Nov. 20, 2015 By Michael Florio
Congressman Joseph Crowley voted against a controversial bill yesterday that would essentially halt Syrian and Iraqi refugees from coming to the United States.
Congressman Joseph Crowley spoke out against the bill (H.R. 4038) which calls for increasing the screening process for refugees trying to make it into America.
Despite Crowley’s vote, the bill passed by a veto-proof count of 289-137 and will now go onto the senate.
Should the bill become law, it would require refugees attempting to enter the United States to undergo an additional background check by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
This would be on top of the current process, which includes a background check by the Department of Homeland Services (DHS).
Under the bill refugees would only be admitted with unanimous agreement from the FBI, DHS and Director of National Intelligence.
If enacted, the bill would likely pause the screening process for a short time, while new background check procedures are developed, and then lengthen the time the screening process takes.
“I opposed this legislation because its sole outcome would be to substantially delay or even end the admission of women and children fleeing Syria and Iraq into the U.S.,” Crowley said.
The refugee screening process already takes 18 to 24 months and includes interviews, fingerprinting and database crosschecks by several government agencies, according to published reports.
“These are innocent people who have been brutalized by both their own government as well as Daesh (ISIS),” Crowley added.
“Protecting the American people from terrorism and providing protection to thoroughly vetted refugees are not mutually exclusive,” he said.
“The U.S. has long stood with those fleeing violence and persecution, and I believe we can – and must – stay true to our values while ensuring our national security.”
This bill was brought to the floor following attacks in Paris that left 129 people dead and many more injured.
Hey, Joe did you read about the ISLAMIST killers in California? Find somebody to read it to you. And please, join your coop board. They need your “expertise:.
So I guess the “white male” who shot up the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado today was a Syrian refugee in disguise…or perhaps it was a staged event concocted by Obama, George Soros, the Communist editors at the NYTimes, the Hollywood Elite, and Warren Buffett to divert our attention from the “fact” that they are, for some unknown reason, trying to kill off Americans and destroy this country. That must be it.
Only a lib mixes apples with oranges! Whine on, Macbeth!
-Rocky You made a complete fool of yourself on this thread.. Thank god for the anonymity of the internet..
Joe, at the Berkley: why don’t you join your coop board? You seem bored in addition to being a total fool.
-Rocky You couldn’t afford a co-op. I thank god I didn’t get the same degree that you received. Graduate Degree.LOL Who do you think you’re fooling? Show your friends and family your posts. See how embarrassed they are for you. They obviously already know. Idiocy like yours isn’t easily hidden…Are you embarrassed to be so ignorant?
If any Americans are killed we can thank Crowley
@luvu2 Did you thank George Bush after 9/11? If so then by all measns yes.
Thank the Saudis. Their oil money is the reason groups like ISIS exist….and we buy it from them.
To be fair, most of our oil comes from here, Canada, and Latin America. Still, oil is a fungible commodity and we have yet to have the balls to bomb the oil fields controlled by ISIS or to tell the Saudis to get their shit in order before we feed them to their own people (then bomb their oil fields).
Agreed, but the Ibn Saud-Wahhabist alliance in Saudi Arabia, together with ISIS’s extortionate activities are enabling their operations. I understand that the Saudis have periodically assisted the US in diplomatic and military operations in the Middle East, but there have always been concurrent elements within Saudi society that are stridently anti-American, anti-semitic, and anti-Western in general. The place is a snake pit in political terms.
@Luvu2 3 Americans killed in Colorado..I thought your bogus Republican legislation was suppose to keep us safe? I’d like to thank you and the Republicans for these Americans getting killed.
Can you be so ignorant? You libs keep mixing up the wrong events! And then you try to back it up by name calling.
@Rocky: Here are some facts to chew over with your turkey this weekend:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
Yes, go after ISIS, agreed. And thank you and your family for their brave service. But do it the right way. Take out their infrastructure and funding sources as opposed to carpet bombing or assuming that refugees are terrorists. We can go after the terrorists AND help the refugees. There is no contradiction in this.
– Pete Don’t waste your time Rocky doesn’t read and if he did read he wouldn’t read the NY Times. He has his news fed to him by Fox News who have demonized critical thought or reasoning among other things. Truth fact and history just do not matter to these people.
Somebody has their knickers in a knot! I must have struck a nerve!
