Aug. 1, 2015 By Christian Murray
A number of Park Enforcement Patrol officers turned up at Lou Lodati Park Saturday and told a number of soccer players that they shouldn’t be playing in the popular Sunnyside park.
The officers said that the soccer players did not have a permit and were therefore not allowed to play an organized game there. The officers gave the players a warning and said that if they returned they better have a permit or they will face a summons.
A PEP officer told the Sunnyside Post that they had received a complaint about the soccer players taking up space in the park. He said that the officers will return to the park next weekend to make sure the soccer players comply with the rules.
If they don’t comply, the officer said, the organizer of the game will receive a summons or the equipment—such as their goal posts—will be confiscated.

Park Enforcement Patrol Officers
What we need to do is put a stop to those hooligans that keep playing some song “17,38” after midnight .. I believe it’s coming from a red Acura
17,38 lol you know what’s always worked for me if I’m walking my dog and there’s loud music playing ” hey guys can you keep the noise down” worked 100% of the time with “the hooligans”… On another note having people from the area hanging out late (local young guys), also keeps other people from outside our area from committing some of the crimes that we had a few years back from happening … Just food for thought
What is it with all the AHOLE comments about the dogs on here. Geez!
These immigrants just think they can do what they want and then scream prejudice when someone criticizes them. And I’m an immigrant.
Interesting… I understand that permits are needed for organized sports games etc but I’ve lived in this neighborhood for 30+ years and it’s always been a diverse area where my kids can go to school and sit in a classroom full of kids of mixed backgrounds without anyone being prejudice or racist…. I guess my neighborhood is now filled with dog loving yuppies, a bunch of prejudice people who moved in recently and want to complain about petty little things.
I come to Sunnyside post just for the comments.. classic lol
This is America, land of the free . Let them play ball, while you sit at home all day online. Get a life.
Your name says it all, piss off.
The park across from the library was a popular homosexual rendezvous point, but it’s too dangerous now because of all the drunk Mexicans hording air conditioners and smoking PCP. The gay community has been exiled to Jack’s Fire Dept glory hole. We need to collectively take a stand like Kevin Bacon wisely pointed out and raid this park with piñata bats and INS officers so this homosexual safe haven can be restored. Thank you.
Seth please run for mayor!!!!!
After reading all of your comments and laughing at all the stupid things said I feel bad for many of you. So many of you feel entitled to sn area of the park none of you would use. I’ve been to the park numerous times and I do not see the soccer players kicking kids out or misbehaving. God forbid a beer bottle is left in view as you walk your dog’s , and don’t pickup there crap. So many of you should just leave the neighborhood. Everyone always talks tough and have these strong opinions, but where are you when the games are being played ? Sitting in the dog park and writing all these anonymous comments I bet.
man, if this was a 1980s flick we white people would challenge the illegals to a soccer game, winner takes Sunnyside! But then with minute left a cut off wearing Kevin Bacon would kick the ball over the fence and make a speech in Spanglish that we’re really more alike than different. We’d all hug and declare we are all winners! Todo amigos!! We need Kevin Bacon!
Why isn’t the INS involved?
Off with Riff Raff – Jace be gone.
Thank you.
Wow, the racist comments are sad to see. To those racists you dont have to worry the white rich folks are coming and overpaying for apartments. The minorities will all move out and you can enjoy frappucinos with your new softball and kickball playing neighbors.
Your mouth to gods ears. Can’t happen quickly enough. Go Jace.
I love dogs and hate fat people
They are ill mannered and do not let the kids play I am sick and tired of them with there wussy volleyball and the f’n soccer games. when it comes to Playground use Kids first.
Paying taxes Mr.Guaman?…You are in dire need of a reality check!!! Yes there are “thousands of immigrants who pay taxes” but there are millions of illegals who don’t!!!..If you think it was their tax dollars that financed the renovations at the park keep dreaming!!!..Have another shot of tequila senor!!!
Yes paying taxes you dipshit. All of our tax dollars go to the renovations of parks. Every single person who steps foot in America pays some form of taxes whether payroll taxes or sales tax. Get your life together Seth.
@Jace…Really?…I suppose those illegals are paying their hospital bills at Elmhurst General Hospital too..Don’t count on them moving out either as long as rent control and other subsidies are still available. ..
