Deputy Insp. John Travaglia
Dec. 18, 2016 By Christian Murray
The commanding officer of the 108 Police Precinct—which covers Sunnyside, Woodside & Long Island City—is being transferred by the NYPD to the Internal Affairs bureau in Manhattan.
Deputy Inspector John Travaglia will be leaving the post after heading the precinct for just two years. The date of his departure and who his replacement will be was not known at the time of publication.
The NYPD has a policy of transferring commanding officers after two years. Travaglia’s predecessor, the equally popular Captain Brian Hennessy, was transferred after being in charge of the precinct for just 18 months, much to the disappointment of residents.
The crime rate for the precinct—based on the number of reported major indexed crimes—has dropped significantly since Travaglia has been in charge of the command. Crime is down 4 percent for the year through December 11, compared to the same period in 2015.
Since Travaglia took command, there has been a significant drop in the number of reported burglaries. For the year through Dec. 11, there have been 138 reported burglaries, compared to 190 for the 11 ½ month period in 2015.
Travaglia, who spoke at the Hunters Point Civic Association meeting in Long Island City earlier this week, said he was disappointed with having to leave the precinct but recognized it was NYPD policy.
“I personally would want to end my career here and stay until they forced me off the job at 63 years old,” Travaglia, who is in his mid 40s, said. However, “I am a like turkey and I have a popper and I am at the two year mark,” he said to laughter.
The NYPD’s policy of rotating commanding officers so quickly drew criticism from some attendees at the civic association meeting.
“It’s a shame,” one woman said. “You are now at the point where you know the neighborhood, know the people and then they bring someone else in, someone new who doesn’t know the people.”
Travaglia was unable to explain the NYPD’s rationale for the policy. “The logic I would say is to give other people a shot, to bring new ideas and blood into precincts,” he speculated.
Nevertheless, Travaglia said he just did what was asked of him and noted that he has enjoyed his time at the precinct.
Councilman Van Bramer said Travaglia has served the community well during his tenure.
“I have appreciated a good working relationship with Inspector Travaglia. Crime is low and our neighborhoods are safe. I thank him for his service to our community and I wish him well.”
Travaglia in Command by Queens Post on Scribd
Really, you have a rich fantasy life.
I might cry. Best NYPD officer in NYC if you ask me. Best police officer I’ve ever known. He is an angel. Guess Manhattan really needs and deserves some angels too but everybody loves Captain John and he has done so much for me and practically every person here. Hope he receives all the acolytes he so deserves and is able to make a positive difference in Manhattan who could probably really benefit from his heart of gold.
I don’t know what they’re talking about crime rate going down. Speak to the people who live here day to day, and they’ll state otherwise. Not every crime that occurs is reported.
Ah, Internal Affairs! Weekends off, take-home car, expense account! No community meetings, no dealing with inane politicians, no interaction with the public at all if one is lucky. Just days and days of screwing the men and women who are doing the real work. Promotions are a little slower in coming, but then it’s not like one is working for them, is it?
2 year forced rotation is good. Makes it harder to put senior officers on the take if you know your investment is going to be shortlived
Who will protect us from the hateful, rampaging Trump supporters JVB wants us to be so afraid of?
crime maybe down but not for long i’ve been noticing a lot more street people not the harmless homeless but sketchy peeps just hangin out, 2 last week around st Raphael church usually the homeless know to clean up before panhandling around here, but these two looked like they wanted to go back to jail, and looking for victims. nasty grubby
Mandatory service is over, time to kick back and relax at IA.
JVB should fill out an application for it cause he gives self defense classes and leads marches to Trumps building.
He’s a tough guy.
Oh, bad for us, but good for you. Onward and upward. The best of luck in your new position. We shall miss you.
such liars crime is on the rise in long island city, woodside and sunnyside – why are the lying as usual but that is okay JVB is in control –