@Rocky: I notice that throughout the thread you substitute cyberbullying for rational argument; usually by calling people ignorant or attempting to infantilize them. This is a tell tale giveaway that you are not educated enough to argue calmly and you are covering your cowardice with hyperbole. Save it for someone who hasn’t heard it hundreds of times. All I’m doing here is differentiating refugees (victims) from terrorists (perpetrators). Not all refugees are terrorists; in fact the vast majority are not, just as the vast majority of Germans weren’t Nazis during WWII. Let’s dispense with the insults and anti-intellectual cliches and talk sense. If you cannot do that, keep your mouth shut. Thanks.
Cmon haterz, don’t make me write another song!!
I am so confused, right now. Is this the ACTUALLY T-swift?! If so, where do you land on the whole Syrian issue. Your take is my take. I’d follow you anywhere, lady. (At a respectful distance.)
Refugees undergo very strict security checks. The process takes 2 year (nothing like migrant heading into Europe).
These people are fleeing terrorism and ISIS.
Anyone here pretend to be religious? All your leaders are calling for our hearts and cities to be open to these refugees. It’s another edict in a long list of edicts that “religious” people ignore.
I missed the part where this country took care of all the homeless, unemployed and destitute people we already have here that we have to import even more.
These refugees will probably get more attention, money, housing and public assistance than our returning vets. Bet on it.
From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Well said Sunnyslide!
Give me your terrorists
Refugees aren’t terrorists. They’re trying to escape terrorists.
The refugees are not our problem. 100% of them could drop dead for all I care…we are not the world’s welfare service. Lord knows we have enough people already here illegally and sponging off the half of the country that pays taxes.
So called illegal immigrants pay a considerable amount of tax- almost $13B last year. Check your facts.
-Anna Don’t be hitting Frank with truth fact or history. They’re not his problems.
US federal tax revenue was over $3 trillion in 2014. So the illegal migrants paid just over 0.43% of the US tax bill. Your point is what? That you can’t do math? That you cannot check facts yourself? Do tell.
Oh, and they are not “so called illegal immigrants”. If you are here illegally, you are an illegal immigrant and should be promptly deported, period. It is called the rule of law.
Joe, don’t let laws bother you, because they aren’t your problem.
@Frank weath transfer programs? Foodstamps, section 8 housing and WIC just to name a few are programs that allow corporations to pay below market wages and keep the money, “wealth” flowing to the top. Eventually business will socialize all it’s expenses and privatize the larger return, all at the expense of the American tax payer. Socialism at its best. You almost got it right. Gotcha!!
Mac, I agree that these programs distort wages. (I feel mildly demented for agreeing with you) Lets eliminate them all and let the chips fall where they may. Something tells me that low skill wages will go up or these jobs will be replaced by robots. Either way, it is a cleaner result.
-Frank you need to be informed instead just manipulated: A fact Check about the “half of us who pay federal income tax”. According to the Tax Policy Center, about half of those who owe no federal income tax are people whose incomes are so low that when standard income tax provisions — personal exemptions for taxpayers and dependents and the standard deduction — are factored in, that simply leaves no income to be taxed. Those are people who earned less than about $27,000.
But that doesn’t mean those folks paid no taxes at all. Many of them paid payroll taxes, those taxes taken out of a paycheck by an employer to fund programs such as Social Security and Medicare. They also pay federal excise taxes, such as those on gasoline, and they may also pay state and local income taxes or property taxes.
So that’s half of Romney’s 46.4 percenters. The rest pay no federal income tax due to tax benefits and credits. Here’s the rest of the breakdown:
22 percent receive senior tax benefits — the extra standard deduction for seniors, the exclusion of a portion of Social Security benefits, and the credit for seniors. Most of them are older people on Social Security whose adjusted gross income is less than $25,000.
15.2 percent receive tax credits for children and the working poor. That includes the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit. The child tax credit was enacted under Democratic President Bill Clinton, but it doubled under Republican President George W. Bush. The earned income tax credit was enacted under Republican President Gerald Ford, and was expanded under presidents of both parties. Republican President Ronald Reagan once praised it as “one of the best antipoverty programs this country’s ever seen.” As a result of various tax expenditures, about two thirds of households with children making between $40,000 and $50,000 owed no federal income taxes.
