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56-Year-Old Arrested for Tagging More Than 20 Cars With “AOC” and “BLM” in Jackson Heights


Oct. 29, 2020 By Allie Griffin

Police have cuffed a 56-year-old man who allegedly tagged more than 20 cars with “AOC” and “BLM” graffiti in Jackson Heights two nights in a row.

Officers arrested Heriberto Torres, of 95th Street, for allegedly spray-painting 26 cars parked along 77th Street with the acronyms for U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Black Lives Matter movement on Tuesday and early Wednesday morning.

Residents along the block awoke each morning to find their cars had been vandalized.

Torres allegedly tagged 13 privately-owned vehicles on 77th Street, a residential street between Northern Boulevard and 31st Avenue, each night, police said.

He is charged with 22 counts of making graffiti, 22 counts of criminal mischief, 22 counts of possession of graffiti instruments and one petit larceny.

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@Me- He’s a boomer.
America’s baby boomers are the large generation born from 1946 to 1964.

You never did

The crimes he’s charged with were not affected at all ? WOW Trump lovers are out of the loop

They were misdemeanors w/o bail

There was never any bail to begin with lol.

You accidentally proved that bail reform didn’t affect this crime at all, thanks!


hopefully, the city will prosecute Heriberto to the fullest extent. hopefully every single car owner sues him personally and AOC and BLM for endorsing this criminal’s actions, and garnishes his welfare check until everything is paid off. break the law, pay the price.

Connie Cummings

AOC supporter… Go figure. You think people flee to communist countries? Lol no they all escape to the USA to be free. Vote red like your life depends on it because it may come to that.

Crybaby Conservatism

Connie-People flee communist countries because of totalitarian rulers who deny people basic human rights (like putting children in cages and terminating 25 million peoples healthcare during a pandemic) and jail political opponents( remember the lock her up chants directed at Hilary & the Governor of Michigan). Vote Blue for Democracy.


I always see AOC and BLM written on the sidewalk with chalk. Both are popular in north western queens.

Trump had an advantage among white men 50- to 64-year-old voters, 51% to 45%

So yeah, he’s probably a Trump lover. Learn about it before you embarrass yourself again.

Flush the Orange Turd

Nah. Just triggering the ignorant, racist, Russia-loving Trump voters. Looks like I won, because you all fell for it.

Oh great!

He was arrested for exercising his ‘first amendment rights’??? Maddon! Al Sharpton is going to be all over this!!!

I disagree with his actions, obviously and am growing increasingly tired of the BLM stuff that is just spewed and not being legit provoked. Ps dies he know that AOC is about her and no one else? Not even BLM???

Not everything is about Trump.

Stop obsessing over him. That’s how those types of people get power. You just fell into his trap.


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