Fruit Stand Vendor (Photo: Sunnyside Post)
Aug. 15, 2012 By Christian Murray
A vendor has set up a giant fruit stand underneath the 46th Street subway station and he has already drawn the attention of city agencies.
The fruit stand, which is stacked six feet high—with two carts rammed together—was written up by two inspectors from the Department of Consumer Affairs on Sunday. One of the inspectors looked at the vendor and said “What about all these flies?” as he pointed to the produce.
The food cart, which has been doing a brisk business, has gained the attention of Community Board 2 chairman Joe Conley, who is adamantly opposed to it. He has been trying to get rid of illegal food carts under the subway and along the streets in Sunnyside and Woodside for some time.
Conley checked in on the fruit vendor late last week and informed the Department of Consumer Affairs and Department of Health that it was in violation of many city rules.
“This vendor has so many violations,” Conley said in an e-mail, adding that the size of the carts has been altered to hold more produce, and the vendor is illegally operating more than one cart.
Furthermore, the vendor is breaking the rules by being open 24/7. Food carts are required to be moved once a day for cleaning.
Conley said that he is waiting to hear back from the Department of Health and Consumer Affairs as to the violations that were issued Sunday. He said on Friday he called the NYPD and five vendors were removed between Queens Bld. and Greenpoint Ave. on 46th Street.
Conley and councilman Jimmy Van Bramer are in the midst of improving the areas under the 46th Street, 40th Street and 33rd Street subway stations. Their aim is to block food carts from entering the areas, improve lighting, add bike racks and display art work. The councilman and Conley are awaiting a plan from the Department Of Transportation.
The vendor also cheats customers – very fast and loose with weighing things. Never again.
Let him be. I’d rather have a fruit vendor there illegally than crappy pawn shops and 99 cent stores all around legally.
If he is in violation of laws, and if he is there illegally, Why the hell is he still there? I guess it is not illegal, he must have paid the city for the permit and doing his job. Otherwise it’s all talk talk talk. How about we all got together and complained about the pawn shops as well, they are disgusting and they draw thugs to the neighborhood.
@Veronica You make a good point and it should be noted that all kinds of food is sold on Skillman between 43rd and 42nd Streets on Saturdays. And guess what? I have seen more than one fly buzzing around the food stands there, likely drawn by the dog poop that permeates the cobble stone area just off the sidewalk. This dog poop situation will get worse when the multi-million dollar dog run is built in Lodati Park. Will the CB president seek to shut down the food vendors on Skillman at that point?
I find it absolutely disgusting on 46th Street …who would buy anything in the midst of all that pigeon crap on the ground.. the entire area needs a good scrubbing in colorox!!
I can’t believe anyone is dumb enough to buy fruit or vegetables located in an area that is basically an above ground sewer.
politicians and yuppies with nothing better to do …..that’s all this is …. i never bought and never will buy anything from one of theses vendors under the train… you can do the same
How about the park at 43 st on skillman Ave where at the weekend its been taking over with scoccer players and there setting up food and selling beer and other things is there someone going to look into that
closing them off was NOT poor planning, unless you like speeding cars zipping by you as you come down the train.. you never felt the risk of some idiot in a rush almost push you into traffic? Seriously Anonymous, how long have you lived in Sunnyside?
They should just open 33, 40 & 46th streets back to traffic, closing them off was poor planning from the begining
All the rules and regulations that are already on the books, and we can’t control the vendors on the sidewalk. They’ve been selling like this for years- is this story saying things will change? I doubt it. These folks are settled in!