June 9, 2020 By Christian Murray
A street in Queens is going to be co-named and painted to commemorate the Black Lives Matter movement, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today.
The mayor said that a street in each borough will be co-named after the movement and the city will work with community activists to paint each one.
“The streets of our city will now affirm the vital work activists have done to bring us forward,” de Blasio said in a statement. “With a street in every borough painted with the words Black Lives Matter, we are recognizing where we have been and looking forward to where we will go.”
The project will begin in Manhattan near City Hall. The other four locations will be determined in conjunction with the city council.
“Renaming and repainting a street is a modest testament to the massive challenge ahead of us,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer in a statement. “But in so doing we will, literally, set down a marker for our current goals and mark this era for future generations.”
Really? How many white people do you know that have been arrested for marijuana possession? Why are African Americans 4 times as likely as whites to be arrested for drug offenses and 2.5 times as likely to be arrested for drug possession despite evidence that whites and blacks use drugs at approximately the same rate? How many white people are stopped, questioned and frisked commuting to work each day or on their way to the grocery store? How many white people do you know who are pulled over without cause multiple times a year? How many white teenagers and white young men get shot while just out walking or when out jogging because they “looked suspicious”? The system is and has always been racist and “fixed”.
Do you have any idea how many black people were murdered in Chicago last week?
Their lives don’t matter to lefty narrative
Well the protests are protesting police murdering George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes while he screamed “I can’t breathe.” They aren’t just protesting all crime ever. I’ll give you some time to understand the differences.
Know that you know, you won’t have to embarrass yourself next time! Do you have a single thing to say about this article?
Wow! Look at all the comments from white people who just dont get it!
Mirror mirror on the wall!
Very sad that the Democratic Governors and Mayors did not accept my offer to send in the military to save their residents and business owners from millions of dollars in property damage and wanton violence and murder…why is it that all the cities with racial problems are the ones run by progressives?? Do they think fake calls for reform will hide their incompetence and failures?? Now they want to de-fund the police and exacerbate the situation?? I don’t understand why these clowns want to hand the election to me…I thought they would at least pretend to be normal for the election…
Your right, he never sent in enough protection. He tried to blame on Cuomo or something? He already said he has “absolute power” over all governors. Shame he was too weak to push it through.
Managed to get that shiny new fear-wall built around the white house though ?
If the mayor wants to spread the word about the Black Lives Matter organization it would be a lot cheaper and more publicized if he got a bucket of water, a cloth and washed their feet at some protest.
African Americans were brought to this country unwillingly to be used as slaves and have been brutalized for 400 years. Despite the end of of slavery, despite the civil rights movement black people continue to be treated as second class citizens in the country they helped to build. In 2017, there were 1,549 black prisoners for every 100,000 black adults – nearly six times the imprisonment rate for whites. Why is that? Because the system is fixed!! For those of you upset about the cost of a little yellow paint ask yourself why. It is likely not budget cuts you are upset about. I moved to Sunnyside over a decade ago and read this blog to see what’s happening in my community. The racist and homophobic comments are utterly abhorrent. Read about black history, educate yourself and than decide if some yellow paint is worth complaining about.
The rate of incarceration reflects the crime rate of the group in question, not a “fixed” system.
It must be so wonderful to live inside your willfully ignorant bubble.
Oh by all means put up signs all over the place, they need new space for their graffiti.
While I am on the peaceful protestors’ side it’s not the City’s job to make political statements or take sides. Some people agree with the statement and some think it excludes other people. No democratic government should be taking sides to cater to only one segment of population. Everyone works and pays taxes to the city, not just the ones who agree with its political agenda. People are free to post signs on their windows or their front lawns. Keep the government out of this.
Hopefully this will boost tourism in NYC. Graffiti Walking Tours are such a huge hit in the city especially with young white liberals.
Paint it on the bridge entrance to Rikers Island.
NICE!!! Hopefully they will paint them in predominantly non black neighborhoods.
This is Ridiculous! Use that money to clean up the neighborhoods and stores the rioters looted.
Wow, who would have ever thought that a great nation as America would be run by thugs one day.
Agreed, it’s a shame the president did such a bad job handling the pandemic and is too scared to send troops to NYC.
Instead, We need a president that can make America great again.
You could name every street in the city for the BLM/antifa crazies and it will still not be enough.
The mob always wants more.
Democrats, this is the Frankenstein you have created.
Own it.
He was black. That’s what they’re protesting.
Now that you know, that’s why their signs are little more specific.
Do you have an example of the police murdering a white person in the last two weeks?
That he was high on drugs on the process of getting into a car to drive it and a known repeat offender!
Lol, getting into a car?! That’s completely false.
Can you explain why the police had the right to murder him when they stopped him?
Do you have an example of the police murdering a white person in the last two weeks?
yeah, keep telling yourself that. george carlin was right. only the 1 percent lives matter. because they own us. and nobody can touch them. and we all work hours upon hours for lower and lower pay for the owners of this nation. and we get sicker and sicker, and fund the owners pharma companies. its called the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
you think that means…your life doesn’t matter?! Wow you’re COMPLETELY out of the loop ?
Do *all* black lives matter? Just not the black gangs that are killing each other with the drug turf wars, right? They don’t fit the narrative? Just making sure I know what I’m loosing my free thought to.
In the mist of budget cuts and upgrading our schools and local libraries instead, what is the purpose of painting ” black lives matter”. Speaking about segregation of all lives by color just adds to our societies issue. God made us all the same, singling a particular race does not prove any point but creating passivity among a population who needs to live among all races that matter. Waste of money painting and adding graffiti to our streets.
Apparently, rioting and looting pays.
If the Tea Party goes on the rampage and burns down stores, police precincts and cars and shoots cops, do they get a street named for them too?
Love bob Holden
Those lovely protesters were looting stores and throwing things at the police yes let’s ignore the violence and destruction
I live in Queens, I hope Queens Boulevard isn’t the one to be painted. How about Ethel Plumack Way?
Great way to fight racism!
Great tax investment!
Let’s paint the streets!
I can’t believe how Bill always fix issues. He’s ideas are always accurate and proper!
That’s why people love him so much! No more protestors at his door! No more #resign on twitter!
He solved the problem!
Please paint Glendale council member Robert Holden’s block. He called for the national guard to be deployed against peaceful protesters and is an embarrassment to the city and the borough.