Aug. 10, 2015 By Christian Murray
The individuals who announced plans at a March community board meeting that they were opening a bar/restaurant at the corner of 43rd Street and 43rd Avenue are continuing to go ahead with the venture.
The bar/restaurant, still to be called The Lowery Bar & Kitchen, was expected to open as early as May. However, since the March announcement, there has been no sign of construction.
But that is expected to change.
Kenneth Corcoran, who is a partner in the business, was at the 43rd Street location today in preparation of upcoming construction. He said that the lease has been finalized and that construction will most likely be starting next week.
He said a sidewalk construction shed will be going up soon.
Despite the delays, the plans for the bar/restaurant have not changed, Corcoran said.
The pub will be built with reclaimed wood, and will be able to cater to up to about 70 people.
The menu will include items such as grilled Bratwurst sausage, grass-fed burgers, steamed mussels, fish tacos and spicy roasted pumpkin.

Design concept
Christian, any update on this place? It’s still boarded up!
I know nothing of the gentleman Markov..although…it is said in high society he is nothing but a close stool who lost his daughter’s hand and estate to a game of Jeu Royal de la Guerre. Although the name obviously Russian as our dearest Catherine the Great who gave much to Enlightenment as the Illuminati and the Templars. Though there is much bely regarding her fine character.
Mrs. Tawny alias Tawdry, is desired not to be so fantastically whimsical in her dress…nothing is more disagreeable and ridiculous than to see a woman of her years affect the gay, youthful airs of their daughters. And, by the by, she is reminded that if she will be so preposterously gaudy and flaunting, that if there was little more economy observed in her dress, she would not be altogether the subject of so much laughter.
I like you. Are your posts generated by a Markov chain algorithm?
The design concept is pretty impressive. I can’t wait to see how they push all the other buildings further back like that.
That’s alright I’m just messin’ wit ya. At least you have a sense of humour unlike most readers. Nothing wrong with a little strip club now and then. More now you know what I mean. I know you do!
Hey Open:
How about getting a girlfriend? Then you wouldn’t need strip clubs.
i already have one, but she doesn’t know how to give a proper lap dance. and secrets is too ghetto for me. where all the high class strippers? and gallergers 3000 is to european for me
There’s nothing hipster about this bar. Reclaimed wood is already played out according to hipsters. But let’s celebrate new businesses coming to our neighborhood. It’s funny — all of you say anyone who isn’t an Archie Bunker or a Mexican is a hipster. Do you want to see what a hipster invasion looks like? Go to parts of the Rockaways, go to Ridgewood, Bushwick, Flatbush now… Hipsters have already been forced out of Williamsburg East Village, etc. Hipsters don’t move to solid working and middle class neighborhoods – they moved to depressed former industrial areas and gentrify ghettos. What we have here is what is going on all over NYC. More people of all stripes coming to look for a nice place to raise a family. Just like the Irish that used to dominate this neighborhood, then gave way to other immigrant groups, now it’s all the people from Ohio moving in… There’s no way to stop a changing city or neighborhood. Get involved in your community or stand on the side and complain….
Yes, yes and yes.
Agreed, I’m a bit older and out of the loop but I can still see a difference between the young people moving to Sunnyside and the ones colonizing Kensington and Flatbush where I used to live. The ones in Brooklyn are extremely fashion conscious and pretty obnoxious and dweeby. Here I see what I think are more serious working people who just want a nice place to live and don’t care how “hip” it is. The only thing they have in common is that they’re relatively young and don’t want to live in the suburbs like their parents did.
@OldenDays – you hit the nail on the head.
Your reasonable stance has no place on the Internet. We want raaaaage!
how bout a strip club
We have one down on Barnett and 48th. Go there.
Only if you’ll be dancing there.
I feel like I’m in the 7th grade. Anyhow- Note to self – NEVER try to post something positive on SunnysidePost every again!
Good luck to this business is ALLLLLL I was trying to say.
Over and out- I need to go be an adult in the real world now. Later!
