Author: admin

Van Bramer Produces Results for Sunnyside/Woodside

Despite the tough economy, Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer has secured funds for two local parks and has restored funds for libraries and firehouses that the Bloomberg administration planned to slash. Van Bramer was able to help restore $61 million in funding for libraries.…

Lou Lodati Park to Get Dog Run and $1.4 Million Revamp

Lou Lodati Park will be undergoing a $1.4 million rehabilitation, which will include a dog run, according to councilman Jimmy Van Bramer. The park is located on Skillman Ave (bet. 42nd and 43rd). The completion of the overhaul should take about two years,…

Sunnyside Shines Brings Flowers

Sunnyside Shines, the local business improvement district(BID), erected 50-60 hanging flower baskets throughout the business district on Monday. The effort is part of the group’s aim of beautifying the neighborhood. This is the first year the BID has mounted hanging baskets,…

B24 Weekend Service Cuts Starts Saturday

This weekend represents the beginning of the cut backs on the B24 bus line. The B24 bus line, which connects Brooklyn and Queens– via Williamsburg, Greenpoint and Sunnyside–will no longer run on weekends beginning June 25, and its weekday service with be reduced.…

Queens Blvd. Tree Mysteriously Cut Down

A healthy tree located on Queens Blvd (bet. 43rd and 44th streets) was mysteriously cut down about two weeks ago. Many alarmed Sunnyside residents are now beginning to ask why. The mature tree was located outside of Foxy’s and the now-vacant Flynn’s Inn (see pictures below).…

Indian restaurant on Skillman Ave. to Open Next Week

Basmati Table, the much-anticipated Indian restaurant located on Skillman Ave (between 46th and 47th), is scheduled to open next Wednesday or Thursday. The restaurant is going to be co-owned by Alim Maruf, who is the owner of Bliss Restaurant, an up-market French Bistro that is located diagonally across the street.…

New Sunnyside Restaurant Serves Live Octopus, Lobster and Squid

WARNING: The video below contains some stomach churning footage. Not for queasy westerners. A new Korean restaurant, Sik Gaek, debuted last Wednesday at 49-11 Roosevelt Ave., Woodside. This is a big step for the owner who has a well-established restaurant by the same name in Flushing.…

Sunnyside Farmers Market Kicks Off

The Sunnyside Farmers’ Market opened for the summer/fall seasons on Saturday. This year there were 14 vendors, up from the 11 that were their last year. “It was a good turnout for the first day back,” said Margaret Hoffman (far left above),…

Residents Try to Understand Sunnyside/Woodside Zoning Maze

Sunnyside Post New York City Planning officials told residents at a community meeting held by Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer last week that it is unlikely that developers would build structures more than 8 stories high along the Sunnyside section of Queens Blvd if the zoning proposal went into effect.…

EMT Called to Sunnyside’s Lou Lodati Playground

EMT workers were called out to a Sunnyside park around 12:15 pm Monday to provide assistance to a drunken man who was found in a deep sleep with cuts all over his body. The man, who was lying under a park bench on Skillman Ave (42nd St.),…