April 11, 2017 Staff Report
A bicyclist was hospitalized after being struck by a box truck in Sunnyside this morning.
According to the NYPD, a truck that was traveling east on 43rd Avenue hit a 27-year-old cyclist while attempting to turn right on to 39th Street around 7:35 a.m.
The bicyclist was riding his bike on 43rd Avenue going in the same direction as the truck.
The truck driver, Francis O’Brien, 61, remained on the scene and the victim was transported to Elmhurst Hospital in serious condition.
O’Brien, from Connecticut, was charged with Failure to Yield to a Bicyclist and Failure to Exercise Due Care.
This intersection is where Gelasio Reyes, 32, was killed by a drunk driver while riding his bicycle April 1.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer is calling on the DOT to conduct a full investigation and study on this intersection and make safety improvements if needed.
A cyclist was seriously injured in a collision with a truck Tuesday in #Sunnyside #Queens. Rider taken to hospital, driver stayed at scene. pic.twitter.com/7wC0o4Cuyk
— Spectrum News NY1 (@NY1) April 11, 2017
Actully he was going 50 MPH now that I really think about it. Boy if I would have grabbed him by the bike he would be sorry! too bad he had an invisible cloak on (should ALSO be outlawed, DeBalbio!)
Hey biker dude I can see a truck coming when i look in the mirror of my car, ,but i cant see a dumb Azz on a bike dressed in all black, no reflectors, no lights, doing 40 MPH in the dark tight up on the parked cars. Bikes need to be more cautious. I can see how this can happen to this guy who was parked. If it was me i would have laughed at the bike guy who crashed, then i would have held him till cops showed up, said fix my car
Also if i was so wrong, why did this idiot jump back on his bike and cut out when I said hey you get off the floor and im calling a cop, you damaged my door. He cut right out, and he spoke perfect English. He yelled oh shit! And got up and ran, dropped his pot on the floor too, which I kept for the damage so we are even. Gotta be about 3/4’s of an ounce
Another electric bike ? This truck is lucky that he didnt hit the battery or that truck would have serious damage
Almost same thing happen to a car I was in as a passenger! Between 56th and 57th on Roosevelt. Bike blew 56th Street light, and hit back of car stopped at 57th Street light. He flew over car and landed on windshield!. He got up grabbed his bike and took off before we realized what had happened. Some man came over saying he was a lawyer, saw the entire event and WE were going to be sued! Could not identify bike rider. Maybe if he had license plates we could have done something. We called police, and EMT, they could not do anything. Did not know where guy went.
Then he picked up the car with his BEAR hands. Honest! Then, a bald guy in a wheelchare came and said “you are my father” and then the bike turned into a space ship. Really, it did. It was on Roosevelt. Right by the meat store I go to. My friend was there with me and we are both Yankee fans. Bikes = Bad!
This was NOT posted by me! This did occur. And the person who posted and hacked my comment should learn how to spell and to use a dictionary for the meanings of words. It should be “bare hands” not “bear hands”. You show your ignorance!
Also, I forget to mention that I am YANKEE fan, and that while all of this incredibull (TRUE) event was taking place I was riding a bike on top of a car (A LIMOCAR!). My dad is a cop and he is traceing the comment hackster at this very moment. Hacker bewear!
You mean you “doored” him? Sounds like this is your fault. He should be talking to your insurance company.
Hahhahahahah you crazy
Stupid idiot on a bike just ran into my car door when i tried to get out of the car. He must have been going 30mph down roosevelt between 57 & 58 st going towards 58th. I saw him coming, and he saw me, no slowing down, no caution ,nothing. I have $300 in damage. He flew over his handlebars, he got up, got back on his bike and kept going. Meanwhile if he had a license plate and bikes were registered i could get the door fixed. I wish he would have broke his neck, stupid dumb Azz. Bikes are wreck less. Ill stay in my 2+ tons of car, you stay on you 20lb bike. Im safe, eff- bikes
… he was coming right at my car door. What I do is park my car, and leave the door open on Roosevelt Av. Very quiet residential Street.
There is no way that I was a jerk and opened it without looking to see if any traffic was coming. I am VERY smart. I am an owner of a car after all.
Gee whiz, do you open your door whenever you want, even if there is a tractor trailer coming your way? You expect him to stop? I guess you step out of a cab without looking too. You deserve the $300 in damage for being an idiot.
