Category: Uncategorized

NYPD: 7-train passenger puts cellphone under woman’s shirt and records

December 31, Staff Report

The police are looking for a man who allegedly held his cellphone under a woman’s shirt on the 7 train earlier this week and started recording.

The 27-year-old victim was standing on the Manhattan-bound 7 train at around 8:15 pm Wednesday when she felt the suspect touch her right leg.…

Drug busts on Long Island lead to big stash of heroin in Woodside, cops say

December 28, Staff Report

Police discovered a big stash of heroin in Woodside Monday after conducting a series of sting operations following the fatal overdose of a Long Island man.

Nassau County cops arrested four people after conducting three sting operations on December 26,…

BSA needs to be reined in, Van Bramer says, as 10 bills calling for greater BSA accountability heard

December 23, By Christian Murray

Developers are being granted zoning variances by the Building Standards & Appeals with little regard to community board recommendations, civic groups or elected leaders, several council members said last week.

Last week the city council Committee on Governmental Operations heard 10 bills introduced by legislators who want to rein in the BSA,…

La Adelita finds funding to keep restaurant going, much to the relief of owner

December 23, By Christian Murray

The owner of La Adelita, located at 52-22 Roosevelt Avenue, who launched a GoFundMe campaign last week to raise funds to pay back taxes, has secured a loan to cover the tab.

Owner Maria Iglesias wrote on her GoFundMe page last Saturday that she owed $72,000 in back taxes and needed help in order to keep her doors open.…

NYC launches app allowing drivers to pay metered parking on smartphone

December 19, By Hannah Wulkan

Drivers will soon be able to park on the street without worrying about having to pay at the meter.

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this morning a new initiative that would allow customers to pay for on street parking directly from a smartphone app.…