Jon Storck
Feb. 4, 2015 By Christian Murray
The fourth season of a local book club has kicked off for the year with its members reading works that deal with religion and philosophy.
The club is run by Jon Storck, the pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in Sunnyside, and attracts anywhere from 3 to 15 participants each week. Its members meet each Wednesday at 6:30pm at Molly Blooms, a popular pub located at 43-13 Queens Blvd.
The books selected typically challenge Christian beliefs or endorse them. The same is true for those who subscribe to atheism.
Stork said that half the members of the club are Christians with the other half atheists.
“I want people to come whether they are religious or not,” Storck said. He said his ultimate goal is to bring people together who have a range of beliefs.
He said that he wants all the members to be able to discuss their views—yet be tolerant of differing opinions. He said that too many people with conflicting viewpoints are intolerant of one another.
“It’s about people willing to sit down and have a stimulation conversation without condemning each other,” he said.
Storck said that Christianity often gets a bad rap. He said that it is not all about condemnation and judgment. For him, his belief is based on the central components of the bible, as opposed to many of the social issues that are often debated.
Storck said at times the conversation can heat up but in those cases they will stop and play a game of poker—or have a beer– just to lighten up the mood.
Storck said that the book club is not about converting people to Christianity. He said that is in” God’s hands.
However, most of the books that the club has selected over the years do deal with God either directly or indirectly.
The club has read some of the following:
Mere Christianity, by CS Lewis. This book is a collection of speeches Lewis made during World War 2 where he defends the Christian faith from the viewpoint of morality, which persuaded him from atheism to Christianity.
The Reason for God, by Tim Keller. This focuses on the universal belief that society has moral lines that cannot be crossed—such as stealing or killing another person. He explores where these moral beliefs come from and makes the case that is for God.
God Is Not Great, by Christopher Hitchens. His central argument is that man created God as opposed to God creating man. He also argues that the concept of God is actually bad for society.
The group is about to read A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O’Conner. This is a short story that deals with tough characters and asks questions whether there is evil in the world. It is set in the mid 1900 and has very subtle hints at the possibility of grace and redemption.
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Molly Blooms, 43-13 Queens Blvd.
Anyone can join the group
Longtime resident,
A book is selected and we read it piece by piece, usually chapter by chapter or in this case story by story, and discuss and dedicate as much time as we need for each. This week we’ll still be discussing “The life you save may be your own.”
This is the second time this blog has posted about a book group, without giving any information about how to join, which is necessary to know what the group is reading. You can’t just show up and hope the book being discussed is one you’ve read in your lifetime.
Also, since the are meeting once a week, I’d guess they are discussing books multiple weeks. Is that the case?
Great to be back with the group after a hospital hiatus! Flannery O’Connor gives us plenty to talk about, and with great delight. Makes me want to read all her short stories. And yes, this group is open to EVERYONE; the discussion is lively, and the atmosphere is always congenial no matter what opinions anyone holds.
El Loco and Avery, before you make a judgement about the group based on an article, why don’t you at least show up and meet the real people and real faces. You can’t say everything in an article. Besides the group seems to be making an effort at engaging a wide range of perspectives and yet you criticize it?
This is why our culture can’t even have a dialog anymore with varying opinions. We make assumptions about others’ positions without really even listening. Perhaps that is what this group is after.
My grandma always used to say “a hard man is good to find”, yea she was a wild one
I’m not Christian. Is everyone really welcome? It doesn’t seem like it. They play poker or have a beer when things get heated? I think maybe I’ll join the book club at the Courtyard.
I shows the ignorance of some people. Are there only Christians and atheists? Who decides what group to sit with?
Can Non-Christians come or do they get lumped with the atheists?
Quote – “I want people to come whether they are religious or not,” Storck said. He said his ultimate goal is to bring people together who have a range of beliefs.
I would say, the article answers that question quite well.
Uh oh. I did think we were reading the title selection this week.
Update: confirmed! Thank you s4l.
BTW, the book, A GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND, is a collection of short stories and the word from the group is that they will be discussing the short story, “The Life You Save May Be Your Own,” tonight.