Suspect (NYPD) and Woodside Avenue(Google)
Aug. 31, 2020 By Christian Murray
A 76-year-old woman was robbed on Woodside Avenue in broad daylight in Sunnyside earlier this month.
The woman was walking in the vicinity of Woodside and Barnett Avenues when a man approached her at about 12:20 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 19 and asked for directions.
The suspect then grabbed the victim’s necklace and ripped it off her neck. The victim sustained scratches on her neck.
Police released video and a photo of the suspect.
Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crimestoppers website at www.nypdcrimestopper.com
Defund the police is always misinterprated by so many. The budget of the NYPD is higher than the police budget for the entire country of Germany (look it up !). If you take 2 billion out of the 6 billion and spend it for community projects to prevent crime in the long-run, this is certainly a good idea. Nobody says get-rid of the cops. This is just bullshitting without thinking.
Nobody is says get rid of the cops? Now that is bullshitting. Thousands of the idiots protesting say exactly that. They carry signs that say “abolish NYPD” and “abolish ICE”. Nothing nuanced about it.
But those are just some voices of a broader movement, and this is not any majority´s intend. Decision makers on both sides of the aisle still use common sense sometime (at least in this type of issue). I´m basically with you, and agree that shouting “abolish NYPD” is just stupid and those people should hope that what they wish is never coming true – those may be the first wants taking their word back. But arguments and actions by so many, that Dems want to get rid of the police and this is what you get if you vote blue, is simply wrong. The problem this country, this city and this society have is much more complicated and has may to many layers as if slogans like this in any direction would help anybody or be part of any solution. But yeah, maybe this isn´t the right platform to expect that kind of conversation ?
Wrong info Ex-New Yorker. You’ve been away too long, so you’re opining without knowing the facts on the ground. Read the signs. Listen to the demands. Look up crime stats.
What specifically is wrong my dear Gardens Watcher ? What is too long away ? Howlong am I away ? What´s your point/position ?
“If you take 2 billion out of the 6 billion and spend it for community projects to prevent crime in the long-run, this is certainly a good idea.”…we have spent Trillions on these communities since the 1960s and all we get is more welfare recipients, jailbirds, and Marxist revolutionaries who want to destroy our institutions…time to de-fund the people who “choose not to work”…we are tired of Dem machine connected not-for-profits fill their pockets at the taxpayer’s expense with nothing to show for it except more poverty…if only we had a strong leader in the White House to stand up to these charlatans….Hmmmm??
This is becoming very common around our neighborhood, every week there is something, some more serious than others, but certainly it’s not as safe as it used to be.
It would be good to see actions being taken from the people that is supposed to and was elected to do so.
Silence from their end does not help.
Empty the jails, catch and release. This is what you get. A massive population of criminals led to what the left called mass incarceration. Letting them out has led to a massive crime wave. What’s the over / under on shootings Labor Day Weekend? Set the line at 58.
You can count on
verbal assaults from the many wandering homeless on Queens Blvd. Sunnyside. Today there was a guy screaming obscenities in front of what was South Pole. Threatened to stick his finger up our asses. Great job Dum Blah Blah mayor.
If we all post his mugshot as our SM profiles, would that help catch him?
Jimmy could care about this as well. Listen little Jimmy you will be confronted and you will have to answer to the constituents. You have failed to protect this community along with the many other’s you represent. NO ONE FEELS SAFE. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM !!!!
Democrats destroying another city with their pro-criminal agenda.
There is a convicted criminal in the White House.
Evidence of this conviction, Mr. Deranged David?
“Evidence” https://www.clearinghouse.net/chDocs/public/FH-NY-0024-0034.pdf
losing a lawsuit in court does not make you a convicted criminal…you are a joke…you are almost as feeble minded as your candidate…See ya in Cleveland on Sept 29th for the first debate!!…please tell Sleepy Joe he can’t have any notes or pre-vetted questions from media shills!! maybe Donna Brazile can leak the questions like she did for Hillary…still didn’t help that …maybe you can write Joe’s name and the day of the week on his hand so he will remember…oh yeah Trump’s fault you know coz Trump.
Torts- Talk about feeble, have you seen Trump stumbling in New Hampshire, being led down a ramp by a nurse maid and struggling to bring a cup to his lips? Where in Russia are you?
