Category: Uncategorized

Tickets Go on Sale For the 2015 Taste of Sunnyside

April 8, By Christian Murray

Tickets are now on sale for the 2015 Taste of Sunnyside.

The event, organized by the Sunnyside Shines Business Improvement District, will feature more than 26 restaurants and will once again take place under the block-long tent on Queens Blvd (between 45th and 46th Streets) under the elevated 7 train.…

With 8 New Appointments, Community Board is More Reflective of the District, Van Bramer Says

April 8, By Christian Murray

To its many detractors, Community Board 2 was viewed as lacking transparency and a place where younger people felt disenfranchised.

However, in recent times that perception has been changing as newer, younger and more diverse members have joined the board and a bigger push has been made to notify the public of meetings and its decisions.…

Woodside: Two Men Wanted For Stealing Bicycles From Apartment Building

April 8, Staff Report

Two men broke into a Woodside apartment building Monday and took off with two bicycles, according to police.

The men allegedly forced their way through the front door at 37-76 62nd Street and fled the building with the bicycles.…

Shelley’s, A Long-Time Woodside Watering Hole, Closes

April 7, By Michael Florio

A long time Woodside bar closed its doors for good last night.

Shelley’s Bar, which has been located at 58-15 Woodside Ave for nearly 70 years, closed after the landlord wanted to increase the rent as the lease was being renewed.…

Sunnyside Library Adjudged One of the 10 Best, in Running For $20K

April 7, By Michael Florio

The Sunnyside Library is in the running to win $20,000.

The library, located at 43-06 Greenpoint Ave, was selected as one of the 10 best branch libraries across the five boroughs. Now, it has a 50-50 shot of winning $20k.…

City to Redesign Queens Blvd, to Incorporate Bike Lanes and Public Space

April 1, By Christian Murray

The DOT has unveiled plans that aim to transform the “Boulevard of Death” into a safer roadway that incorporates bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly upgrades.

The DOT plans to tackle the 1.3 mile stretch between Roosevelt Ave and 73rd Street first since it is the most dangerous section of the boulevard.…

Gianaris Introduces Bill to Ban State-Funded Travel to Indiana

March 31, By Christian Murray

State Sen. Mike Gianaris has introduced a bill that would ban state-funded or state-sponsored travel to Indiana.

Gianaris’ bill comes in the wake of Indiana’s recently introduced Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The new law provides people with the ability to ignore existing state laws in cases where they are a “substantial burden” on their ability to follow their religious beliefs.…