Get a permit to play soccer in the park?????? How about making them have a green card to live in the United states and make them pay taxes like all us other jerks working day and night to live in this city. These scum bags should all be sent back across the freaking pond.
Send the immigration department into these parks and get rid of all these Indians and anyone else on our dime.
You have to be incredibly ignorant to have written this. First of all just because a person isn’t legally here doesn’t mean that they’re not paying taxes. There are thousands of immigrants who pay taxes. Everyone works. I can also bet that it was immigrants that built the roof which you are sleeping under. I can also bet that you have used taxi that was driven by an “Indian” before.
Yeah totally, they are hispanic so they must be illegal!…no you ignorant douchebag. I’ll just assume you are white so lemme just assume also that you are a member of the KKK. Sounds logical? Really hope not.
Yes. Let’s form a posse and get em out. By the way my how bout those Mets.
New York $hitty at its finest, from the turds with badges to the turds left on sidewalks from dogs. Who in their right might would start a family and raise their kids in this hell hole? All this $hitty city is good for is making lots of money fast and getting the hell out.
.ya need a permit to play an organised sport in the park or any park…dont you get you dummies
I was involved with getting the park renovated and the dog run built. These people destroyed the first park area. Every weekend you could n’ t go near the place because of the drug selling,illegal food being sold out of cars,betting,beer bottles, urination on the trees and basically filth all over. We even found needles there. We took all this up with the councilman’ s office parks dept and the community board. We were told NO PERMITS WERE TO BE GIVEN OUT FOR ANYTHING AT LODATI After the park was renovated. Now we are back to this. The neighborhood kids can’t play in the park we had built for them
because of these soccer/eucavolley whatever players. These people DO NOT live in this neighborhood. They have all of Flushing meadows to play. Let them go there. I don’t want to hear about the poor illegals or racist stuff f. This has nothing to do with the problem. They don’t live here,let them find something closer to their homes and not take up the only play area our kids have.
Sorry son, vote republican and hope for the best. JVB is not your friend.
How do you know people that play there don’t live in the area? Do you personally stalk them home? I’ve been going to this park since I was a little kid. No little kids go to the park at 11 to that side. Almost all of them go to the playground where the sprinklers are on.
Damn we got another Donald Trump here. i play basketball there mostly every day and i see no drug activity at all. and i think maybe get rid of the flee infested dog park and set up a full court for basketball. And sunnyside lifer i think the little garden behind the fences are just taking up space for people to play in the park. i thought you guys were complaining about the lack of space, but why put a fence inside the park for flowers?
That little space for flowers etc. is meant to be a BARRIER between the dog run and the park so that those who wish to play there are not bothered by the dog run. It helps separate the dogs from the ” animals” that “play” in the park space. Not the children, not the older kids , not the adults who use the space to exercise, but the “animals” that camp there all weekend with their nets and equipment who don’t live here and have no part in this community. We don’t need our dogs upset by the individuals who use the park as a commune on weekends. You need more space, the #7 will take you to Flushing meadows, you have plenty of space there. This is a little local park meant for the residents of the area, yes even you if you live here, not every ball club that shows up for the weekend.
so how bout the awful smell of piss and shit from the dogs ? any barrier from that smell to people who actually play at the park?
Why can’t they go and play in Mexico or Honduras. Go back. They are useless and contribute nothing to this country. And that may not be politically correct but true.
Taxing the poor. If they leave when permit team comes in, who cares? It’s a PUBLIC park
The soccer player should play by the rules just like everyone else! If a permit is needed then they should get one!!! And a dress code would be nice, why are they wearing no shirts in the picture?? GROSS
I’m all for making the soccer players get a permit just like every softball league that I have played in, but a dress code? It’s not 1915 lighten up Francis!
This place is becoming sad.
so is Roosevelt Avenue in Sunnyside and Woodside it is a disgrace —
Pars department police enforcement should show up in the early morning hours to speak with the crowd of homeless men that drink, stink, urinate and hang out on the street side by the swings. They have set up their FREE living space in the doorway of the closed Korean church right there on Skillman. Rough looking crowd that I would not feel safe having my children around. They’ve been there for months now. Seems like a more pressing matter than soccer permits. Just sayin’!