Trump ( the man who claims he never settles lawsuits) Paid restitution. res·ti·tu·tion noun
the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.
@DD https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lawsuits_involving_Donald_Trump
Oddly that person was murdered, er killed himself, in prison.
He was never convicted if using that taxpayer money to pay off his mistress though.
Bill Clinton was in Epstein’s flight logs 26 times…Donald Trump never even once…more fake news…we do have internet you know
Nice Try- Why did Jeffrey Epstein give not sell but give a $66 Million Manhattan Mansion to high ranking Republican Les Wexner? You’re working overtime defending Trump the traitor and his cronies..The time difference between the US and Russia doesn’t deter you?
Oops, you’re completely wrong: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315/epstein-flight-manifests.pdf
Embarrassing how easy it was to prove huh? I wonder why Trump lovers pretend to care about Bill Clinton?
Nice work mayor D and city council! We’re now looking at daily robberies, destruction to property, filth on every every major avenue while our mayor pats himself on the back for low numbers in prison after letting so many out and decriminalizing many crimes. It’s completely understandable why people are leaving in droves. Take a look at the lines of people waiting for Uhaul trucks so they can quickly leave their homes for other cities.
You wanted to Defund the police? Protest Pro-police peaceful walks? There you go!
Welcome to DiBlasio’s NY! Can’t wait to get the heck out of here! More criminals on the streets than in the jails!
i wont let my elderly mom walk alone outside anymore and i now carry protection. everyone should too. its not safe.
Its better for ? and grandpa ? to stay home ? due to corona virus. Be safe. Crime can happen to anyone.
Welcome to Trump’s America. Anyone seen the cops around lately? Shaking my head.
why are you blaming President Trump it is not his fault there are many homeless shelters over there and remember Cuomo and DeBlasio is letting everyone out of prison – so stop with this garbage — this is the democrats world – where is JVB on this he is never around has not been in a very long time this is his district –
It’s De Blasio and the City Council who defunded the NYPD. Not a fan of Trump, but don’t deflect this one on him.
Hope this creep is caught soon. Hope they reinstate patrols in the area.
I will not be voting for Trump. But this has more to do with local leaders and law enforcement. The Nypd is no longer doing anything to prevent crime other than attending community meetings to warn the public.
This ain’t trumps America. This is all brought to you by democratic leadership. Cops have 0 reason to risk anything when they aren’t backed or supported by anyone at all.
Cops have no reason??? It’s their job they are getting paid like anyone else with a job.
You mean deblasio nyc
Elections have consequences
Keto voting for libs people and see what happens to your neighborhood
Trump’s America? DEM city.
Linda: The highest crime states in 2020 in US according to FBI are disproportionately Republican( overwhelmingly Republican). States with the Highest Crime Rates:
Louisiana (12.4 per 100,000 people)
Missouri (9.8 per 100,000 people)
Nevada (9.1 per 100,000 people)
Maryland (9 per 100,000 people)
Arkansas (8.6 per 100,000 people)
Alaska (8.4 per 100,000 people)
Alabama (8.3 per 100,000 people)
Mississippi (8.2 per 100,000 people)
Your data doesn’t agree with published data.
Resident- I googled the above data and it is correct. You’re wrong.
Those crime rates are correct but they are caused by the Democrat run cities in those states…but nice try!!…more fake news….see ya at the polls!!…don’t forget to watch the debates!!
There’s no crime in rural meth strewn Appalachia, Mississippi Delta or the Rockies. Hahaha Arkansas, Alaska Louisiana and Mississippi are almost exclusively rural states.
What power does a mayor or governor have in a failed country? Americans are suffocating in debt, worry, and disease. We’re close to 200,000 dead; 30 million unemployed; millions losing their homes; millions without medical insurance; no childcare or schools; armed militias declaring war on their own countrymen and a President inciting them.
As separate as we feel in our Democratic-protected urban bubble, the effects of the death of America have reached us. In fact, they’ve been here all along; it’s just that some people have only recently been made to notice.
“What power does a mayor or governor have in a failed country?”…they have complete control over their police forces and city and state budgets to address crime…when they side with the criminals this is what happens.
The city and state have lost billions in revenue during this crisis. Every city agency has seen their funds slashed, though the cops maintained almost all of their funding.
