Photo: QueensPost
Aug. 28, 2012 By Christian Murray
The planned opening of a performing arts studio in Sunnyside failed to go to script.
Yasko Takeno-Williams, who signed a lease to open an arts studio at 43-20 43rd Ave., said her plans were thwarted after she was told by city officials that zoning rules prohibited her center at that location.
Takeno-Williams, who operates Sunnyside Ballet, planned to offer yoga, theater, ballet and dance classes primarily for children. However, her plans started to go awry after someone filed a complaint with the Department of City Planning. Supposedly, dance, ballet and similar activities are not permitted.
A lease had been signed and renovations had begun at the 550-square-foot space, a former discount store, before her plans ended.
Takeno-Williams said she will continue to operate Sunnyside Ballet out of the Sunnyside Arts Cooperative, a small space near the 40th Street subway stop at 45-08 40th Street. In the interim, Takeno-Williams will continue to search for a new, larger space.
In a recent email to parents she wrote: “It remains my wish to open a Sunnyside studio that allows everyone to grow to their full potential.”
Hi Sofia! I’m not an expert on zoning, but it looks to me like your dinner theater would fall under “Eating or drinking establishments with entertainment, but not dancing, with a capacity of 200 persons or fewer,” which is basically allowed in every commercial district in the city.
An actual theater is a bit trickier; without a variance they’re only allowed in C2 districts and up, which in Sunnyside means Queens Boulevard east of 44th Street.
ANGUS — YES, I did go through that PDF document, but, I confess to not being able to make sense of it. Let’s say I wanted to have a dinner-theater production (with a set performance time, performing on a regular basis) in partnership with a local eating and drinking establishment (there are SO many:) — would that be allowed in Sunnyside, and if so, where?
Would Comm. Bd. 2 be helpful here in helping us understand what is allowed?
A Community Arts Center is way overdue in Sunnyside, given all the visual artists, theater, dance, and music artists who are contributing to our cultural betterment, providing enrichment for our kids, and entertainment for us all — wherever they can find space.
ANGUS — Which areas ARE zoned for “Studios, art, music, dancing or theatrical”? I tried to get advice and help in finding an affordable, local space from the BID’s executive director two years ago, without success.
I’ve spoken with local realtors but, the rental rates are prohibitive.
Unity Stage IS a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We continue to rent from local churches, working around AA meeting schedules and the churches’ other activities.
If anyone knows a business with a basement to rent (that has bathroom facilities), we would love to rent it for our theater performances. Or a pub with an upstairs (like Paddy Dugan’s!). I’ve left messages for Mr. Dugan, spoken with Tara there, but, never get a response.
I wish Ms. Takeno-Williams much luck. It ain’t easy.
BTW — What about the new Taekwondo place on Skillman and the Woodside Ballet Academy? Why is Takeno- Williams’ proposed location so different? She got a raw deal.
This discussion was brought to my attention so I felt compelled to respond. Let me start by stating I am by no means an expert on this matter. I am simply a lifelong dancer whom happened to move to Sunnyside with my husband ten years ago and immediately fell in love with the neighborhood. Armed with over 12 years or teaching ballet I started teaching locally three years ago but quickly outgrew the space. I decided to open a larger studio that could accommodate the growing student body without being overly huge and unwieldy. After finding a sufficient space with a good location I quickly secured a lease and began my plans. Immediately I was hit with all these zoning stipulations and complaints. I was unaware of the specific zoning of commercial spaces. Subsequently, I found out that not many places qualify in Sunnyside. I read someone’s comment about the lack of size in the studio space. The studio is 12′ x 48′ (more than enough for a children studio). You should see what qualifies as a dance space in NY. It also includes sprinklers and does not require more exits as it will never occupy more than 75 people. I specifically wanted a quaint space and a small headcount. It has been my experience that kids do better when the instructor to student ratio is kept to a minimum. I am flattered that so many people feel it important enough to comment on a topic that I hold dear to my heart. I have not given up but I must reassess the matter. As for some of the other suggestions (501c), I am not versed in these matters but will be more than willing to pursue them. Finally, the spaces on Greenpoint Ave. are much further away from the student body, not too mention, most have been vacant due to the rate being requested. For anyone that may want to contact me directly please email me at Sunnysideballet@gmail.com.
