Rep. Joe Crowley (left) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
June 25, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
New York’s primary congressional elections have at last arrived, where Rep. Joe Crowley and progressive candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will vie to represent the state’s 14th congressional district for the U.S. House of Representatives tomorrow.
While the primary elections will see candidates battle it out for eight congressional districts, the fight to represent the 14th, which covers Woodside, Sunnyside, Jackson Heights, and parts of Astoria and the Bronx, has perhaps been the most buzzed-about, as it marks the first time Crowley will face a primary challenger in 14 years.
Crowley, a 10-term representative considered by many to be one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress, is up against 28-year-old Ocasio-Cortez, a third-generation Bronxite and first-time political candidate running a steadfast grassroots campaign.
Ocasio-Cortez’ campaign has focused on denouncing machine, establishment politics and portraying Crowley as “bankrolled by corporations”. She offers instead a new direction for the party in the form of a progressive agenda that includes expanding Medicare-for-All, housing as a human right, and abolishing ICE.
She has also led a campaign without funds from corporate PACS and lobbyists, a choice she says allows her to better put the needs of working class families first.
“For too long, we have allowed Democrats to settle for rising rents, pricey healthcare, and underfunded education,” reads her candidate statement. “In the wealthiest nation in the world, it shouldn’t take 100 years to accomplish great things for working families—it takes political courage.”
Crowley’s campaign has focused on his track record and near two-decade experience representing the district in Washington, especially in his recent fight against President Trump. His top issues are expanding healthcare, equality, and immigration reform.
“I want every New Yorker to have a better, more just future where every family has the ability to secure a quality education that will lead to a well-paying job, the chance to save money to ensure a secure retirement, and help their children afford college,” part of his candidate statement reads.
He has also largely refuted criticism raised by Ocasio-Cortez on topics ranging from his donors, political connections and stances, and connection to his constituents.
The two have debated in person on Spectrum News NY1 and just last week in Jackson Heights. Crowley, however, has received heavy criticism for not showing up to two debates, with the New York Times editorial board writing a scathing response to his decision to send a former City Councilwoman to debate Ocasio-Cortez in the Bronx in his place.
Ocasio-Cortez has received endorsements from several left-leaning organizations, including Democracy for America and MoveOn. She was also endorsed by Cynthia Nixon, the Democratic candidate for New York governor.
Crowley has received endorsement from several Democratic establishment leaders and groups, including Governor Cuomo and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer. Groups in support include Planned Parenthood, the Sierra Club, and the New York State Immigrant Action Fund.
Campaign fundraising records as of June 6 show about $2.5 million received in contributions for Crowley, with roughly $301,000 raised for Ocasio-Cortez.
Polls are open tomorrow from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Only registered Democrats can vote in the June 26 primary.
Click here to find a voting location
She won and 12 y.o. Trump taunts him. It’s simple madness where we are right now politically. Just hate eminating on all sides.
HI George,
I did not mean that, I meant that is very difficult for a white guy living in Virginia to understand the daily issues of a working class, minority in Queens/Bronx? It’s a different world? If Crowley had not been so arrogant, and if he had stayed connected to his voters, instead of smugly feeling entitled to his seat in Congress, he would have won – but he didn’t. His arrogance cost him his seat.
Hey McGee,white men or woman CANNOT represent other culture’s..Wow..Self Hating Hipster I bet..WELL,CROWLEY IS GONE..GOOD RIDDANCE..
I thought you moved away?
sorry, I meant:
I THOUGHT you MOVED..away..
Shouldn’t have come out against street safety a few weeks ago. That was the nail in the coffin for hundreds if not thousands of voters in the district.
A vote for her is a vote for more homeless shelters. It’s a vote for more benefits for the lazy. As soon as Cynthia ( qualified how?) Nixon supported her, she lost any chance of my vote.
Keep the homeless on the streets! Am I right Fan of Doughboy Park? No shelter for homeless! Good plan.
Why is it that every comment thread on this site inevitably ends up looking like a Fox News message board?
Good luck Mr. Crowley
Every candidate hopefully does their best, including those in office already. At a certain point, give a young person a chance. Was following this story but not necessarily going to get to the polls .. Out of the blue, my 9 year old asked me if I was going to vote for Ocasio . She had seen an ad. After last day of school today I’ll be proud to tell her I did.
You take advice on who to vote for from a 9 year old, sounds about right.
I agree with the others. It’s time for Crowley to get out of office. He had 20 years to help his constituents, and all he did was take care of family and friends. It’s not fair to voters that he has been lying, and actually lives in Virginia. He will never become become Speaker of the House – young Democrats across the country will reject him. He is establishment, beholden to corporations, same donors as Trump, and suddenly moved to a progressive platform because his challenger Ocasio-Cortez (very bright, and compelling) pushed him to the left. He thought he could sit in office for life. Just saw Ocasio-Cortez campaign video – not surprised she has earned national fame. .VOTE TOMORROW! (6/26): The Courage to Change | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She is much better for our district – see the video and you will know what I mean.
O’CONNELL is the right spelling of your name Steve. I’m sure you’ll be voting under all your other aliases today.