JVB knows how to fix the problems with our streets. Unfortunately he is held back by feeble minded, uneducated and poor (based on how you all bitch about your rent), constituency. You’re holding the rest of us back. Move to Texas or Florida where you can be with your own kind.
You are spot on my friend.
You don’t like the human race, do you? Unfortunately you live among people, not in some kind of Stepford World where you get to choose exactly what kind of people surround you. Reality is not a product of your imagination.
I hope the biker recovers quickly. As a recreational biker, and periodic driver, it is terrifying to think of being on either side of this accident. I am also a pedestrian at this intersection daily, and have witnessed an accident between two cars in the intersection. The impact sent one of the cars into the cross walk where I had been just a few seconds earlier, (walking with the walk sign). It does seem like there is a problem with this intersection. I fully support a DOT investigation.
Who cares, bikes should be outlawed
When is the city council going to require that drivers follow the law???
Along with license plates and insurance!
I rode long distance throughout the 90s. Everyone wore a helmet in those days. I believe the introduction of ShitiBikes was when that went away. When did head injuries suddenly become less of a concern? I was once cut off by a driver (I went over her hood) and had I not been wearing a helmet I would not be here, period.
Great point Marie
These bike lanes are so dangerous on these narrow sunnyside streets as a driver, one-term Mayor!
DeBlassio made the street to narrow. BUM!
People are uncivil and selfish, bike riders and car/truck/whatever drivers. People are assholes. What’s hell? Other people. Y’all suck!
And Sunnyside Post needs to change this error: The bicyclist was riding his bike on 43rd Avenue going in the same direction at the truck.
Bikes are for losers
My daddy didn’t love me and never taught me to ride a bike. But I’m not sore about it or nothing.
I’m a Yankee’s fan and I drive a Dogde Startus
Any way, I won’t be comment until April 24. I’m going on vacation with my friend Bill O’Realiy
I was hit by a car when crossing (walking) 48th st at Skillman avenue back in September. Luckily the driver stopped. Unluckily she broke 7 of my ribs when she negligently ran her car into me. She did not receive a ticket for failure to yield. I’m glad in this case the driver received a ticket.
All the car fanatics in here will think it is your fault.
Haha! I am also a driver but not a car fanatic. I actually have proof it wasn’t my fault. The driver admitted that she made a left turn and ran into me. She said she didn’t see me. However it was broad daylight. She actually hit me on the side from behind-I would have had to look behind me to see her. I had the walk sign, the coat was clear, I walked, and then she came out of nowhere. I have a police report that clearly states all this, and yet she still did not receive a basic failure to yield ticket. People face worse penalties for texting while driving (points on license). This chick gets away with smashing a car into a human and faces no consequence. The law needs to be fixed and the NYPD needs to start enforcing it.
*coast was clear
Also wanted to add that I think 48th street is dangerous in the way that 39th st is—people speed using it as a thoroughfare between northern and queens blvd
But they will say you should always be in a car and not on a bike or walking. They are sick, lonely people on here
I’m sorry that happened to you. This is an excellent point. It’s not just about cyclists at all. The dangerous driving and lack of enforcement affects pedestrians much more. I don’t get why people don’t want to fix this? I guess they don’t see a problem even though it’s right in front of them.
Who disliked this comment???
You are correct, but missing the point entirely. Cars also regularly run red lights and stops signs, don’t yield when turning, etc. That is a FAR bigger problem than cyclists doing the same thing. We need to focus on getting cars to be accountable, respectful and safe.
Incorrect. Cars are bigger and there are more of them but as someone who has driven around NYC for many years I can attest to the fact that bikers use roads designed for cars as if they were tracks designed for bikes. They want their ride to be continuous, no stopping, no interruptions, no obstacles to a swift and smooth ride to their destination. No pedestrian, motorcycle, car, truck or bus has the same attitude. The roads were designed for motorized vehicles. Riding a bike under your own power is a completely different experience. Years ago I rode back and forth to the city, so I speak from personal experience.
You are completely missing the point. I agree that cyclists are assholes but drivers are KILLING other drivers, pedestrians and actually least of all cyclists. Direct your anger at the real culprit!
No one denies that there are bike riders that are irresponsible. What people fail to realize is that cars and trucks can kill bike riders. Bike riders will only dent your front quarter panel. It’s like blaming a fly for falling down the stairs breaking your leg trying to kill it.