The rest ended up owing no federal income tax due to various tax expenditures such as education credits, itemized deductions or reduced rates on capital gains and dividends. Most of this group are in the middle to upper income brackets. In fact, the TPC estimates there are about 7,000 families and individuals who earn $1 million a year or more and still pay no federal income tax.
So, those receiving the benefits of wealth transfer programs are now tax payers because, although their net tax contribution is zero or less, they pay gas tax. Gotcha.
-Frank Your erroneous quote “half of us who pay federal taxes”( 50%) has been beaten down to somewhere around 10% by Anna and Joe. LOL I hope you don’t handicap horses. Joe and Anna just wiped the street up with you on this thread. LOL. Good work.
Mac – you are obviously not able to read Anna’s or Joe’s posts. They talk about people either getting tax credits, having deductions, or other mechanisms for having a net zero federal income tax obligation. Only you would see having a tax bill on paper but not in reality as “paying taxes”. But what do I know…I am (pull the string on Mac’s back) only a Fox-watching idiot.
So .03 of the population paid .43 of the Federal tax? Who can’t do math now?
Here is the math: 11,000,000 illegals / 308,000,000 population (per census) = 0.0357. This number needs to be multiplied by 100 to get a percentage, i.e., 0.0357 * 100 = 3.57%. So, illegal immigrants are 3.57% of the population paying 0.43% of the tax. Yep, sponges.
Your 4th grade math teacher should be ashamed of you.
Frank – your 4th grade math is fine, but you seem not to have made it to 7th grade civics – where do you get the idea that taxation is proportional to population? You started off with your bogus “half of us who pay taxes” and then went (without checking your facts) to .43. 20% of the US population are kids – should we be taxing their lunch money?
Meanwhile I said taxes, meaning state, local, and federal (including into Social Security, which non-citizens can’t collect, and you do or will somewhat negating your “net tax contribution” theory) you’re the one who jumped (without checking your facts again) to the Federal tax amounts.
As for your “deport them all” – as a proud 50% income taxpayer, you want to foot that bill, and cover the loss the the US economy? Georgia and Alabama lost hundreds of millions of dollars when they cracked down on immigrant labor – crops literally rotted on the ground. Forget billions – the cost of deportation plus the loss to the US economy could top a trillion. And that’s pretty well documented by economists on both the Left and Right – if you’ll check your facts this time.
OK, if you’ll all excuse me, I’m gonna go join the grownup table now.
First, Anna, 23.1% of the US population is under 18, per the US census. Maybe you are mixing in the raw breeding potential of the illegals in your numbers, or you are simply misinformed. Both seem equally probable – you strike me as a twit who is taking in leftist propaganda vociferously. Either way, you math still shows a net drain for illegals. Pardon me while I shed crocodile tears for these infiltrators not able to collect the social security they have no claim to as illegals.
Second, you ignore the laws of supply and demand. If there is a need for labor in the fields, maybe some of our welfare recipients will grace us with their labor. I would gladly foot the bill for the deportations to conduct the experiment. If anything, it would prove that our welfare provisions are far too generous and should be cut. Starving people will work where the work is.
Third, 6% of salary for payroll taxes is not going to magically shift the net tax equation in favor of the illegals. Really, please go hang out with La Raza to discuss La Reconquista, since they are about at your logic level. You scintillating commentary won’t be missed here.
Finally, you seem very willing to include illegal economic activities your valuation of the economy. Thanks for keeping it classy. I’d prefer to only include the legal activities…I’d much rather an honest accounting instead of profiting from breaking the law.
@anna Somebody had to take the air out of this misinformed blowhard frank. Thanks for the informative post.
Lol…I guess Mac is the authority on misinformed blowhards.
_KDM Keep voting Republican and you’ll guarantee Vets will get less. Your voting Republican creates more problems than they resolve. You probably vote Republican because you are trying to use your vote to prevent somebody or a particular group from getting “something for nothing.” This “Southern Strategy” is being deployed to get people like you to cut your nose off in spite your face and vote against your own best interest. Can you say sucker? Hahaha
Genius, my family is MILITARY and we are solid Republicans because people like you and Crowley dislike the USA and especially our brave men in uniform. Keep drinking the MSLSD Kool-aide. I love Rachel Maddow’s legs! When she remembers to shave them.