Joe’s office was the only one that would help my wife and I with a very stalled immigration case. Our other reps sent canned responses, and Crowley’s office reached out and got the process back in motion. It was big deal for us.
Thanks for responding Sean.
Not my “voting method” , it is common sense. Why should a rich, white, guy who lives in Virginia for the past 15 years, represent one of the most diverse Districts in the country? It is not fair, plus he is very corrupt – google Crowley corruption for credible allegation, and he is not that bright, been sitting in office for 20 years, expecting to stay until death. He is perfect reason why this country needs term-limits. We need intelligent representatives, who do not become beholden to their donors, and obsessed with power, like Crowley and his family. His brother and cronies accused of profiting from his office. He should step aside, for the young Democrats who are intent on getting money out of politics. it is the only way to get our government back from the specials interests. Crowley would not survive without his corporate donors, and luxury realtors and Wall St. donors. Step aside.
People of all races and religions must cooperate to allow for equal opportunity for all. We don’t need bigots like McGhee to influence the public debates. Go to your racist rallies if you want to yell and scream your hateful vile. Decent people don’t want to hear from you.
This does not even make sense – why is it racist to say that Joe Crowley has lied to voters about living in Virginia for 15 years, in a rich, white, suburb, and has no business representing diverse Queens/Bronx? also, his only power comes from Wall St money, not intellect or skill?
Why would we forfeit a powerful voice in the house for a freshman that no one will listen to? Cortez is running to get her name out there, that’s fine. If the house flips, Crowley may very well be speaker. It would serve Queens well to have that kind of representation.
The only reason anyone would listen to Joe Crowley is due to his Wall St money , not sound arguments or intellect? he is corrupt? why should voters in Queens and the Bronx have a rep who has lied about living in Virginia for past 15 years? Pls explain?
It’s time for Crowley to get out of this office. He has no right representing District 14 Queens/ Bronx , when majority of residents are working class (70 percent ) Hispanic, Asian , Black and he is an older, white guy who has deceived voters , and lives in a wealthy suburb of Virginia for past 15 years? He is also part of the out of touch Democratic establishment in Washington that got Trump elected. Over twenty years, he has also used his office in unethical ways to enrich family and friends, and he takes money from luxury realtors that raise rents in Queens, and also from some of the same corporate donors as Trump. Ocasio-Cortez is inspiring, smart and represents the new Democrats who won’t take corporate money. She has garnered attention and support from around the country, and her campaign video had gone viral. She deserves to win – Crowley should step aside.0
Pretty racist reason to choose a candidate.
@Julia- Crowley’s district gets less and less Hispanic with each passing day and more Asian and White so according to your voting method Ocasio Cortez should let an Asian or White candidate run.
It’s because of you and your progressive racist agenda that the Democratic Party are fractured. Out with the Bernie Sanders fanatics.
You are a bigot. If someone ever said that a minority can’t represent a white community you and Al Sharpton would be knocking each other over to see who could demonstrate the fastest.
If minorities want to progress in this country they need to have the support of white people. Bigots like you need to realize. I’m sure you’ll have some smart mouth reply how you’re not a bigot because minorities can’t be bigots but you are.
Have anyone of you bothered to look at the platform she is running on?
1 more social security payout to non-contributors
2. reduce prisons by 50% over x amount of years
3. more public housing, and it goes on and on. in other words increase the taxes on the middle class, they who are already overburdened on paying for programs created by politicians to keep their voter base.
Crowley was an outlier in the Democratic Party in voting for the creation of ICE. That alone is reason to vote him out and move on.
I got a random text message from the Ocasio-Cortez campaign asking to vote for her. Super creepy how they got my number!! I Choose “C – none of the above”!
The same way the Joe got your mailing address.
I’ve gotten a big, glossy ad from him nearly every day for the past two weeks.
I’ve gotten three texts from her campaign, all from different numbers. How did they get our numbers? It’s so annoying.
This is really a tough decision for me.
Crowley is not that great but not terrible. I like the idea of a more progressive representative in theory but for a supposed ‘outsider’ I see and get a lot of pretty expensive-seeming campaign literature from Ocasio-Cortez and wonder who’s paying for it.
As someone fed up with Schumer, the robocall I got from him endorsing Crowley does not help Crowley in my book.
Neither candidate has said enough about securing our elections from interference.
Hey man I’m obviously biased I will admit, I’ve volunteered on the Ocasio-Cortez campaign. But in regards to fliers from Ocasio, the reason you see so much is because we have SO MANY volunteers from all over the city. We are all working for free pushing around all her fliers so we’ve been working hard and have been suuuuper consistent in spreading them! As far as her funding you can look at Open Secrets and other fundrasing sites. It’s a very barebones operation, we operate above a tiny taco place. Believe me there is not a lot or even any money (for politics) in her campaign!
Jhresident- Thanks for littering the streets with your fliers. Nothing like that third world feel of wading through litter as I travel through the neighborhood.
Nobody has to accept a flyer. If somebody does accept one, it’s on that person to chuck it in the trash. Don’t blame that campaign for the acts of a-holes in the neighborhood.