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Alternate Side Parking Suspended Aug. 7 to 9

Aug. 7, 2013 Staff Report

Alternate side parking has been suspended from Aug. 7 to 9 in observance of Idul-Fitri, according to the Department of Transportation.

Parking meters and all other regulations will be in effect.

The holiday is one of the largest Indonesian celebrations of the year.

For more information and to view 2013’s alternate side parking cancellation days, visit the DOT’s website.

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Interesting – You have used the Indonesian spelling. I have usually seen it written: “Eid al-Fitr”

Eid Mubarak!


And here I thought that you were one of those grammar Nazis who pounces on spelling mistakes or grammatical errors when they can’t contribute to the theme of the conversation constructively (alternate side of the street parking because of an Indonesian holiday, remember?).

I could snap my fingers and find you a dozen people who grew up in Queens that are in their 40’s and 50’s that also have poor reading and writing skills, too. I’m going to guess that you blame their teachers, the Democrats, and the liberals for their poor skills in communicating.

There’s a reason that “ax” has taken hold in American-English vernacular, and it’s not just carelessness or linguistic degeneracy. My Dad grew up in East New York and really spoke with a Brooklyn accent- I wonder how shocked you would have been to hear how he spoke.

I’m relatively new at teaching; I’m transitioning from a 20-year career in corporate sales. I’ve met a lot of students (10th grade) who lack the appropriate academic skills to go on to college, let alone succeed in today’s world. I’ve also met some incredible teachers who bend over backwards to get through to their students, in spite of the fact that it’s a seemingly unwinnable battle. If you are “sore” at the people who are trying to teach our children, I would suggest that you look a little deeper and find our who is really to blame. You’ve met a “quite a few” teachers and you weren’t impressed. This dismissive attitude goes a long way in making the good teachers feel as if they’ve made the right career choice.

HAL 9000

No, I just see kids that can barely read or write properly these days and then I discover many teachers can’t either. I’ve met quite a few teachers at parent-teacher conferences and was shocked when many spoke terrible English as well. (Let me “ax” you a question and saying “ya know” and “like” every five seconds). I had a conversation with one woman acquaintance who taught grade school and she thought the Battle of Gettysburg happened in World War II. She also didn’t believe me when I told her that George Washington took the oath of office on Wall St. in Manhattan. She thought he took it in Washington D.C. She was, however, razor sharp when it came to reciting democrat party talking points. I’m sure your mistake was just a typo but there are a lot of dumb teachers out there. Sorry, but I expect more from people who teach our kids. It’s a sore spot for me.


That’s correct. There should be a comma after “teacher” but you probably know that. You’re not really here to have a discussion on alternate side of the street parking, are you? You’re just taking cheap shots, regardless of what the actual topic is. It’s okay, I understand.


Thousands! I’ve actually met about ten of them since 1990 but only know one right now. I know there are plenty of people in NYC celebrating this holiday- not quite sure why parking is being suspended because of the Indonesian holiday. It’s actually a very significant Muslim holiday.

Politics, right? As a teacher, I always found the Jewish holidays in the Fall to be very disruptive to the school year. In the schools I’ve worked, the Jewish population was very low, but it’s all political. Everyone wants there piece of the pie.


Webly & Craic- a little research and you will learn a lot. Wikipedia is a good place to start. Selamat Idul Fitri!


Idul Fitri Day 1 2013 the biggest holiday in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Note: During a public holiday, government offices and most businesses are closed so people have a day off work.

This holiday is indeed tomorrow, and in Indonesia, it’s a big deal. There are many Indonesians living here in NYC- I know one but she lives in Brooklyn.

I know someone wanted an Indonesian Restaurant in Sunnyside; I know they make this chicken satay, but I’ve never been to an Indonesian restaurant.

Did you know Eddie Van Halen (and his brother Alex) are Indonesian-American?

Eid Murbarek!

HAL 9000

We don’t even have an Indonesian restaurant around here. I can’t believe there are enough Indonesians in the city to warrant a parking holiday. How about suspending alternate side for Bastille Day and Canada Day too?


“Indonesian” ? Check again please, it is not a national holiday for Indonesia. It is an Islamic holiday, including Muslims living in Indonesia and other countries worldwide..


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