– Rocky Balboa You’re a sucker who buys the typical Republican con. The Pew Economic Mobility Project, a non-profit, non-partisan research organization, released a report on May 5,2012, on upward mobility. The 9 Worst States:Alabama, Florida, Kentucky,Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina,Oklahoma,South Carolina,Texas. Now US census data reveals the 10 poorest states : Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Montana, Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina and Louisiana. They all have common denominators. According to Republican rhetoric these states should be the best performing. Every state in these surveys are Republican strong holds for very long periods of time. This is the Republican record. Why doesn’t the press force Republicans to explain their records and failed policies? Also According to Forbes Magazine (A Republican Contributor) Maryland , Connecticut, New Jersey. New Hampshire, Alaska, Massachusetts, Virginia ,Hawaii, Delaware and California10 Richest states by Median Household Income. Republicans don’t seem to fair up here either. Republican policies appear to be working to you? Why don’t you move to a Republican “right to Work for Less” state if you believe so much in the Party of stupid? The party of stupid as said by a Republican Governor..Hahahaha You’re an imbecile.
Joe, you make a flawed assumption, mainly that a policy goal should be commumalistic. Republican policies are meritocratic, where the losers suffer the consequences of their failure. I’ll take right to work any day of the week, because I can outperform my competition, i.e., every person in my workplace.
Oh, and Arkansas is a historically Democratic state, as is West Virginia, Montana tends to elect Democrats in local elections, as does Kentucky. On the rich end, Alaska is historically a Republican state, Virginia had been until the past few elections, and Christie has been governing NJ for a while. So much for your theory…maybe you should try some critical thinking instead of parroting propaganda.
Wow.. I wouldn’t give this guy Frank the complement of a fourth grade education in math or civics… Abe Lincoln “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” The preamble of the US Constitution “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Sounds if a policy by the Gov’t should most definitely be shared by all members of a community; for common use..You know “communal”. Is this guy for real. He has his own mathematically deficient math equations and now a warped interpretation of the US Constitution and US History…
Johnjohn – you over-interpret Lincoln and the Constitution. Joe is implying the communalism extends to the point of everyone making sure that everyone else is doing well. That is far beyond “…Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty…”.
The “general Welfare” is not welfare programs and wealth transfer. It is the country generally being in a reasonable place, which it is even in those evil red states. To be honest, we could cut back significantly on wealth transfer programs and still maintain the “general Welfare” of the nation. Poverty is always going to be with use, and the US has the fattest “poor” people on the planet.
@Frank you’re one gullible fool. RTW has absolutely nothing to do with competition or productivity. I loved getting idealistic fools like you before me at employee review time. I sent you away with the least using the typical strategy of you’re only as good as your last mistake routine and you walked away touting the very nonsense you just posted. The hallmark of a master con has the pigeon praising the con artist. Keep up the good work…haha
You are only as good as your last mistake. I fail to see the point you were trying to make. Less foaming at the mouth next time?
@Frank Nobody said anything about a “policy goal should be communalistic. Republican policies are meritocratic”. Where was the “merit in Robert Nardelli’s golden parachute estimated at $210 million? Some call it extortion.. What about Ken Lay, Jonathan Schwartz, Chuck Conway, George Shaheen and the list goes on and on.Where is the merit for these million dollar pay outs? Right to work is a form of divide and conquer used to put individuals up against huge corporations. Rig the game..Republicans keep saying unions are bad for economies this can not be further from the truth. List of most unionized countries in the world and percentage of citizens in unions. Austria 95%, Finland 91%,Denmark 80%,Sweden 88%,Iceland 88%,Netherlands 81%,Norway 70%,Switzerland 51%,Australia 43%,Canada 33%.These are the most sound economies in the world. Are Republicans liars or “mistaken”. Frank “gullible” is an understatement in your description.
The CEOs you cite negotiated their packages when they signed on. Where is the issue? Their performance may not have worked out, but there is risk in any hire (although I would agree that the companies that hired them negotiated poorly).
Define sound economy. The social democracies of Europe have crushing tax burdens, especially on top earners. Is that a sound economy? Those same economies have been the slowest to respond from the financial crisis of 2008. Is that sound? No, clearly you think that the government providing benefits and job security divorced from performance is the measuring stick for a sound economy, i.e., a commumalistic, perhaps even collectivist, perspective. Face it – unions let poor performers slip by when they should be turned out into the street to starve.
