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As Many as 800,000 New York City Residents Will Lose Unemployment Benefits After Labor Day: Report

(Stock Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels)

Aug. 27, 2021 By Allie Griffin

As many as 800,000 New York City residents will lose their unemployment benefits after Labor Day, according to a new report.

An estimated 750,000 to 800,000 city residents will stop receiving them after Sept. 6, according to a study released Thursday by The New School’s Center for New York City Affairs.

The abrupt end will hit the city particularly hard, since 10 percent of the estimated 7.5 million workers across the country who will lose all unemployment benefits live in the five boroughs.

New York City residents received a total average of $3.15 billion in unemployment benefits each month from April 2020 through now. That number will plummet to $156 million each month after the Sept. 6 expiration of federal unemployment benefits, the report found.

The loss of benefits also comes at a time when the eviction moratoriums are being lifted.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court knocked down the federal eviction moratorium — which was expected by be in place through Oct. 3. The state moratorium, meanwhile, ends in just fours days.

However, tenants who apply to the state’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program have some protection. Renters who apply will have their eviction case paused until their application is approved or rejected — and if they are approved for the program, they cannot be evicted for a year.

The combination of the loss of unemployment benefits and impending evictions is expected to be a big blow for many New Yorkers still recovering from COVID-19.

For instance, the number of job losses in New York stemming from COVID-19 — on a proportional basis — is more than three-and-a-half times higher than the national average, according to the report. New York City is still 510,000 payroll jobs short of its peak pre-pandemic level.

In addition to the 800,000 who will lose all of their unemployment benefits, about 120,000 residents will see a benefit reduction. These 120,000 residents will still quality for the state unemployment insurance benefits, but will lose a $300 weekly supplement from the federal government.

The loss of benefits will primarily impact lower-paid workers of color, according to the report. People who had worked in leisure and hospitality, local services, retail and in arts and entertainment industries are expected to bear the brunt of the loss.

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Apparently the NYC Hustle

Has become “subsidize my doomscrolling because I don’t want to work”.

Stores are begging for employees to come back, and Trump bucks are long gone.

Josephine Stalin

A lot of deplorables in the comments like to put people down for receiving our own tax money but don’t have a problem when corporations get bailed out. They’re ok with socialism for the rich and rugged capitalism for the poor. Who taught these people to think like this? Jeff Bezos is not a self-made billionaire. He exploits people to get that money and pays no taxes. No one should feel ashamed to receive unemployment benefits. This is the only way to be able to find another job without going house less and insane. As a matter of fact, the US doesn’t pay enough in unemployment benefits to have all the tools to search for another job. Enough with people shaming the unemployed and calling us lazy for not finding a job. I didn’t go to college to make $7.25 an hour.

Liberals don’t do economics

Hey genius the minimum wage is 15 an hour which hurts small businesses
I guess you were an economics major

Why are the misinformed always so rude

Liberals don’t – Where did you get your forged economics degree? The highest wage economies in the world are also the most unionized and considered the best and most robust economies and are also the safest societies in the world.

You obviously don’t know how a consumer driven market economy works

@Lib-So what that $15 an hour hurts business, it’s better for the economy. Just ask the rest of the modern world.


How could it be people receiving their tax money when they don’t work and pay taxes! At least Jeff Bezos created jobs that these people won’t take.

Fox News Distortion in action

Joe – How many jobs did Bezos illuminate? How many businesses did Bezos take down? How many sectors of the economy did Bezos weaken if not decimate? Demand creates jobs in a market economy. Bezos didn’t create jobs at Amazon out of the goodness of his heart. As soon as there is no more demand for that “created” job that employee is out the door.

Concerned Citizen

“Amazon did not take down any business, bad customer service and a poor customer experience did…” thats how part of that quite goes…Amazon did not do anything…these businesses took themselves down and people simply chose the better experience.

