Sept. 23, 2015 Staff Report
A big block party will be taking place on Skillman Avenue this Saturday that is being organized by two of Sunnyside’s leading business groups.
The event, dubbed “The Skillman Avenue Fall Festival,” will take place on Saturday, September 26, from 4 pm to 8 pm. It will be held between 45th and 51st Streets, with Skillman Avenue between those streets closed off to traffic.
The festival, organized by the Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce and the Skillman Project, will take on a distinctive Sunnyside/Woodside flavor.
Restaurants and bars such as Claret, Dog & Duck, Saffron Garden, Flynn’s, Quaint, Aubergine, Copper Kettle and the Globe will have tables and chairs on the street where people can dine and enjoy music and an array of performances.
Skillman Avenue businesses such as Stray Vintage will display some of their items on the street outside their store.
Some Sunnyside eateries will also be handing out free food samples at the event.
There will be a host of groups performing along the 5 block area at various times. Most groups hail from either Sunnyside or Woodside.
They include:
Battle of the Bards (Shakespeare antics)
Big Apple Circus (Hula Hoop Demonstration, raffle for circus tickets, coupons, clown noses)
Trevor Bowen and Friends (Irish music)
Call Her Magic (The Sparkler Booth)
Donie Carroll (Irish music)
Noelle Clancy (Face painting)
Brian Gormley and Friends (Irish music)
Gantry Kids (demonstration of children’s exercises)
The Guitar Center (guitar demonstrations)
The Hurt Project (Blues band)
McManus School of Irish Dance (kids Irish dancing)
Phyzique Fitness (exercise demonstration)
Queen of Angels RC Church Chorus, Musical Director Nicholle Bittlingmeyer
Sunnysideartists (all family activity, mural art)
Sunnyside Ballet Studio (ballet performance)
Sunnyside CrossFit (demonstration of CrossFit exercises)
Sunnyside Reformed Church: (Children’s activities)
Swim Strong (water safety and swim skills education)
Tae Kwon Do School (demonstration of Tae Kwon Do)
Urban Iguana Productions (music production)
Woodside Fencing Center (demonstration of fencing and equipment)

Success my good man are you blind! it was empty and sad much like your wallet.
I’ve been besmirched!!!!
Big success tonight. Had a great time. Hope this is a recurring event.
UGH! Gaelic.
Still upset at your deserved execution by the Spanish?
Will there be booze?
I’d wager that the many bars on Skillman will be serving alcohol.
Sure beats those bland and generic tube sock fairs.
Change guy will be there
Hah, if he’s not too busy defecating on the pillars under the 7 train.
Why does there have to be Irish music??? Sounds like shite and nobody cares.
Are they giving out samples of Irish breakfast at the copper kettle?
I will be present with a Spanish interpreter and nitrous oxide.
Ugh… Spanish.
You have the balls to tell me to my face?
That sounds great!
What about the DeBlasio dunk tank!?!?