-Frank either you’re a propagandist or more gullible than Mac said you were. You act like CEO’s negotiate their salaries all by themselves when in reality they have teams of lawyers and consultants. You know like union negotiators, which you just expressed scorn for in a previous post. Hahaha The negotiation process for a CEO is nothing but a sham, a show put on by boards stacked with friends and various financially and well connected networks, good ole boy network. Lets face it this process lets “poor performers slip lip by when they should be turned out into the street to starve”. “No, clearly you think that providing benefits and job security divorced from performance is the measuring stick for a sound economy, i.e., a commumalistic, perhaps even collectivist, perspective. Face it..You sound like a person with disdain of the average person and in favor of type aristocracy of wealthy elite. You sound like a phony hypocrite who speaks out of both sides of your mouth. Teams of negotiators are ok for the wealthy but not for the common man, it may make them slackers. hahaha The most productive point in this nations history is when it’s union membership was at its peek and tax brackets at their highest. Fact! You want an economy and society more in line with Brazil. Why don’t take your idealist pathetic narcissistic ego to one of these third world economies and lock yourself in a gated community and chest pound to peasants how you are better than them and they’re nothing but lazy loafers instead of trying to turn this place into one of those places.
Joe, Che is calling for your pathos please indulge him. Really, please join the real world and recognize that 50% of American workers are eminently replaceable by robots.
@Rocky You called one correctly for once, Joe is a genius compared to you. Pete is correct in his determination of you. What do you have to say about Macs post about the next mass shooting which came true on Friday Nov 27th in Colorado? Oh that’s right you’re a Republican truth facts and history don’t matter to you. Thanks for the breath of reason into this discussion stream Mac.
-Frank You never seem to mention the people hiring the illegal aliens. The use of low wage non union labor and illegal aliens are a part of the Republican “pro business agenda”. In the past 25 years executives with the help of our own Gov’t have moved millions of jobs over seas (outsourcing), in the name of Global competition. What couldn’t be moved overseas is being filled by illegal aliens and through Visa programs (B1,H1B,L1A,L1B,E1, E2… to name a few) which are constantly being expanded under the pretense of impending “labor shortages”.
And here is something we agree on. Businesses hiring illegals should absolutely be held accountable. Of course, an H1B Is not an illegal, but I will kindly extract the intent of your point.
Another dumb vote by Crowley. Much like Obama he couldn’t care less for the security of America.
Thank you, Rep. Crowley. Compassion and doing the right thing must win out over irrational fear and hate.
He’s wise enough to recall that this country–and many others–have made this mistake before. Thank you, Mr. Crowley.
how dare this excuse for a representative allow people to come to sunnyside without proper background checks…
Who said anything about no background checks? Refugees are among the most checked population in the States. Far more than gun owners. Check your facts.
We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but
we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few
-anonymous Keep drinking the Fox Koolaide.
For fucks sake come up with something, anything better than you watch Fox. You sound more brainless than the people you accuse.
i say judge everyone, since everyone already judges you. nothing wrong with that.
Worked real well in San Bernardino, right, Anna! LOL! go back to reading the Daily Kos and the other garbage you read.
The background checking for refugees, even without this measure, is already 18-24 months. The odds of a committed ISIS fanatic getting through that route is miniscule. If they want to come here, they’ll do it under the radar. This vote is an act of political theater for an election year.
” allow people to come to sunnyside without proper background checks”
that’s one great thing about gentrification. you price out those that would bring the neighborhood down. plus, with the supply of rental units in high demand, its easy to pick out the best applicants.
Great idea lets move ISIS next door to Joseph Crowley family residence in Wash DC. Lets have them over for thanksgiving dinner.
Woodside/ Sunnyside has its own economic problems. It you don’t live here don’t make policy. Have you asked your constituents how they feel about this?
Let’s relocate them to Martha’s Vineyard or so other liberal elitist enclave and see how compassionate they are.
@kramden Immigrants are used by conservative elite hypocrites for slave labor. Fact just ask Mitt Romney.. You’re a total Republican we can tell by the stupidity in your posts. Republican the party of stupid as said by Republican Bobby Jindal. You’re a classic imbecile.
People who use juvenile name-calling and personal insults in place of rational arguments are the true imbeciles.