You obviously haven’t dealt with Amazon or Uber customer service

When you’re a giant you can just crush your tiny competitors with price cuts until they can no longer match or compete with a behemoth like Amazon. Pretty much that is what Uber and Lyft did as well. Violating hundreds of laws in the process. Then the behemoth colludes and gauges the consumers. That’s why there are antitrust laws. This is nothing new, naive one, nothing new.

Jobs are out there

Did you major in basket weaving, sociology, etc. or get crappy grades? Did you take even one course in accounting or something that an employer thought would add value to her business?
Wait staff earn $20 an hour in nyc.

Steven of Astoria Heights

Low wages hurt laborers, local businesses, local municipalities, families and other businesses. There is much more to an economy than one businesses bottom line.

Ed Conroy

Guess what – there are plenty of jobs out there. You can’t live on the dole forever. Between unemployment, child tax credit, food stamps and enhanced benefits- 2 adults who are unemployed can earn almost $100,000 a year. This is what we call socialism. This is what democrats want. Cuomo bragged about $15 minimum wage. Virtually every business has a for hire sign.

Socialism for the rich. Rugged Capitalism for the rest of us

Ed- $100,000 a year. Hahahaha Do some research on how much unemployment, food stamps and other “benefits” pay. Do allow yourself to be misinformed then run with this misinformation and make a fool of yourself like Ed Conroy just did.

Ricardo montero

I think blacks and Hispanics in proverty neighborhoods should be ex extended accordingly people still need help this did not happen by choice some of us were ok not great but better then now


I personally had covid im a diabetic, asthmatic lost my job when N.Y. was hit the hardest was close to leave this world i would see people being rolled down the hall covered to the refrigerator trucks outside the hospital i cant find a job! so all the sarcastic remarks are painful im 60 years old,with pain daily. Want to work body does not allow me!


I have Crohn’s disease. I have back problems. I have problems with stress and do a very stressful job yet not only have I worked throughout the pandemic but got a better job. You know how hard it is for me? But I do it and don’t complain. Now get off your ass and get a job and stop the whining already!!! Ooh I have diabetes. Boo hoo.

Tommy K

Wow!! Tom that is sure is one ignorant post. Mocking a person affliction is just wrong, Un American and certainly unchristian. If karma does exist, expect some bad karma payback. You certainly deserve it.


I keep asking the Mets to let me be a starting pitcher but they don’t even return my calls. It’s ridiculous, I really really want the job, it’s not fair. Guess I’ll just keep collecting.


The thing is, us folks who are on unemployment apply for jobs every single day… we’ll me anyway. I am in desperate need of work. To receive unemployment benefits is actually depressing as hell. I’ve even paid someone $50 to have my resume revised, and refreshed. In the mean time rent is extremely backed up, kids are going back to school, and we’re being forced to get vaccinated this is a very stressful time for us folks on unemployment for the first time ever in life. This isn’t my life I feel like a failure. I was fired from a Job that I’ve kept for 6 years due to Covid 19 this sucks. So when you all say things like “bare the burnt of loss” we’ve already been burnt, burnt out, and we continue to lose while still searching for employment, and going through daily life stresses since Covid 19 at that. My question is … what are employers looking for? How can folks like myself applying diligently with qualifying backgrounds be considered? Please Don’t think everyone on “peasantployment”is comfortable because I am most certainly not. I’m sad, I’m embarrassed, and I’m depressed beyond measures.


There are plenty of jobs available. Employers are dying for workers. You just want the right job. Take what you can get and then when things get better you can get something better. You’re just spoiled! Stop the excuses.


I certainly hope you don’t work in HR nor are a part of an interview/hiring process. I can attest that applying for jobs is a full-time job, and one that is depressing no matter how far down you go from your previous salary, as rejection rates are astounding.

If this person maintained a job for 6 years, they are obviously perfectly hirable in either their field or another (similar or one they are physically capable of performing).

Most companies do their screening during business hours, so if said individual found a position bagging groceries or working at a bodega, they’d unlikely be able to even take the call. Many employers are strict regarding lunch and personal breaks. Then there are in person or zoom interviews. That would mean gambling a days wages on one meeting the hiring managers with no guarantee. Possibly several, as it’s often multiple rounds.

