Countdown clock at the 46 St on the 7 line. (Photo: Nathaly Pesantez)
Jan. 2, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
All stations along the 7 train line now have working countdown clocks, the last line through the entire subway system to roll out the displays.
Countdown clocks installed through the line’s 22 stations went live on Dec. 31, and tell riders, in minutes, when the next train is scheduled to arrive.
The last roll out completes the MTA’s plans to outfit all 472 stations in the subway system with real-time train arrival displays.
The MTA announced in July that countdown clocks would be arriving to the 7 line in December, along with several other lines still without the digital displays.

Countdown clock at the 40 Street station on the 7 line. (Photo: Nathaly Pesantez)
Arrival times can also be accessed by cell phone via the MTA’s SubwayTime app.
The first countdown clocks were installed in 2007 along the L line, and an accelerated effort was underway to bring the countdown clocks to all remaining stations by the end of 2017.
“Real-time arrival information is no longer just a nice amenity to have – it’s a necessity at a time when our customers are accustomed to having access to information in their hands almost immediately,” said MTA Chairman Joseph Lhota in November 2017, when countdown clocks on the D, F, J, and Z lines went live.
“This is just one of many improvements we’re making to ensure that our customers are getting the clearest, most up-to-date information about their commute.”
I like how the picture they use to show the clocks also shows the turnstyles roped off. Something that happens every day, night, and weekend now. Who cares about clocks? Fix the line itself.
However, the clocks are completely inaccurate. Multiple times seen countdowns with 8 or 12 minutes only to have train pull in less than 2 min later
They should have it in Spanish . It’s the #1 language in America.
I left the house today, and can confirm this
Maybe the money spent on countdown clocks, that no rider cares about, could have been spent to make repairs and get the trains running on schedule.
I’m very excited about the countdown clocks and love knowing how long it will be until the next train arrives. I ride the 7 almost every day and have been commuting since the 80s from Sunnyside/Woodside. Honestly, I can’t remember the last significant problem I had with the 7 train. Maybe it’s you?
I have emailed the MTA twice each about the countdown clock at the 67th Ave. Station only working when the train is about to come and also asking why there isn’t a clock at Chambers Street {E line) at the Church St. side (northbound at the front)?
I haven’t heard back. Big shock.
Sherri…67th ave station is next to Continental Ave., which is a terminal… that’s why the clock works that way. When a train is in route it then triggers the count down clock at the following stations..
Maybe the 7 will now be a skip stop super express and skip junction boulevard during rush hour
And if they can actually heat those waiting areas a bit more, that would be really handy, otherwise there is no difference waiting for train on the platform vs the “waiting” area. Does anyone remember the old stations with actual indoor waiting area with doors, I miss those, at least we could stay relatively warm with closed doors instead of getting hit by draft from both sides of the stairs. Stupid design.
Now I’ll know how many hours until the train arrives