Photo: QueensPost
Nov. 18, 2014 By Christian Murray
The frozen yogurt store 4 Squared Flavors has closed for winter and will reopen March 1, according to co-owner Khalil Nayl.
Nayl said that landlord is supportive of the store and is by providing discounted rent during the winter months.
Nayl’s announcement came less than an hour after he was asked why the store had been closed all month.
“We are exploring our options,” Nayl said at about 3:30 pm, when asked whether the 45-12 Greenpoint Avenue store had closed for good. “I will get back to you when we have made a final decision.”
Nayl had been asked the question several times during the month and provided the same response.
The store has had a tough go of it from the get-go. It was supposed to open in October 2013 but the owners had issues with the contractor and it opened in March.
Nevertheless, Nayl is hoping to get the support of Sunnysiders when he reopens. He still plans to open other 4 Squared Flavors in other locations.
The Sunnyside store is spacious—with a lounge area that has couches. There is also a special area where iPads are provided, so people can surf the web while they eat their yogurt.
Meanwhile, in other news, Mediterraneo, the popular pizzeria located at 46-21 Queens Blvd, closed at the end of last month. The owner closed for personal reasons, according to sources.
In other news, Safra Bistro, a Turkish restaurant located on the corner of 43rd Avenue and 43rd Street, is up for sale. The restaurant, which opened a year ago, is on the market for $139,000. The owner is seeking a quick sale.

Photo: QueensPost
If a Carvel opened up on Greenpoint Avenue, I would have paid them a visit. Call me classist, but frozen yogurt doesn’t really appeal to me.
Carvel stores use to close for the winter — all of their stores on the East coast —
Also Sofra???!!!!
It’s the best Turkish in the area. Although I have to admit, they missed this WHOLE summer with no alcohol and no outdoor seating. That’s sort of the whole reason people go to that part of the neighborhood.
The rents along Greenpoint and Qns Blvd are ridiculous, I agree. But Yogurberry (which is inferior to 4Squared) is still open.
I’m surprised they don’t try to focus on like teens and pre-teens, I’d study there all night with a study group. They should have done like what they have in Astoria.. a combo Soup Nazi/Ice cream shop so its always “seasonal”.
I agree with my Sunnysiders though. There’s actual demand for good services in this area, but all we get are crap stores (4Squared not included). I think this is due to ridiculous asking rents.
I agree with you. 4Squared was/is superior to the other froyo spot. It would have been really cool to have it be a combo spot like the one in Astoria. Sigh.
That pizza was absolute garbage with all garbage running it and working there. No loss at all. What’s next!
We need better places to eat!
Enough with froyo. Bring some more innovative and fun cuisine to a neighborhood that clearly craves it. Salt and fat, venturo , etc are always busy.
Same owner, change of brand name
the Pizza place closed down due to the landlord raising the rent to a unreasonable price!
What happen to the MET Supermarket that been her over 25+ years on 43rd ave and 45th street?? new owner because I see its called Food Universal now
its keyfood now. yep, there are two in the area. looks like i will miss MET alot! they had good stuff!
Sorry to hear about Sofra, the owner was really cool, they had good food (limited but pretty good) and they were convenient. How is the romanian garden doing, anyone knows? I’ve never been there, the place doesn’t look very inviting at all for some reason. I rather go to NY Style Eats or Turkish Grill or the Korean BBQ place.
Place that work seasonal should have something in mind what to do in winter, frozen yogurt won’t sell in winter, kids are sick (their main customers). They should have made it like a nice sandwich shop or something like that with yogurt on the side, only thing we got in our neighborhood is nasty (pair of) subway.
A hot soup place would be good for the winter.
a hale and hearty !!!!
Ugh, Sunnyside is so frustrating. Parts of Brooklyn are light years ahead of Queens. All we get are cheesy restaurants and froyo shops!! Enough with the froyo. Dont people do any research before opening a business. Oh well, I’m spending my money in Manhattan, Astoria and LIC. After 33 years in NYC, I can’t wait to move out!
@ john Doe what are you waiting for? I’m pretty sure you contribute very little to this community other then these useless rants. I’ll even help you pack. Now put on your skinny jeans and go live in Greenpoint, Williamsburg or anywhere else you hipsters have infested.
huzzah ! well said good man ! Well said indeed !
It has been an ongoing discussion: what kind of shops and merchants do we need or want here in our neighborhood? What shops will the community support? Many shops can’t compete with supermarkets; we’d have bakeries, cheese shops, and even stores that sold hot soup. You can get better bagels and better coffee in Sunnyside because of the merchants that we have, but the vast majority of sunnysiders buy their coffee and their bagels at the supermarket. Any food merchants should know this before they invest in this area. Same with butchers- don’t most of us buy meat at Associated? At least Butcher boys seems to be doing well.
agreed, they really are light years ahead with thugs and high crime. thanks, but i’d rather be safe here in sunnyside!
The owner of the pizza place had said the rent was to high…
Real stores aren’t seasonal. you don’t see Carvel closing for the winter, you don’t see Yogurtberry closing for the winter.
the owners of 4 squared were in way over their heads. this place is way too big for a frozen yogurt store and the prices are a bit pricey.