– Mac You’re right immigrants are used to facilitate the Republican party agenda of a low wage two tier society like Brazil, just rich and poor. The use of low wage non union labor (the passing of “Right to work for less “legislation) and illegal aliens are a part of the Republican “pro business agenda”. In the past 25 years executives with the help of our own Gov’t have moved millions of jobs over seas (outsourcing), in the name of Global competition. What couldn’t be moved overseas is being filled by illegal aliens and through Visa programs (B1,H1B,L1A,L1B,E1, E2… to name a few) which are constantly being expanded under the false pretense of impending “labor shortages”. KDM’s accusation of name calling is ridiculous and an obvious smoke screen since he lacks the capacity to dispute the facts stated in your post. You didn’t call Republicans stupid the Republican governor of Louisiana did. KDM is a typical Republican speculation is fact and no regard for truth, fact or history. They love to politicize everything and honestly believe politicizing is a legitimate form of debate or discussion. I think stupid is an understatement. You’re correct at least we have the confidence and honor to post using our names.
The bottom line is this: Ryan is the quintessential DC insider, regardless of his claims to being a “follow of Ayn Rand” or a “radical libertarian.” He is neither. He’s a parliamentarian to the core; if he weren’t he wouldn’t be the Speaker of the House. This vote is window dressing for his Tea Party constituents so that they can feel that they’re “being heard.” The vast majority of refugees–if they come at all– will be everyday Syrians; not Islamist fanatics. And if the Islamists want to get through, they aren’t going to be dumb enough to try it through the refugee visa. It’s already a very tight check, and Ryan & friends know this. They’re going to try to get in undetected. This is a largely symbolic vote; yet is damaging to our reputation as a free and open society that welcomes newcomers.
And you know this because your mom told you? Isis has said they will send people to kill us. They are very good at that. You are muddleheaded!
Hey RB. I think you owe Pete an apology. This is not a forum for name-calling! We argue on the merits of our case in Sunnyside. Where do you think you are, Woodside?!
Seriously, though, have you seen Creed yet?
Miss you!
He’s a fool!
Why doesn’t Israel take them in?
Because they are not suicidal unlike the jerk in the White House
@luvu2 This is the vacuum everyone warned us about. Assad and Saddam Hussein ruled like they did for a reason. Assad and Saddam Hussein actually kept the west safe.
If a handful of these refugees turn out to be ISIS terrorists and carry out a deadly attack here like in Paris, we’ll know who helped pave the way.
Political correctness outweighs common sense security measures.
You’re an idiot.
@Rocky Republicans don’t seem to mind peoples kids getting killed by American psychos with guns, statistics show this to be an exponentially more likely scenario than terrorism. Oh yeah, you’re solid Republican truth fact and history don’t matter to you. You sound like an imbecile. Right to work legislation will lift you up. LOL Low wages in a consumer driven market economy makes you lower than a slave. You’re a fool. Who needs guns to take over this country when their are complete idiots like you who are easily tricked into voting against your own best interest.
Mac this idiot Rocky is just ridiculous. The Republicans used what was called the southern strategy to win over the southern states. This strategy used fear and distrust of blacks to get working class whites to vote against their own best interest. Trump is using this very same strategy only this time he is using Mexicans “Illegal Aliens” as the target I have met so many of my fellow white friends, neighbors and even relatives who told me they were voting for a Republican candidate. When I asked which policies they liked not one could even name a policy. I have been flatly told by many of them the vote was to prevent a minority group from getting something. Republicans use racism and they use it well.. Rocky sounds low IQ, low performing and most definitely low wage. You’re right about nobody needing a gun when you have gullible blowhards like Rocky going to the polls. At least he’s smart enough not to use his real name.
Same old jibberish from the libs! Enjoy your kool-aide. And I have a graduate degree.
Mac and Sean: fellow travelers. Enjoy it while it lasts. And to think my family protects the rights of people like you to be idiots!
-Rocky I served too. The only reason an idiot like you serves is because you can’t cut it in a civilian market economy where you have to produce and provide for yourself. You need the social and institutional structure provided by a military environment. Just by reading your unsupported and unsubstantiated posts. To borrow Pete’s (also posting on this feed) quote about you “that throughout the thread you substitute cyber-bullying for rational argument; usually by calling people ignorant or attempting to infantilize them. This is a tell tale giveaway that you are not educated enough to argue calmly and you are covering your cowardice with hyperbole.”. You need the socialism provided by the military ( they feed you, house you, educate you, provide your medical and employ you) You lack what it takes to make it on your own. You’re just way too stupid. Graduate Degree LOL.