How about reforming the “zoning codes”?
It has nothing to do with the width of the store. That area is zoned with a C1-1 overlay, and “Studios, art, music, dancing or theatrical” are only allowed in C2 and up. See Section 32-18 in Article 3, Chapter 2 of the zoning code: PDF.
Jimmy’s position is that variances that go against the wishes of “the community” are bad. He has attacked the BSA on these grounds. I disagree with him on this, because I don’t believe that anyone can really know what “the community” wants without some kind of poll or survey, and even then, I think sometimes the needs of the larger community outweigh those of “the community.” But if Jimmy had evidence that “the community” wants a variance for the ballet studio, I think he would pursue it.
We could also try to get that overlay rezoned to C2-2, which would allow dance studios and everything else in Use Group 9. Or we could get “Studios, art, music, dancing or theatrical” moved into Use Group 6.
I sure hope JVB sees John Wilson’s zoning variance idea. It would make JVB look like a local hero AND it would be a fine example of bipartisan teamwork for a better neighborhood.
Bliss St – do you even know what you are talking about? I was saddened about the Stauntons. As for RF, you are just another troll. And don’t call me “sweetheart”, honey!
Bliss St – what did JuliaJ say about the Slauntons?
haha also to JuliaJ earning any money, yea you’re so rich aren’t you sweetheart?
I’m just glad to have John Wilson and JuliaJ and Slainte here to represent the Todd Akins of the world. Point and laugh at them everybody.
John Wilson – feel free to enlighten me but I think I’ve got you nailed down pretty good.
JuliaJ – run back to your hole. After you Slaunton posts in the wake of their tragedy I can’t even believe you are still allowed to post here.
To “Neighborhood Eye” – some of us think we earn our money and have the right to keep most of it. The ones who don’t are called “socialists” or “communists”.
Bliss st: stop the class warfare garbage. And get off YOUR HIGH HORSE. And why does the city have so many regulations for a small dance studio? Are they filming Dancing with the Stars? If the lady wants to teach ballet in a center that is the size of a studio apartment, it should be up to the discretion of the parents who are PAYING FOR THE CLASSES whether that is appropriate. I am sick of the government regulating everything including DANCING. Enough. Does a dance studio have to be “wheel chair accessible”? Do people in wheel chairs dance? Enough! And by the way: the unlovely DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, the vile chairperson of the DNC, has foreign accounts. Libs are so hypocritical.
Bliss St,
In your response to me, you make a number of false assumptions about what I believe; if you’d read my post carefully, you wouldn’t have made that mistake. BTW, “tax cuts” don’t cause “deficits”; over-spending does.
Preschool Teacher,
Some of us who post here find value in the off-original-topic tangents some other posters get into…it is sort of like a “Neighborhood Talmud”. If there were an “Open Forum” on this site, we could all go there; and, perhaps you’d be less offended.
But, to your point, I offer this:
If I were JVB, I’d set up my portable podium, with my personal seal on it, in front of the now abandoned studio at 43-20 43rd Ave, and I’d say, ” In the past, I’ve spoken out against zoning variances being granted too frequently, as I believed the Board of Standards and Appeals ‘is running roughshod over the community by granting developers’ variances that are often against the wishes of civic associations, community boards, residents, and elected officials.’
But, in most of those instances, the developers in question were very large.
In this case, we have a small business owner who is also attempting to improve the quality of life for all the neighborhood’s residents—especially its children. While some may want to abide by strict adherence to our mostly fair zoning laws, I believe a vast majority of people in this area want Yasko Takeno-Williams to be allowed to continue to improve the property as she sees fit to best serve her small business. That’s why I will personally petition the BSA for a variance HERE. Failing that, I will introduce a bill in the Council to allow this Performing Arts Center to proceed.”
