kitchens around the city? Wouldn’t calling it an Italian style restaurant be more appropriate? It seems that authentic Italian restaurants are becoming an endangered species!..Lots of imposters out there masquerading as Italians! .Donatos being a prime example!

Southside Johnny

You should rent the movie, “Big Night” and you will learn about Old World and New World Italian restaurants. It’s a very good movie, btw.


I’d love to see a good Italian restaurant. Lots of Italian restaurants but none are really good. I would like to see food like grandma used to make.


Never enough Italian…don’t ever suggest such a thing! Good luck to this man. Keep it simple fresh and good, and you will do well. The place is small so don’t over do it. Turn tables faster than Sole Luna (it’s like he doesn’t want a 2nd rush!!). Fresh pastas and wine should not take long to whip up and put down. Take out / delivery will prove to be as good as dining revenues. No, PJ Horgans could not have moved in here… The space is way too small. Go to Mole fore top Mexican, or Santa Fe for faster sit down eats. Also, try the Columbium place on Northern Blvd is hugely popular.

Papa Roach

Italian restaurant is about the last thing this area needs. Hey Chef there’s fresh pasta all over the grocery stores nobody cares!!!

A. Hart

It alright, you can cross the boulevard. We don’t bite. 🙂 Mole is a good place. The HAAB has good food too, just not as fancy. If you want to call it that.

Sunnyside Local

Not big enough. It’s always been the problem with that space. There’s only room for 20-25 seats. There’s not even room for a bar.

El loco

Too many Itslian restaurants. How about a good Mexican. I want food just like my sweet mom in Tijuana used to make.

John Doe

wow, I’m shocked by this. happy for the guy but I was certain that whole block belonged to that landlord who wants to develop the whole thing. wouldn’t be surprised if PJ Horgans doesn’t reopen, its only a matter of time


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