Welcome to the Sunnyside Post 🙂
Read what the SS did dude. El loco is usually an idiot but this makes sense.
bar 43 is a real dump I agree.
Oh boy- well obviously it’s not meant to be that!!! SS for Sunnyside.
If you don’t like it, just don’t go there. If you hate “hipsters” ignore them. Why so aggressive? It’s just reclaimed wood dude. Chill out.
You’re name is SS! Read history.
*Your. Read dictionary. Sensitive softy.
SS could stand for Sam Smith also. wow. Just wow.
I was just thinking about how our neighborhood could use a few more hipsters hanging around. Reclaimed wood = reclaimed ‘hood. I’m sick and tired of spelling this crap out for everyone. But hey, what do i know, right? I don’t have a handlebar mustache and suspenders and a fedora with a handlebar mustache embroidered on it, so I guess I’m not good for business. If Sunnyside residents had any guts, they’d stage a sit-in where we all bring a sack lunch to this turkey derby of a bar, and when management has a problem with it we just tell them to stick it in their ear. Bunch of clowns trying to bust up a good neighborhood with another hipster turkey derby.
Holy smokes- what the heck is wrong with you?! Hahaha. Get a GRIP!
I agree with Clunky. I am also uncomfortable with people who aren’t exactly like myself.
When does your sit-in start? Or are you waiting for someone else to organize it?
Great, we needed one more bar in the neighborhood with terrible food and loud patrons. Why can’t we have nice restaurants in this neighborhood. Pizza anyone?
Cool- you can take the SS name and run With it buddy.
I am sure people loved you when you were in school. Did you go up to them ask them to change their names when they had names same as you?
No I didn’t. No one was ever named El loco.read a book.
You want MORE pizza places? You got Nonna Gina’s which just opened and Uncle Jimmy’s about to open an expanded place on Skillman. And that new place SolaLuna or whatever if you want more general Italian food. And Venturo which I’ve never been to but seems popular. Add that to established places like Donato’s and Marabella. That’s just what I got off the top of my head…how many is enough exactly??
This is great. I was wondering about it too. Also, how about an update on crossfit. The guy said he wanted 50 people signed up by September but it’s radio silence.
Same here. I Joined his email list and no response yet.
Yep looks like things are stirring in there! maybe they will be a nice potion Bar 43 is such a dump.
I’m happy to hear this update. I was wondering what was going on here!
I’m going to miss Sofra (I loooooved them) but I’m excited for this new venture. Good luck to all involved!
Enough with Sofra already. The place sucked. That’s why it closed. Apparently you didn’t looooooooove it enough!
Actually, if it were still on Yelp I would have proof of the great review I gave it and how often I frequented there which was about every two weeks or so. If you supported local restaurants like I do maybe we wouldn’t have so many 99 cent stores and nail salons?
The place sucked that’s why it is not there. I will support a restaurant if it is good. I’ve eaten Turkish food in Turkey. I know what good Turkish food is and that wasn’t Krissi!
Alright let’s get down to brass tax… mangal kebab, souk, or Turkish grill?
El loco, either get a job or ask your mom to buy you a book to read (preferably middle school level). You’re a horrible, boring troll.
Omg hilarious. Yeah El Loco is def the mean kid. But full disclosure, his comments are so ludicrous I often find myself laughing at them- I have a feeling that’s what he’s going for. But that might be the optimist in me;)
Hey thanks for looking out QG. You get it. And I’m sure you good looking too!
Hey Mikey: I have a job and my mother is dead. I bet I have a better one than you. I’ve read more books this year than you’ve read in your life. Do your homework and go to bed. I hope your mommy tucks you in.
Very Immature how old are u
Sweet! I’ve been wondering what was up with that place.
Are you a Nazi?
Brilliant response. Truly….brilliant.
Are you an idiot?
Are u ? Disgusting,move out now,we will find out who u r and where u live
Ok just realized what u meant,r u ignorant or what?Does el loco mran crazy or u r part of a train?Grow up
But where will I Park my car?