No one goes out wanting to kill bikers. You are all somewhat ridiculous to expect you can safely compete with vehicles so much bigger than you are. Take adequate precautions. Be proactive on your own behalf. Wear safety equipment. Slow down. Expect the ride to be full of unexpected obstacles and keep your speed within easily stoppable limits. Bikers and car drivers make mistakes. Not everyone has 20-20 vision but they still have a right to travel around. Most drivers do their very best to get from one point to another without incident.
So if everyone will finaly realize that cars and trucks can kill , then people should be more cautious. Period.
Bicyclists are more aggressive than drivers. They pay maximum $200 or less for a bike and act like they drive a RR. They have no rules and I saw million times how they hit pedestrians too. Bicycles never stops. Just stay on any intersection in Manhattan and just watch pedestrians and bicyclists how they behave. You’ll get sick for a month. People are plain stupid.
Incorrect. Cars were designed for horses.
And if people like you knows that cars will always run red light and nothing and nobody ever will stop that, shouldn’t you better protect yourself while crossing? What is better, keeping pointing fingers to drivers or live long life? A war with drivers is never a good idea. There are many good thinks to think about than stressing about what others do
I live on the corner of 39th Pl and 43rd Ave and I regularly see bikers running red lights and stop signs. It is not always the driver’s fault nor is it always because the driver was speeding. Either most of you are blind or ignorant to the fact that bikers in this city do not follow the rules of the road and on a consistent basis run red lights and stop signs. And before you comment about how careful you are on your bike you are lying to yourself if you say all bikers are as careful.
That’s not what happened here. The article made it clear that the truck did not yield.
How do you know? I’ve seen MULTIPLE times idiotic bike riders try to go pass the car who has his right blinker on. I am not saying that’s what happened, but it’s a routine issue with educated, unlicensed, ignorant bike riders who should know better not to try and overtake a car who is preparing to turn right.
If a vehicle is making a turn and a bike is going straight, the vehicle must yield to the bike. It’s the law. It’s common sense.
Um, the car is supposed to yield to the biker. Let the biker pass, AND THEN MAKE YOUR TURN. This is a fine example of car centric arrogance. It’s like making a right turn from the left lane. Would do that in a car without looking in the right lane? Would you do that at all?
Cars routinely cut off bikers because they think they own the road, and bikers are borrowing it. WRONG. I pay taxes to maintain the roads. They belong to me as much as a car owner. Period. When entitled car owners start to recognize that fact, then these senseless accidents will be reduced.
Keep passing trucks on the right and you too can be a hood ornament.
You are bleating like a lost sheep blaming car drivers for being arrogant and entitled. Believe it or not, most drivers would really rather not hit bikers. If biker’s tried harder to keep the entire culture of the road in mind and realize you are up against a deeply ingrained culture that was promoted for over 100 years you would stop blaming individual drivers. YOU are the new element on the road, take responsibility for your part in this. Trying to mesh human powered vehicles with those propelled by the internal combustion engine is like going from simple arithmetic to trigonometry in no time at all. Everyone on the road is taking enormous amounts of information in at all times: number of vehicles, road condition, weather, time of day, etc., and continuously making minute calculations. Adding numerous bikes, with bikers of different abilities, moving at different speeds and sometimes in different directions, making unexpected turns and stops in response to conditions car drivers don’t see or know of, makes it very hard to proceed. Have some patience. Use more caution. Slow down so you can safely stop at a moment’s notice. Protect yourself. It takes a long time to educate people. And be nicer. Bleating bikers make everyone irritable.
ME, you’re absolutely right. Plus, the driver CAN’T READ MINDS. Daaaah . The bicyclists can see the driver intention to turn right but bicycles has no signals. Isn’t everyone responsability to protect themselves? You bike like a lunatic or walk looking down on your phone and than blame the driver? I can’t tell you how many stupid were killed by taxi drivers in Manhattan and drivers never got even a ticket because IT WAS THE PEDESTRIAN FAULT.
100% correct. Whereas majority of drivers don’t speed, majority of bicyclists disobey traffic rules, to their detriment.
how do i know this fact you may ask? I asked my good friend shawn spicer … we are in the same barbershop quartete group called the dippin dots
Me and Shane are the only members
The morning rush hour in Sunnyside is total chaos. Drivers routinely run red lights, speed–all around reckless behavior. And there is absolutely ZERO enforcement.
It’s obvious bikes don’t belong here
No Barbara – speeding cars and dangerous intersections don’t belong here.