I’m well-educated with a semi-generic name, and have found it near impossible to even receive one email response out of 50 applications. I was lucky enough to have a Google designer give me his resume template and another former coworker who does do hiring screening for adjustments. It turned my call/email/response rate around from maybe 1 in 50 applications to 1 in 30.

Each application often requires minimum ten minutes, and many employers won’t consider you if you aren’t currently employed.

Where is this person supposed to find time and resources to raise children while working a job (regardless of how low or high brow it is) also work a job finding a better paying one with benefits and more security? With the ability to climb the ladder? I’ve accepted I’ll likely need to take a pay cut from my previous position, and I’m just sick and tired of sitting in front of a computer applying to anything I’m qualified for. Especially when it seems to have gone well.

The stress takes its toll mentally and physically. Being trapped in an apartment gave me agoraphobia to an extent, and I lost 10 lbs I couldn’t afford to lose. I probably wouldn’t hire my chattery 83-Lb self right now, but if I read my resume and gave me a chance I wouldn’t be shocked I exceeded expectations and, with a job at which I feel I am making a contribution, become healthier overall.

Please don’t be so quick to judge others, especially over something like a name. Perhaps you wouldn’t hire their parents for that decision, but it in no way has anything to do with the workplace and is discriminatory behavior.

Finally, it’s cruel to add insult to injury. Just because it’s the internet, doesn’t mean ALL comments should be made. Take a screenshot and show your friends if you want to make fun. Freedom of speech is important and so is respect towards others.

P.S. my middle name is the non-generic one, in the case you’d like to nit-pick my prior statement.


It’s NOT only the people of color who will suffer. All Citizens Will Suffer! Stop separating us. It’s NOT ABOUT THE COLOR OF OUR SKIN, ITS HUMAN BEINGS BEING WHO ARE BEING AFFECTED!

Pat Smith

My heart goes out to all who will be affected by this change. Stay focused, be creative and know that there are jobs available. It may not be the job you want, however there are plenty of positions that need to be filled.


What a bout the new batch of people that lost their job, they will suffering double as they couldn’t get the $600 nor $300 benefits


Some people really need unemployment and the additional $300 a week in order to survive and/or to provide for their families but their are other people who never worked a day in their life and are collecting unemployment — they are scamming the the system. You also have people that get more from unemployment than what they did when the were working so this makes them just want to stay home, collect & do nothing!


People should be getting paid at least $15/hr minimum wage. Why are you mad if they get more from unemployment than $7.25 an hour? Why aren’t you mad that people like Jeff Bezos pay no taxes? How is that fair?


Every restaurant, small business and retail business in New York City is desperate for workers ..people aren’t working often, obviously not all the time, often because they’re making enough money on unemployment to give them an excuse not to go back to work.. The people that really need it should get it . but I have people tell me to my face that they don’t need to go back to work because they’re making enough on unemployment with the enhanced pmts.,.. that should stop


Will be tough for many people including myself. But i wish everyone a happy labor day! Im flying back home tomorrow to visit family and friends. So excited.


That toughness you speak about is what’s needed in life. To overcome challenges and to accomplish your goals gives your life value and meaning.

Getting handouts from government is the most harmful because it’s subtle peasantry and you atrophy your self worth. You become dependent on government rather than developing yourself. We’re rooting for your success!

This is why welfare needs to end now as well! Free these people from the pernicious actions of the government and set them free!


These “libertas” people are hilarious–like they carved out their existence from the living stone and soil, wrestled bears and caught fish with their bare hands with no help from their parents, the society that paid taxes for the roads they walked or drove to the schools that taught them and created the internet they like to spew their Ayn Rand super-capitalist invective from.

If you’re so “Libertas-y,” go off to Gault’s Gulch and build your right wing paradise yourself like they libertarian uber-mensch you are in your dreams.


This is some sob story of people not getting free handouts. This author assumes that these people are unable to sort out their own lives.