Does anyone really think it was the soccer players tax dollars that financed the overhaul of the park?..Let them take the 7 train to flushing meadow park to play soccer..that’s an area that has already surrendered to the illegals!
I know all the soccer players there because I play there as well and they all pay taxes…. Have you actually taken time out of your “busy” life to get to know them or talk to them about your concerns?
Good! They do this at Bush Park too. They don’t belong there. Many parents have had arguments with them when they have a permit for their sons or daughters softball or baseball team to play and their soccer interferes with the game. Sorry not only are they probably undocumented, but they are playing illegally too. Notice the theme going on?? Get your permits and your green cards.
found the racist!
found the asshole!
Well said YanketteNY — but lately they have been playing music there after dusk and partying too which is not legal — all parks close at dusk — everyone in the neighborhood hears this —
Okay, they are playing soccer on concrete people. It’s not organized enough to warrant a permit… Kids are supposed to play in parks, and soccer is supposed to be on grass. Everyone needs to relax and let these kids enjoy the outdoors and their concrete jungle of a park. Sheeesh!
Spell check es su amigo, off to the races. I played softball in that park for over 25 years and we always needed a permit.
All of the people have the right to play on the park ..there is no reason for you coops to be bodering inosent people. Is america we sould have freedom ..stop being races..
I don’t understand it, wanting to play sports in a public park on a summers day, I know they use to play soccer there every weekend, before it’s renovation a few years ago. but with an area now set aside for our lovable dogs, which is not barely big enough for the ever increasing population of shitsu’s. yorkies and pit bulls. another expansion in the park is totally necessary there. (my fifi and benjy) are totally stressed with the short space allocated for them to sniffing and do their doo doo’s. I know this by their constant yapping, it’s really upsetting. permits should be needed for anyone who wants to play sports in the park especially children, whats up with their parents? why don’t they buy the little monsters I phone 6 or an I pad if the contracts to steep. And theirs also a few iffy looking dog owners who look the type not to buy a dog license. the park enforcers want to a raid on these illegals encroaching on our tiny space, there is a bulldog owner that I would bet a bunch of doggie crunchies is one of them. I have to go now benjy has done a doo doo on my sofa, naughty doggie, but oh so loveable.
F$$k you and your dog
The park’s permit process does not encourage spur of the moment play though as you would have to reserve months in advanced to receive a permit which I find utterly ridiculous.
“wah! wah! the illegals are playing that foreign sport again! better call the cops so my dog isn’t frightened by their strange and foreign languages!”
More chickenpoop racists at work.
There are more illegals in the bars than on the ballfield.
No not the bars try the sidewalks, benches and gutter. On any given day you will see any number of them passed out with a bottle of vodka or whatever is cheapest to buy. Its actually very sad to see.
How do you even know of they are legal or not just by their appearances? I find that really racist of how you judge people based on their looks. And plus you are really stupid to think that a language can frighten your dog. Can speaking some words hurt your dog? , do dogs speak English?, I don’t thinks so.
Common stop being politically correct. You know they are here illegally. How about if I get immigration officers and they check them. I’ll bet my 401k that 90 per cent are illegal, And so would you.
So why don’t u put yr money where yr racist mouth is and do just that?!?!
Big talk, and no action! Just what I thought!
It’s not about racism. It’s about respecting people’s personal space and “play ground rules” that say that if you are there first and playing that other people should respect that. Most of the people who come to play soccer are “adults” and the people playing ball are kids. The soccer players are not respectful of the kids. Period. If the soccer players had a distinct time to play (and they come in uniforms, ready for tournaments, etc – not just pick up games) then that would be that. Not everything is racism.
I heard that local kids use it all the time to play baseball
Yes, but the whole community deserves access to the park– no one group should monopolize it. We need to make sure our limited park space is shared.
So… go there and set something up?
I’m sorry but if you know of a popular picnic ground do you complain about never finding free space or do you show up earlier?
They get there early and swarm over the park in large numbers. What can an individual do?
I don’t understand why they remade that section into a baseball field in the first place. I never see anyone actually playing a real game of baseball/softball there.
That area was always a baseball/softball diamond.
And its used as such.
My neighbors kids play organized softball there as others do.
And at other times, people use it for soccer.
They bet good money on those games.