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43rd Street Scrubbed Clean, But Only a Temporary Solution, Van Bramer Says


Nov. 19, 2015 By Christian Murray

Five cleaners turned out underneath the LIRR trestle at 43rd Street today to haul away garbage, paint over graffiti and power wash pigeon droppings away.

The workers arrived following several complaints from Sunnyside residents about illegal dumping under the LIRR trestle, graffiti and the general state of disrepair.

The job was undertaken by Wildcat, a non-profit group that is in charge of combating graffiti in the neighborhood that also does emergency cleanups.

Van Bramer, whose office funds Wildcat, said he called on the group to come and clean up the stretch but emphasized that it is only a short term solution.

“I’m calling on the MTA and LIRR to finally, once and for all, take responsibility for this area,” he said. “This is our neighborhood and their property. This is a disgrace.”

Van Bramer said he is calling the MTA and the LIRR today to tell them take ownership of the area and to not allow it to become a dumping ground.

The councilman said he would deploy Wildcat to the site from time to time but made it clear that this is not a long term solution.

Community Board 2 is also urging the MTA and LIRR to clean up the site.

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I walked down 43rd on Saturday, mid-day, and had to actually run in the street by the railroad because there were mice/rats, running back and forth across the sidewalk. The pigeon dropping are not just pigeon, that’s a ton of rodent crap. That whole street needs to be constantly cleaned and looked after.


It’s funny how many people will call and complain, but when it comes to action all you do is pick up the phone.

I pick up multiple pieces of litter in my neighborhood every day off the street. I confront people who litter and they react like unresonable overly sensitive animals.

Maybe if you took the initiative to go over, grab a trash bag and pick some shit up, then you’d actually be making a worthwhile contribution.

Anyone can call and complain. Teens whine all day.


I want to echo what Zinsu said! There’s no reason that the sidewalk should simply disappear just because of Budget car/truck rental. And for the record, I hope the homeless people find shelters and ultimately permanent housing. However, the solution to this is not to simply allow them to remain under overpass.

Mic Drop

I love how all the people on this website are complaining about the mess but couldn’t care less about the homeless people who’s stuff was thrown out. Gosh, way to kick em when their down. Where do you want them to go?

Jimmy the Wiesel Van Nostrand

Nothing this guy does is fast he’s all bullshit and full of it. Did he watch the workers clean up or did he show up at the last minute before haul away for his picture taking???? I called his office back in the summer about this and also on 48th street his backyard and nothing got acomplished than.
My 7th grade nephew is more productive than this clown.
II love how he says it’s a temporary fix.
JVB should have been temporary. Fellow neighbors wake up and get rid of this sack of walnuts.


i do not think it was that quick since i left JVB a message like last month! it was much needed and appreciated. lets keep it clean!


He literally lives around the corner from this block, so it does seem kind of slow. At least he got a photo op in!


I think you guys are being too tough on van Bramer. Did anyone call Cathy Nolan or Gianaris? No… Because they don’t do shit and people don’t even think to call them.
When he does try and help he gets unfair crap. But ask: Where was Nolan or Gianaris or Crowley? Nowhere! They are always nowhere.

Craic Dealer

He’s gotta tell his construction company constituents/contributors to relax with their pollution.


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