The direct cause of people losing their jobs is because of Cuomo’s lockdowns. You now see how it was tyranny all along? Initially no one thought this because everyone was made afraid and rushed into the talons of government.

When you’re afraid you’re safe in your freedoms. Those who sacrifice freedoms because their afraid are no longer safe. Safety *is* Liberty. Maybe people needed to taste tyranny to truly see the perversions of government.

Vaccines saved our hospital and saved lives

Liberty- Again your posts does not match up facts: Seven states—Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming—did not issue orders directing residents to stay at home from nonessential activities in March and April 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The 43 other states all issued orders at the state level directing residents to stay at home except for essential activities and closing businesses that each state deemed nonessential.
State July 2021(P)
Nebraska 2.3%
Utah 2.6%
New Hampshire 2.9%
South Dakota 2.9 %
Idaho 3.0 %
Vermont 3.0 %
Alabama 3.2 %
Oklahoma 3.5 %
Montana 3.6 %
Georgia 3.7 %
Kansas 3.8 %
Minnesota 3.9 %
North Dakota 3.9 %
Wisconsin 3.9 %
Indiana 4.1 %
Iowa 4.1 %
Missouri 4.2 %
Virginia 4.2 %
Arkansas 4.3 %
South Carolina 4.3 %
Kentucky 4.4 %
North Carolina 4.4 %
Tennessee 4.7 %
Michigan 4.8 %
Maine 4.9 %
Massachusetts 4.9 %
West Virginia 5.0 %
Florida 5.1 %
Washington 5.1 %
Oregon 5.2 %
Wyoming 5.2 %
Ohio 5.4 %
Delaware 5.6 %
Rhode Island 5.8 %
Maryland 6.0 %
Colorado 6.1 %
Mississippi 6.1 %
Texas 6.2 %
Alaska 6.6 %
Arizona 6.6 %
Louisiana 6.6 %
Pennsylvania 6.6 %
Illinois 7.1 %
Connecticut 7.3 %
Hawaii 7.3 %
New Jersey 7.3 %
California 7.6 %
New Mexico 7.6 %
New York 7.6 %
Nevada 7.7 %
Note: Rates shown are a percentage of the labor force. Data refer to place of residence. Estimates for the current month are subject to revision the following month.

@Liberty: Stop the misleading posts.,

NY employment figures are directly tied to global markets. International travel, international commerce, the UN, Diplomacy and so on.,The world is still suffering the effects of Covid. Places like Wyoming, Alabama and Arkansas are not as effected by global travel and markets.

Liberty Please Stop Posting Propaganda. These are your neighbors show at least some respect

The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, known simply as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), is a right-leaning Washington, D.C.–based think tank that researches government, politics, economics, and social welfare.AEI is an independent nonprofit organization supported primarily by contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals. Founded in 1938, AEI is commonly associated with conservatism and neoconservatism but does not support political candidates.


Liberty- The states that did not have lock downs are all rural expansive states that are sparsely populated. You’re comparing rural empty states that derive the overwhelming majority of their economic activity from basically taking things out of the ground to urban densely populated states like NJ, Mass, RI, DE NY that are advanced economies which are usually defined as having a high level of per capita income, a varied export base, and a financial sector that’s integrated into the global financial system. You’re comparing two types of economies and settings that are pretty much diametrically opposed. With absolutely different physical and social needs in governmental responses to things like a pandemic. That’s called a false equivalence. Look it up.

Lock downs weren't happening before.

The Blue State people like having other people paying for them! Actually LIKE it!!!

Liberty : People who have faith in their ideology never need to post lies

Liberty- You’re caught in another lie. If you hate blue states so much you should move to a red one. The biggest givers in our latest report, based on 2018 data, were New York, which paid in US$22 billion more than it received; New Jersey, which paid $12 billion more; Massachusetts, which paid $9 billion more; and Connecticut, which paid $8 billion more than it received.
The low-income states that receive a lot of federal spending per person are primarily in the Southeast and include Kentucky, West Virginia, Mississippi and Alabama.

