39th Street and Queens Blvd
Dec. 24, 2015 Staff Report
State Senator Michael Gianaris is calling on the Department of Transportation to do away with the 14-hour parking spaces located under the elevated 7 train tracks in Sunnyside.
Gianaris said the spots located on Queens Blvd between 38th Street and 44th Street are a draw for commuters from eastern Queens and Long Island to park their car in the neighborhood and take the train to work.
He wants the maximum parking times to be clipped back and wants the rules changed.
“The streets of Sunnyside are not meant to be a parking lot for commuters from outside our neighborhood,” Gianaris said.
“We don’t like the parking rules that basically tell people to come drive their cars to Sunnyside, leave them here and go to work,” Gianaris said at the Community Board 2 monthly meeting earlier this month.
Most of the spots between 38th Street and 44th Street are four-hour spaces. However, there are pockets of 14-hour spaces between 38th and 39th Streets and some between 41st and 42nd Streets.
The DOT is reviewing Gianaris’ request. The department said it was studying the issue and would make a determination that it will share with stakeholders, including elected officials and the community board.
The DOT made changes to this area four years ago when many of the spaces under the elevated 7 line in Sunnyside were for 12 hours. In 2011, the DOT converted 60 of those spaces to four hours.

Four hour Parking at Queens Blvd/39th Place
If Crowley wants to kill Han and also take away our already scarce parking spaces, he should institute a parking pass system that favors actual residents. If not, I’m going to blow up his new meta deathstar.
By the way, who woke Gianaris up?
I work at a school and there are no parking spots around. I think it is terrible that they would take away these spots especially since it is bad enough teachers have to pay to park
You had had me until you made free parking for teachers a right,”it is bad enough teachers have to pay to park”. If parking for teachers is important direct it to your union reps and have it included in your contract. The word of the city is worthless, get it in writing.
Who can afford to own a house with all these car expenses!
Next to cars being vandalized, unlawful ticketing, crazy fees, there really is no reason to own a car in this city unless you own a house.
Who can afford to own a house with all these car expenses!
We need resident parking stickers like Jersey City has.
Except all residents in the five boroughs make up the city, I hope you didn’t really mean sunnyside residents only lol
He’s not talking about city wide parking permits. He wants resident permit parking for Sunnyside, so people from Sunnyside are allowed to park on the streets rather than people out east. What’s so hard to grasp? They change the time limit on the meters and all those people will just try to find parking on the side roads. Maybe parking stickers will actually get some cops to come down the side roads rather than only trolling around when there is street cleaning. Half the parking down by the Gardens is taken up by TLC’s and commercial vans.
I thought it was $8.00, not $14. Was price increased?
Han Solo dies in the new Star Wars movie.
People who post spoilers about movies or books et cetera are truly very pathetic people. While you are undoubtedly proud of yourself the rest of us just feel sorry for you.
That’s just your opinion and you are not entitled to have one. I fully support and advocate spoilers. Job well done Krissy.
You’ll know when (if) you grow up how pathetic you are. I pity you, oh sad, idiotic person
Ridiculous of you to insert that comment on Sunnyside post in reference to a story that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie. Plenty of people haven’t seen it yet and here you are, just trolling around dropping spoilers. You are an ass.
Get over it already. Han Solo dying was not that important in the movie. I thought seeing Luke Skywalker at the end of the movie was much more significant.
What kind of stupid thing to do was that?
Princess Leia is now General Leia and she looks about 80. Deal with it. I just saved everyone $14! If you save me $14 I wouldn’t get angry.
i’ve always liked your posts here and i think it’s hilarious that you posted that in this article. i can’t tell why you did it, but i laughed at my computer and that’s worth something.
Wow you waited until 12/25 for a spoiler. You fail as a troll.
Hysterical. Get over it you lifeless trolls.
As much as I hate spoilers, this is the greatest troll I’ve ever seen.
i just love how they drop off 6-8 cops in a van and ticket people at 945pm on friday and saturday nights
While I do understand the logic of what he’s saying, but the 14hr spots are good for people who work in the area too. For 2 years when I lived in long island and worked off 33rd street I parked in those lots. Even now as a resident I use the 14hr spot if I need a spot on a sick day. If you wanna help sunnyside residents create more parking for the residents. Garages etc… Or work to improve the infrastructure of our transit system and highways. The city keeps growing with the addition of new and bigger buildings without the needed updates. How about proposing all buildings built on queens Blvd have to have parking garages for personal n commercial use?
Wikipedia says he lives in Astoria, perhaps worry about Steinway’s parking situation.
What’s the big deal with these spots? If they don’t park there, they’ll park on the street where most residents park anyway. Stop whining about every single small issue in the neighborhood and focus on more important issues like crime, potheats populating at corners, weird characters by the pawn shop on 46th and speeding vehicles. Like above poster said 14 hr parking space is great, it’s basically whole day since you don’t have to pay for overnight parking. Also 14 hrs is $14, it is NOT cheap, by the way.
Wow. I’m a S-Side resident and I park there on the street cleaning days when I can’t find a spot on the street. It’s saved me numerous tickets to park there. I couldn’t do that with 4-hour because I am in another borough all day.
Fourteen-hour spaces are used by locals too.
WTF is a state senator getting his hands into this? Che Buono?
Cui* Buono? The businesses benefit because potential customers can park easier. Commuters will just park for free on the side streets. Government hard at work.