That’s what I’d say…if I were JVB.
Also, Slainte. I read your posts all the time whining about how we don’t have more cops, or better roads, or some other thing that has you crying tears.
Well how do you think we pay for those things champ? I’ll bet if the cops came around at your door asking for a budget increase you’d spit on them and shut the door cause you are “just trying to keep what I earn, yeehaw!”
You know what, maybe you can take over everything. Who needs police when we have Slainte doing his nazi act? That will take care of everything. Hypocrite.
I didn’t start the political name calling, I just refuse to stand by and not fire back.
John Wilson – some of your points are valid, I take the most exception to the “spending/deficit” arguments though.
Bush’s deficit was caused by a gigantic tax cut that mostly benefited the very rich and then fighting two wars without paying for them.
Obama came in during a recession, passed healthcare for all Americans and tried to use government spending to stop us from falling into a worse recession. Didn’t work as well as any of us hoped, but I give him credit for trying to solve problems.
As an American. I find it unbelievable and embarrassing that members of one party like yourself think it’s ok to spend trillions building roads, bridges, and hospitals in the MIDDLE EAST but that when we try to do something similar here it’s “wasteful spending.” That’s cynical and awful.
It’s clear where your allegiance lies, and that’s fine. Just ask yourself this, how do you “Believe in America” while hiding all your taxes out in the Caymen Islands?
Your sources, O’Shea?
How arrogant and self-centered to use this forum to spew one’s political beliefs! This is about zoning issues in our community, and the need for culture and physical activity to our children!!
Its a shame that this topic has de-evolved into purposeless politics.
@ John
When you start quoting “facts” at the very least don’t spread misinformation. To do it a second time is flat out disingenuous.
Bush created a deficit of 6.2 trillion from 2002-2011. Consider the fact that incoming presidents are not responsible for their first year budgets. Obama is actually responsible for less than a trillion dollars of the deficit.
You don’t need to look up the facts break out a pencil and paper, pull up all the budgets, and we would both arrive at the same answers.
Enough of this political piffle.
John K. Wilson
Please stop making sense and citing facts.
You will hurt people’s feeling and challenge their public-school installed world views. Every sensitive, politically-correct, democrat-voting individual knows that republicans all have sex with their siblings, strangle new-born puppies just for fun and want to bring back slavery. Oh, and worst of all, they think that people should keep what they earn.
Mind your manners.
Karl Marx, Chairman Mao, Uncle Joe, Pol Pot and the staff of MSNBC.
O’shea, you certainly have raised good points and elevated the discussion. I had a knee-jerk reaction to the story, but hadn’t really considered the wider view until you raised those questions.
As far as local community and city governance, I think we’d all be better served if the two national political parties, and all of their baggage, were’t involved at all.
Bliss St,
My friend, you don’t pay attention. A little over a year ago, I posted the long message below on this site; I post it again so that you might be re-minded. Another time, I posted here in response to “Raquel” (who has changed her name), that I thought it was best to bring our troops home, and deploy the First Marine Division on our southern border—as IMHO, the failed state of Mexico was a greater threat to us.
” I never liked the presidency of George W. Bush. For most of his tenure, I was a Democrat; and, perhaps that explains it. But, when I became a Republican (libertarian wing), I liked him less. He started two unnecessary wars; and spent like a drunken sailor ($2.5 trillion). He was a terrible Republican.
I like Obama even less. Mainly I dislike him because he is too much like “Dubya”, only worse.
Whenever I say that, people chuckle. But, consider this: most people would say the worst parts of the Bush administration were his war policy, and his financial stewardship. OK; who was George Bush’s Secretary of Defense? Rumsfeld, yes. But, who replaced him? Who came up with the idea of the “surge”? Who served as SecDef even longer than Rumsfeld in the Bush administration?
Robert Gates.
And who was Obama’s Secretary of Defense until late last month?
Robert Gates.