-Rocky A person as stupid as you is incapable of of protecting anyone’s rights. As matter of fact you’re a danger those you serve with. I find it strange that you didn’t include yourself within the contents of this particular post. Is this another graduate degree lie?
-Rocky I am certain of one thing you have no Graduate degree whatsoever.. You have absolutely no vocabulary, no ability to think for yourself, absolutely no attention to detail, no knowledge of any of the content in this discussion stream or any other for that matter and no research skills – familiarity with research process or willingness to perform a simple Google search..You basically are a parrot of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News and no educated self respecting person would be caught listening to either of these outlets let alone repeating what they say. How many times can a person use the silly word Lib? Go out to the internet and find synonym. Like I said you have none of the traits a graduate would have.
-Rocky Your posting of a silly link only solidifies the points mentioned in my posts and the posts of everyone else posting to this forum..Add you have absolutely no debating skills to that laundry list of points as well..Graduate Degree.LOL
….and if thousands of them get slaughtered in Syria, and/or if their children get recruited over there to be the next generation of ISIS killers, we’ll thank Paul Ryan and his colleagues in the House. If this measure stands, Ryan and friends will have succeeded in giving ISIS exactly what they want: a concession of fear.
Are you that foolish ? Who cares what Isis thinks of us ? First obligation is to protect American citizens . Crowley is a damned politically correct fool
…and you protect American citizens by not facilitating the production of a new generation of terrorists. These people thrive on fear. The foolish ones are the ones who abandon their values out of a near-sighted fear.
Baloney. Do you think Republicans want their kids to be murdered by terrorists? Duh! Who cares what Isis thinks – kill them. But you and people like you and Crowley don’t have the guts to do what is necessary. If this were World War II thanks to Crowley and his ilk, we would all be speaking German.
-Rocky This legislature didn’t make the people of Colorado Springs any safer (and that’s a big military town. I know I was stationed there.) The Republicans duped you ..again. Do you ever get tired of being played a fool. You’ll still vote for them because your true reason for voting Republican has nothing to do with safety, justice or freedom. This just further proves that point.
that’s a good one, fool: they hate us because their religion teaches them to do so. Did I hurt your feelings?
@Rocky Republicans don’t seem to mind peoples kids getting killed by American psychos with guns, statistics show this to be an exponentially more likely scenario than terrorism. Oh yeah, you’re solid Republican truth fact and history don’t matter to you. You sound like an imbecile. Right to work legislation will lift you up. LOL Low wages in a consumer driven market economy makes you lower than a slave. You’re a fool. Who needs guns to take over this country when their are complete idiots like you who are easily tricked into voting against your own best interest.
@kramden What happens if your scenario doesn’t happen? You probably need to post a time frame as well to stand behind your emotions rant. You’re obviously Republican because this issue is nothing but political posturing. How come Republicans always say immediately following mass shootings things like we shouldn’t pass any gun control legislation immediately after such tragedies because we are blinded by emotion and disrespectful of the dead? You’re a hypocritical and emotional imbecile. This is exactly why you choose to remain anonymous and hide behind as anonymous handle.
Hate to disappoint you but I’m not a republican. Don’t give up your stereotyping on my account though.
Hey Anti-Immigrant Folks. I do think Sean is making a reasonable point regarding time frames. If a third generation Italian (someone like myself) for example goes out and commits a knuckle-headed act, do we blame the immigration policies of the early 20th Century. What’s our time frame for finger pointing?
Also, do we really need to be afraid? Wouldn’t we all be better off eating a little better, hugging our loved ones a little more often, getting dogs and walking a bit more. Wouldn’t that do a whole heck of a lot more to preserve and improve American lives than building walls?
Love you guys, love the board and Happy Thanksgiving!
The next American victim of mass murder is guaranteed to be at the hands of an American psycho with a gun…How come Republicans won’t address this piece of the safety equation? This is obviously not a matter of safety but a political issue concerning Republicans.
@Mac Your prediction was right on the money. Your prediction came true on Friday Nov.27th. in Colorado Springs. People like luvu2, Frank and Rocky don’t care because your saying “truth fact and history don’t matter to these people” is right on the money with these fools. Mac 1 Right wing Republicans 0.
