Aug. 25, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge
A 60-year man was shot in the arm while he was driving his vehicle in Woodside this afternoon, according to police.
The victim was shot by a man who was walking on the sidewalk near 62-35 30th Avenue at about 1:15 pm, according to Captain Peter Fortune, the commanding officer of the 114th precinct. The shooter fired ‘a couple of rounds,” Fortune said.
The victim was transported to Elmhurst Hospital.
There are no details as to the perpetrator and the investigation is ongoing.
Hockey players don’t act like that
Probably a disagreement over a soccer game from the park
There’s the park and there’s the nightclub there. Both tend to attract less than upstanding citizens. Although, that’s usually later at night…
I suspect foul play.
Gun violence is growing. Our peace of mind in public is being compromised and fast. I enjoy life but I am starting to worry myself… Is it warranted? Randomness in movie theaters and shopping malls. Even this morning on live TV… http://wtkr.com/2015/08/26/suspected-active-shooter-investigation-involving-news-crew-underway-at-smith-mountain-lake/
The thing about shooting is the shooters shooting shots are the shooters.
drugs of course……or some other bad debt….
Drugs? Oh ok, that makes it allright.
either that or a mental patient on the loose looking for more victims
Some guy just taking pot shots at passersby? What is this, Texas? For God’s sake, the whole world seems to be armed and full of evil intent. Saints preserve us.
No, this isn’t Texas. In Texas, where many carry, people are afraid to shoot with bad intent, because someone may very well shoot back. “Gun free” zones are far more dangerous.
This is right across the street from St. Michael park, near the UHaul depot, Bed Bath, Home Depot etc.
Was this near projects ?