Obama escalated a needless war in Afghanistan the same week he won a Nobel Peace Prize (for being…what?). He began a pointless, goal-less, arbitrary war in Libya (in violation of the War Powers Act)…saying that the people there should be supported in their fight to be self-determinative, while ignoring a very similar situation in Syria. He has begun a covert war in Yemen.
Who were Bush’s top three financial advisors?
There was Ben Bernanke…who Bush nominated to head the Federal Reserve (succeeding Alan Greenspan)…. There was Henry Paulson as Secretary of Treasury. And Timothy Geithner, who’d been Paulson’s protege at Goldman Sachs, who headed the NY “baby Fed” (there are 12 “baby Feds”; NY is the only one that matters…cuz it is in NY).
Who were Obama’s top 2 financial advisors?
Ben Bernanke, who Obama re-nominated to remain as head of the Fed in the 5th month of his presidency, and Geithner, who Obama nominated to replace his mentor, Paulson, as Secretary of Treasury.
Obama has the same people “cleaning” the mess…that “made” the mess.
As much as we have heard Obama and his partisans complain about the difficulties they inherited from Bush, you’d think that the electorate would be outraged at the obvious duplicity; and, we would hear that, if we had an intensely informed population. But, we have, instead, an intensely emotional electorate…who don’t examine too deeply. And, we have a press corps which is only too happy to exploit our weaknesses…to guide us where they would like us to go.
As for spending, Bush added $2.5 trillion to the deficit. Really awful. Obama added $4.9 trillion to the deficit. Worse. http://blog.heritage.org/2009/03/24/bush-deficit-vs-obama-deficit-in-pictures/
Bottom line is: this country cannot spend more than it takes in…anymore than any of us can. Anyone who does…or, any nation that does…will go under. Just for fun, chew on this: http://www.heritage.org/budgetchartbook/defense-entitlement-spending“
The buildings at 41-26 green point have been vacant for years and would be an ideal location for a studio.
I think Takeno should investigate turning the business into a 501(c)(3) org. This reflects the spirit of what she really wants to do in the community. If the politicians won’t help her, she can take advantage of the several tax loop holes already available.
Surely, there is a landlord willing to take advantage of a 91% property tax reduction a non profit organization can provide.
This is terrible.. we need brammer to step in and help… our kids needs this type of school are art center.. so do our grown ups.. who stopped this from happening.. we have a right to know.. bid is not part of our area and james is out of there but the sunnyside chanmber should be able to help… ask the past president to help..she is very bright or knowlegable.. Miss Barker.. she knows her stiuff… lets call her…
If Romney/Ryan gets in the 99% can take that RR train straight to the scrap heap, that’s where they will send us. The rich have no use for the common folk. Just look back 150 years to see what the English did to the Irish.
While it may have been too small to work according to zoning laws (which is as much as I can tell from the comments here- maybe some more reporting is in order??) There are so many squandered opportunities in Sunnyside- where is our buisness improvement district? What are they doing to help this lady, and others who can improve our area?
I applaud this lady for trying to do something to improve the neighborhood.
And will someone build a BAGEL STORE, please??? Dunkin Donuts just doesnt cut it.
Romney Ryan 2012!
@ fullmetal
I actually enjoy the word republican, when it is defined in its truest sense. That the party has been hijacked by the likes of Jim Ryan, sensenbrenner, cantor, and bachman continues to run counter to my argument :surely the average American conservative voter is smarter than this?
And we wonder why people like Lincoln chafee leave the party?
What is killing America is not obama. It is partisanship, redistricting, and most dangerously the day trading mentality of most voters.
Good point, O’Shea!! I thought that space was REALLY small for a dance studio!! It can’t be more than 14 feet wide!! It’s a great idea. Surely there are lots of other empty store fronts! Can’t someone build in that empty lot next to Starbucks?!! It’s been 20 years since the fire! That’s prime real estate!!