Low wage Right To Work legislation under values people robbing them of pride in the process

Anonymous-How ridiculous


Develop a skill people are willing to pay for. Do something with your life. But you’re free to waste you’re own life.

We are all disposable

Libertas – Skillset sets needed by business change and in modern times even faster than any point in our history. You can be obsolete by graduation day. You sound young and gullible. I’m retired now and remember plenty of young, gullible and arrogant blowhards like you and watched everyone of the kool aid drinking spoiled know it alls get taken down by the so called system they profess to endorse. Enjoy your delusional bubble while it lasts oh naive one. As Winston Churchill said “ Everyone thinks they’ll get eaten by the alligator last”.


So you’re saying things shouldnt change? Or people shouldn’t better themselves?

Dear Young and Gullible

Lib – Stop playing keyboard cowboy games. That’s not what I said and it’s not what you said either.

The Truth about Corporations

Most issues (and all salary related concerns) brought to HR end with HR protecting an executive or the organization itself, not with helping and protecting the employee. So HR reports to and is accountable to management. How does this help the lower- and non-managerial employees? It doesn’t. The lines are already drawn. Likely whoever ranks the highest will prevail. When you ask for a raise we will just tell you, “you’re asking too much”. Companies bottom line supersedes.
1-Do you believe people in India or the Philippines do a better job at running and manning call centers? They don’t and are just cheaper, much cheaper, to employ.
2- The jobs my company couldn’t move overseas we just filled with illegal alien labor, undermining your social safety net programs like unemployment, workmen’s comp and social security, just to name a few., in the process. Breaking laws in the process with absolutely no accountability.
3- Do you really believe all the skills the highest skilled Americans have cannot be found in India, China or Brazil for a fraction of the cost? India is our favorite because they speak English.
4- We just sit back and let gullible aggressive bullies champion our hollow claims. With corporate lobbyists putting out corporate propaganda on outlets like the WSJ, Fox and CNBC. Thank you gullible one, I get performance bonuses and praise thanks to your efforts.

Right to work legislation under values and robs people of pride in the process



I think nyc will bounce back after we all get the third dose of the covid shot. Then the reopening concert will not be cancelled due to a thunderstorm.


Apply for rent relief whether you qualify or not and no one will be able to evict you for months to a year. Tenants have rights and free legal help in nyc.

Common sense

When what you want requires the efforts or property of others its not a right. It’s an agreement and you need to take some personal responsibility to hold up your end of the agreement. Otherwise you will be sued… Rightfully so.


The city should buy private homes that cant afford to pay mortgages taxes etc. due to tenants not paying rent and turn those homes into homeless shelters and public housing.

stock photo laptop sticker guy

I don’t think anyone is worried about stock photo guy on his laptop. He’s been working remotely from his parents’ basement for a year and a half.

10% receiving unemployment

Unbelievable! 10% of nyc residents are collecting unemployment insurance!!!!
This must be about 25% of adults between 18 and 65 years old.


My first thought if you are serious about getting off the dole is that you already have in the previous 2 months gone out to anyone of the area Job Market Fairs and filled out numerous applications that would keep you off the welfare rolls. Even if you qualify for some assistance with wage qualifications.


Many people worked and found other jobs during the pandemic and they still cant afford the high rent. You might as well work for less hours to qualify for rent vouchers. Landlords are more willing to accept rent vouchers nowadays. That is how many moved to Astoria lic and sunnyside the past couple of months.


No. What you do is develop talent people are willing to pay for. Grow yourself instead of holding your hand out to the tax payer.

You’re still gullible enough to buy the skills lie, wake up you’re competing with forty five cents a day

Growth – keep drinking the kool- aide. It has nothing do with “ talent”. Are you arrogant enough to believe you’re so unique and clever that your “talent” can’t be found in India or China for pennies a day? “If it were up to me, I’d love to give you a raise but it’s not in the budget. You’re a bright guy, you understand”. Hahaha Sound familiar.


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