None of the Paris attackers were Syrian refugees. The refugees are, in fact, fleeing ISIS. Check your facts.
luckily, there are no repercussions nor punishments for politicians that intentionally put us in danger for their own political gains/agenda. yeah, increased screening process…right. like that has ever worked before. funny thing is, terrorists never attack politicians, like never. interesting…wonder who they really work for?
@A.Bundy Of course there is repercussions, just don’t vote for the guy. I disagree with your quote “screening process…right. like that has ever worked before.” Facts show of all the mass killings since 9/11 are exclusively by our own. Believe me I am all for closing borders and paying our fellow Americans a decent living wage instead of forcing us to compete with immigrant slave labor. However your statement is just not true.
It was the right…and logical …way to vote. Thank you.
So, if any Americans are harmed I can blame Crowley, right? Note that most of these men are of MILITARY AGE. There are very few women and children. Don’t be fooled by Crowley.
Keep believing Trump’s BS.
-Rocky so we can blame you for the Colorado shooting.
Jihadists have already been recruited in Germany. Way to go, Joe Crowley: why don’t you put them next door to you in VIRGINIA where you REALLY LIVE.
Well, actually, no, since the shooter wanted to become a transexual. We can blame KAITLIN JENNER.
-Rocky Again speculation is not news or fact. You seem to have trouble understanding this. On Sunday Nov 21st 2015 Mac made a prediction which I posted in this comment field. ” The next American victim of mass murder is guaranteed to be at the hands of an American psycho with a gun..” This prediction came true on Friday Nov 27th 2015… You’re obviously too lazy to do a simple Google search….According to the Denver Post
Dear’s age has been reported to as both 57 and 59, but public records indicate that he is 57. His family is from South Carolina, according to public records and his father’s obituary.
He is listed as an unaffiliated registered voter in Park County, Colorado, though the online record states that he is female. The Board of Elections was closed on Friday so well have to wait and see the hard copy document.The articles didn’t say anything about the shooter wanting to become a transexual. Just more speculation from a dumb man who obviously listens to the rants of an ideological fool from Canada who is delusional enough to honestly believe he can be president. Rocky you’re an idiot. Make just one prediction that comes close to coming true like Mac. Mac you’ve beaten this idiot hands down. Congratulations!
Well, actually, you can’t: but I do blame PEOPLE LIKE YOU FOR THE FACT THAT JIHADISTS STRUCK IN CALIFORNIA. Yes, those gun free zones really work!
Joe Crowley and Elizabeth Crowley are typical Tammany Hall-style cronyism politics. Elizabeth Crowley in 11/27/15 Woodside Herald is saluted as one of five notable Queens elected official.
The fact that everyone here spends this much time and blogs related to them tells me you get what YOU voted for!
Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, and its affiliates are widely recognized as hate group (“Far Right” by Southern Poverty Law Center) and regularly debunked by fact checkers. So straight up warning for anyone before clicking on that link, and Rocky, please go crawl back under your rock. Seriously, posting hate group propaganda isn’t cool.
Keep dreaming Anna, that jihadists are misunderstood little boys. Maybe one of them can be your boyfriend. And, seriously, demeaning serious work is very unserious. Really, go back to your garden.
-Rocky you just get dumber and dumber with each post.
Are you blaming all Christians for people like Timothy McVeigh and the anti-Planned Parenthood terrorists, and by extension try to ban all Christians from entering the U.S.?
Until you are, then you don’t get to talk about banning all Muslims over the acts of a few nuts who will find a way into the country regardless of whether or not we choose to help innocent victims fleeing a war zone.
TWO MURDEROUS MOSLEMS ON KILLING RAMPAGE IN CALIFORNIA. I called it when I heard about it and I called it on the Tsarnaev brothers. Oh, did I mention that they are Moslem? In fact, CAIR was very fast to get in front on this. Even they know Islamist killers when they see them. Waiting for Mac, Anna, Joe and the usual dolts to jump in. Yes, let’s bring more here! And fast!
Oh really? It’s logical to allow terror fiends into the country. ??
Crowley should resign. We have enough of people Including the Russian Jews and others who have come to this country and have overloaded our ss system
Why shoiid be make these Asylkum seekers eligible within 30 days to receive
Full ssi and Foodstamps and section 8 and green cards and Medicaid when
Most of the country has a hard time qualifying for benefits. F that