Yea ok Full Metal. I don’t see you or John Wilson lamenting Republicans when our soldiers are still dying and bleeding in Iraq, that false war that costs trillions in blood and treasure, you forgot about that didn’t you guys? That bothers me far more than zoning regulations.
Get off your damn high horse.
I have to agree. It’s all your fault. You vote democrats in, don’t like what they do, but then you vote them in again because you don’t like the word republican
It is silly season again and it is all the democrats fault. If
Instructor Williams bothered to read up on zoning rules she would see that her dance studio does not meet the minimum per square feet requirement for a dance studio by a mile. These rules have been in place for more than 30 plus years folks. This is why she is looking for a “larger space”.
Then there is the construction. Does she have a sprinkler system, exit plans in case of fires? Is the studio handicap accessible ? What is the floor construction like? Noise insulation, occupancy requirements?
Uptight people in Sunnyside? I don’t believe it. I suggest someone open a 99 cent store pawn shop that sells Thai food, pizza, and overpriced cupcakes while providing Gyrotonic Yoga classes on the weekends. God I wanna win the Mega Millions so bad to get out of this shithole neighborhood. That reminds me, I gotta put my new titanium wheel locks on my 92 Civic. I’m outtie.
This is awful. Who phoned in a complaint? Dance classes are great and they are harmless. More red tape and stupid and pointless rules that hurt small business owners. I hope this woman can open someplace else. Where is Jimmy Van Bramer, by the way? He should be out in front of this story trying to help the lady. This is heartbreaking and bad for the neighborhood. I know some adults who would like dance classes!
no culture for the area – just a proliferation of 99 centsstores, an overabundance of bars and far too many restaurants.
I vote for the dance studio
Ugly high rise condos – fine.
Pawn shops – no problem.
99 cents stores on every corner – cool.
tax exempt store front churches and their own no parking zones – alleluia!
To answer Mike Novak’s question:
A petty, meddlesome, overpaid city bureaucrat trying to justify their position by tying the hands of those dynamic, creative and industrious people who actually have something to contribute to the economy.
And people wonder why the neighborhood has trouble reaching its true economic potential. Let’s start with pointless and stupid government regulations and bureaucracy.
How many businesses never even get started because people know they’ll drown in a sea of red tape before they even open their doors?
Is there something we can do about it? Who do we need to write to for them to realize that a dance studio for children is NOT the same as a nightclub?
I’m serious, please, if someone knows where I should write to. I WILL DO SO. I will write them everyday.. This type of injustice really infuriates me.
This is sick.
I could be wrong but I think the zoning regulations has to do with dance clubs and the no dancing in bars laws of NYC. Someone in city government needs to learn the difference between a school of dance and a nightclub.
No dancing, bitchezzzzz.
This is sad… Would the school really be impacted by this studio?
How can dance, ballet and similar activities not be permitted? There are many dance studios throughout the city… Strictly a Sunnyside thing?
I don’t get this. Why would a zone prevent a dance studio? I would understand if it was a crack store. Then the zone official would be like ,”hey, you can’t sell crack here” and then the guy has to find another zone but a dance class? what would be the appropriate zone?
This sounds like a really good idea . Where are our very active politicians .. Sure they could lend a helping hand …
Could use more places of this kind rather than all those
cheapy stores …..
Uh, excuse me?! Democratic Party? I believe Mike Novak has a question for you.
Obviously the public school three blocks away complained, this will ruin there after school activites. Duhhhh
Love the tricycle!
And it IS a crying shame that something as simple as a ballet class isn’t allowed between a beauty shop and a pizza parlor. WTF kind of thinking went into THAT zoning reg?
Who in their right mind would object to this?
Maybe if we’re lucky we can have another drug store or bank.
This infuriates me.
All those rich developers putting up one disgusting glass and steel eyesore after another and the city goes after a women giving dance classes to kids.
Just goes to show that rules, laws, and zoning regulations only apply to the little people. The rich and politically connected big shots can do whatever the f…. they want. The corruption is rampant.
someone filed a complaint against a dance teacher? talking about being uptight.