Cars don’t belong on a roadway?
SPEEDING cars. Really what I meant was drivers who recklessly and flagrantly break the law thereby putting others in danger.
Maybe if people will stop looking in their phone while walking or crossing streets there will be less fatalities. Did you ever, I mean ever , watched how people behave in the street? They don’t even wait on the sidewalk while waiting to cross. They stay half way on the roadway so closed to cars. Just look at those moms with strollers. Or people with dogs ? Completely crazy. Please just watch. If there is a big truck trying to turn, people don’t even have the decency to step back on the sidewalk to allow the driver to safely turn. When you’ll save enough money to buy yourself a car and see the inconvenience , you’ll understand what I mean
even Hitler didn’t ride a bike.
Please respond to Johnny, that is the person who has hijacked and using Barbara’s posting ID.
I’ve tracked the internet swift code and sent it to mike flynn. I use a Dell!
Also obvious — i am sad person
Oh it’s anti-bike Barbara again. Great.
Get on the turmp trolly JOE.
Truck make a right turn didn’t yeld to bicycle
Well, you’ve got 5 dislikes. Maybe because you’ve never been in a truck to realize there are blind spots and sometimes the bicycles and pedestrians are so ignorant to protect themselves. It’s not only the truck driver resposnabilities to look out for pedestrians but people need to leave the phones down and watch where they cross
This person was also on a bike.
When is the new Murphys opening?
My god that intersection is a problem. What is it about that location that is so dangerous?
Drivers fly through the light at Northern Blvd thinking they can beat the light at 43rd Ave and coast right on to Queens Blvd.
Speed cameras on 39th Street near the entrance to Sunnyside Yards would cut down on this idiocy.
1) Drivers going south on 39th Ave speed up on yellow, with the last few consistently running the red.
2) Drivers going east on 43rd Ave don’t slow sufficiently to take a right because of a basic failure to recognize and/or treat bike lanes as they would any other “true” lanes.
I’ve ridden that bike lane for years. The amount of cars that use the bike lane to turn is immeasurable. Happens every.single.time. If they don’t veer into the bike lane, they cut off anybody in the bike lane off when making a right turn. Then they yell at you for getting in their way. It’s happened to me on more occasions than I can count. That’s not even mentioning how cars double park in bike lanes at will, with no repercussion. NYC is simply not bike friendly. Period. Just look at the number of posts here that want to ban bikes. Bikes are sustainable and community oriented. Cars are not. America is car centric, and that fact isn’t going to change anytime soon.
IT takes more than a few years to change a culture that is over 100 years old. LIC was the first car manufacturing center in the United States.
1) Drivers going south on 39th Ave speed up on yellow, with the last few consistently running the red.
Many drivers headed south on 39th Street are flying once they get to the top of the hill (near the entrance to Sunnyside Yards) regardless of whether the light @ 43rd Ave is yellow or green. I have walked across that bridge for many years: It is treated as a drag strip.
The speed limit is 20MPH on 43 Ave as well as Skillman Ave..It is rarely enforced and that is intolerable..We need speed bumps and speed cameras on both avenues…Time for JVB to quit marching and protesting and get back to being proactive for the neighborhood.
I doubt that will ever happen with JVB he does absolutely nothing look on his twitter –
What’s a twittter? I only read Fox’s news, and Bright Bart. They don’t use bug fancy word s and they have LOTS of exclamation marks. Smart stuff!
Ah the snowflake is back!..Be careful out there and make sure to stay in the bicycle lane and wear your helmut.
Also, snowflake, I would like to meat up you. maybe you would liek the bike my daddy got me for CHRISTMAS when i was 10? I never rode it because I am very lazy. I will meat you under the 7 train and will be wearing a YANKEES hat (stained — don’t ask why!!!).
I live on 39th Street and 47th Ave had a lrge SUV come through my brick fence and hit my house causing thousands of dollars in damages Aug 2014. Have seen at least a dozen accidents over the years at the intersection of 47th Ave and 39th St, one with a bus load of children, and two pedestrians being hit as well — one an elderly neighbor who lives on my block. Corners along the 39th street corridor from Skillman Ave south to 50th Ave need to be widened and bumped out, speed cameras along 39th street would help, cars blow through the red lights in the mornings, police should be posted to catch and deter these bad drivers – bikes and cars/trucks don’t mix – bikers will always lose. WG