New York can’t create a deficit or borrow to cover this crisis, but the U.S.A. can. We should all be getting monthly stimulus checks from the federal government, as every other first world nation is doing. We’ve lost our jobs, our freedoms, our safety, and way of life. We don’t have money to pay the rent or mortgage or to buy food. We don’t have schools or childcare. Our lives have been put on hold, and all of these problems have been exacerbated by the failure of Trump and the Senate to manage the pandemic and economic fallout.
I’m no apologist for the Mayor or Governor or Democrats. But this is Trump’s America and, believe it or not, we live here. Government was established for justice and protection for its citizens. We have paid our money to create this government. We need that money back now.
Tax the wealthy, tax Wall Street, cut the military spending, create stimulus. Most Americans spend stimulus checks as they come in, and revenue comes back to the government. Nobody loses their homes, nobody dies needlessly, no businesses fail. As it stands now, we are going to come out of this pandemic into a Great Depression. Strife, hunger, war.
This is Trump’s America.
You must be kidding. It’s the DEMOCRATS who want to defund the police and let the criminals run wild. Trump supports them more than anyone else. You must live in the Bizarro World
Why did he try to get rid of so many cops when he loves them so much? ?
Yes Trump supports police agencies like the FBI, Prosecutors and the intelligence agencies. Are you really that gullible?
That is why all the police unions are endorsing Trump…because he supports them…can’t you have your psychiatrist adjust your medication so you can see reality like everyone else??
Yeah we all saw the way Trump supports law enforcement just ask the FBI, various Prosecutors, AG’s, Judges and Jeff Sessions. Pat Lynch is only throwing his support behind the treasonous criminal Trump to protect the cash cow known as “overtime” for his rank and file. I know from personal experience.
Defund does not mean abolish. Look it up.
Welcome to the progressive Democrats America…Anyone seen the cops around? oh yeah DeBlasio eliminated the elite street crime units that took guns off the streets, de-funded the police, eliminated stop and frisk, supported no bail for felons, is trying to eliminate 16,000 jail beds by closing Riker’s Island, moved criminals into shelters in residential communities due to covid-19, supported the repeal of the 50-a State law, and demonized the police for years…you know…because Trump….see ya at the polls!!
Trumps America? What a fool, this a Democratic run city and state, so welcome to the Dems run bit of America. All of these cities with spikes in crime are democratically run. Take your blinders off and stop watching CNN
I love seeing people writing that this is the result of defunding the police. The NYPD are operating on essentially the same budget. The only difference is their feelings have been hurt because no one likes them (for the same reasons no one likes the mob), so they’ve created their own slowdown to make us come begging for help.
DeBlasio eliminated the elite street crime units that took guns off the streets, eliminated stop and frisk, supported no bail for felons, is trying to eliminate 16,000 jail beds by closing Riker’s Island, moved criminals into shelters in residential communities due to covid-19, supported the repeal of the 50-a State law, and demonized the police for years
The elite street crimes unit was notoriously trigger-happy, responsible for nearly a third of all the city’s lethal police shootings. Those cops have only been moved to other parts of the department.
Stop-and-frisk was unconstitutional and racist. It was also ineffective in preventing crime.
The cash bail program has been reformed to be more equal for people from all economic backgrounds. It has not led to higher rates of crime.
Riker’s Island is a medieval institution that creates conditions of cruel and unusual punishment, which is also unconstitutional. New Yorkers are over-policed and over-imprisoned and the tide is turning against that.
Criminals haven’t been moved to shelters, but the homeless have. Is it criminal to be homeless? What has caused this epidemic of homelessness? What makes it increase? What should we do for the homeless? Shelters have been set up, mostly equitably, in all neighborhoods in the city.
50-A protected police officers from discovery of misconduct. New Yorkers wanted that repeal, which is why our representatives signed it into law.
The police do a great job of being demons themselves. See: all the things you listed. Also, the way they beat on peaceful citizens all summer.
except all the things you stated were false narratives to demonize the Police and keep us less safe…all of those policies are what cleaned this city up in the mid nineties…but you were living in a wealthy suburb somewhere so you wouldn’t know…now we have to do another show because of the fake crusaders…then once they bail and go back to the suburbs we will have to bring all those policies back and clean this place up…again!!
Really- Crime went down nationally in the mid nineties. Demographics played the much bigger role in crime reduction. Fact!!
what the hell does that even mean??